Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Documentation, usage tips and configuration guides for Titan Two scripts and bytecodes published by the community users.

Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby pablosscripts » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:47 am


Here's a brief demo video of what it can do:

Note: You will see numerous references to "ADS", which stands for "Aiming Down Sights" (the L2 or LT trigger on a standard controller).


  • Vertical Sensitivity: 100
  • Horizontal Sensitivity: 100
  • Left Stick Deadzone: 10
  • Right Stick Deadzone: 10
  • Aim Down Sights: 100
  • Gadget Deployment: Toggle [NOTE: the default setting is "Hold" so you need to make sure you change this]


Logitech G502 LGS Setup / Button Mappings: https://i.imgur.com/Gcrb9rq.png

XIM Setup: do not setup a separate ADS profile. This is all handled through my script now. Keep reading if you would like to learn why:

The setting in my script called "ADS Sensitivity" replaces your XIM ADS sensitivity (which is configured via the XIM mobile app). Because of the Toggle Lean feature in my script, technically you aren't actually holding the ADS button - the script is! Therefore the XIM has no idea the ADS button is being pressed and as a result, it is unable to apply ADS sensitivity. Therefore, your XIM ADS sensitivity needs to be disabled altogether - make sure the entire ADS profile is not even enabled in the XIM mobile app. If you want to change your ADS sensitivity (as most people prefer it to be lower than Hip sensitivity), it should be managed from here instead.

XIM Button Mappings: https://i.imgur.com/WLICX43.png

The following dual mappings are required to enable certain features ("dual mapping" refers to the process of mapping the same button on your keyboard or mouse to two different buttons in your XIM Manager):

  • Game Menu (Options) & Scoreboard must have a dual mapping to the same button.
  • Secondary Gadget & Reload should have a dual mapping to the same button.


XIM Button Mappings*: https://i.imgur.com/7l4mWgJ.png (UPDATED 5th Dec 2018)

*minimum required for toggle-leaning, you are free to add the rest of your bindings as you see fit.

The following dual mappings are required to enable certain features ("dual mapping" refers to the process of mapping the same button on your keyboard or mouse to two different buttons in your XIM Manager):

  • Game Menu (Options) & Scoreboard must have a dual mapping to the same button.
  • Shoot & Vault must have a dual mapping to the same button.
  • Secondary Gadget & Home (PS / Xbox button) should have a dual mapping to the same button.


Sony Nav / Joy-Con + Logitech G502 Mouse:

Keyboard + Mouse:

Standard Controller:


  • Cancelling: Vault is my universal "cancel" button. So if you ever need to cancel out of anything (e.g. automatic placing of barricades), tap the Vault button.
  • Walking: Hold the Vault button to walk.
  • Toggle-Leaning: To break out of toggle-leaning, you have three options:
    • Tap the lean button of the direction you are already leaning. For example, if you are leaning left, then tapping Sprint again will cancel you out of toggle-lean.
    • Tap the ADS button (only applies if you are not using one-click leaning).
    • Tap the Vault button.
  • Primary Gadget Toggle: Tap the middle mouse wheel button. For keyboard users, scroll down on the mouse wheel.
  • Auto-Actions: To use this, tap the Vault button while you are holding the Reload button to activate.
  • Auto-Rappelling: To use this, tap the Reload button while you are holding the Vault button to activate. You can then let go of the Vault button once this has initiated.
  • Grenade Overcook Protection: While you are holding the grenade button, tap the ADS button to disable this.
  • PS4 Share Menu Shortcut: Double tap the PS Home button. For keyboard users, double tap the H key.
  • Rapid Fire: Toggle between Primary and Secondary firing modes by double tapping and then holding the Reload button, or by pressing the Swap button. Rapid Fire is enabled in Secondary Mode. Primary mode is denoted with a "P." on the LCD screen, and Secondary mode is denoted with an "S."



UPDATE v7.02: Increased the speed of walk mode to match PC, fixed a bug where reloading while rappelling would disable rappelling mode, and fixed the following bug, steps to reproduce as follows: "while toggle-leaning, hold the ADS button, with the ADS button held down reload, then while the reload animation is playing, let go of ADS then try to press ADS again. At this point the ADS button will be unpressable."

UPDATE v7.01: Fixed another "bug" that toggled Burst Fire when vaulting and using the primary gadget at the same time.

UPDATE v7.00: Fixed bug that toggled Burst Fire when pressing the Walk button for too long.

UPDATE v6.09: Reworked Grenade Overcook Protection based on a few things I've learned from working on the PC version of this script, fixed bug where fast descent would trigger if you were trying to enter while rappelling and moving forward,

UPDATE v6.08: Randomised auto-melee hold and release times as a preemptive measure to ensure this script is undetectable by anti-cheating measures (BattlEye isn't used on console but who knows what will happen in the future). I also removed the hold walk option (Vault), and introduced a more seamless way to enter Rappel Mode (simply by holding the Vault button for 1000ms to initiate a rappel).

UPDATE v6.07: Misc optimisations.

UPDATE v6.06: Fixed a problem which was preventing drones from being able to jump while scanning.

UPDATE v6.05: I completely refactored toggle walk to make it more reliable. I also completely refactored grenade overcook protection. It was not supporting non-keyboard users particularly well, and for keyboard users, it had an obscure bug where it wouldn't work if you initiated a one-click lean.

UPDATE v6.04: Code clean up.

UPDATE v6.03: Found a bug preventing the new analogue keyboard (Wooting) option from working. I have fixed it.

UPDATE 6.02: Separated the Joy-Con Deadzone Remover and One-Click Leaning options from the main input options. The former allows people with new Joy-Cons that are unaffected by the deadzone problem to use them as they are intended, and the latter allows analogue stick users to take advantage of all the previously keyboard-specific options - I specifically did this to support Azeron users as they have many more buttons to work with compared to Nav or Joy-Con users. This was a pretty big change and has undergone a solid week of testing before release.

UPDATE 6.01: Fixed a bug that would cause you to immediately stand up again if you leaned and then used PC Style Instant Prone in quick succession.

UPDATE 6.00: Fixed a bug that prevented you from being able to jump while on your drone after using Swap Toggling.

UPDATE 5.09: Made a tweak so that using Auto Actions while using Auto Rappelling would not disable the Auto Rappelling flag.

UPDATE 5.08: Added the following code: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11360&p=77735#p77735

Update 5.07: fixed a bug where pressing the one click Rapid Fire toggle button (keyboard users) while you are using toggle leaning would return ADS sensitivity back to Hip sensitivity. I also improved some of the user guidance in the Interactive Configurator.

Update 5.06: added a new option called "Crouch Limiter", which is designed for keyboard users. This decouples crouch from proning (so holding down the Crouch button no longer makes you go prone). This makes crouching more reliable, as I find time-based inputs very inconsistent. If you actually want to go prone, create a dedicated PC style prone button by dual mapping Crouch and Home (PS / Xbox button).

Update 5.05: fixed two really obscure rapid fire desync bugs - the first one was the swap animation being cancelled out if you performed a swap while idle, then quickly tapped the forward button, and the second one was a refactor to extend the wait time when doing a YY reload swap cancel (because it didn't have enough time to execute, it would cancel out if you did it while idle then quickly tapped the forward button, or tried to use it while sprinting).

Update 5.04: tweaked some values to prevent you from standing up again in the following scenario - lean left, then quickly tap the PC style one instant prone button.

Update 5.03: Misc code clean up.

Update 5.02: Reworked the Rapid Fire Notification feature yet again as I was still not happy with this. This is how it works now - after 40 seconds of "inactivity" (which is roughly the down time between rounds), the notification will kick in. This can be postponed by pressing ADS or the Vault button. Pressing the Shoot button will disable the notification altogether, because it is assumed that upon shooting your gun, you will realise whether you are in the right RF mode or not. Finally, if the notification isn't actioned within 85 seconds (which is roughly the time between rounds + prep phase + some loading buffer), it will automatically toggle back to Primary. I think I have finally settled on the best balance between my attempt to model real user behaviour whilst keeping it simple enough for users to understand.

Update 5.01: Added alt drone deploy option, misc tweaks.

Update 5.00: Tweaks to alt crouching while in toggle lean.

Update 4.09: Walk option #3 (auto) is now only activated when you are not ADS'ing.

Update 4.08: I further tuned the timings of the changes made in v4.07, and also I now account for the following scenario: [1] lean [2] then go prone (which then auto-leans as per update 4.07) [3] then stand up again - this no longer reactivates auto-lean. I've been play testing this all day and it feels good.

Update 4.07: If you are leaning while you go prone, the new anti-dropshot system straightens your aim. I think this is a console-specific bug because I tested this on PC / TTS in preparation for Operation Para Bellum and it was not behaving like this. I have fixed this by remembering and then automatically restoring which direction you were leaning before you went prone.

Update 4.06: Block the Vault / cancel button when breaking out of walk mode, added !event_active(CROUCH) to prevent Instant Prone (keyboard users) from deactivating ADS sensitivity, and finally made a fix to prevent ADS sensitivity from being delayed if you are holding ADS while leaning left and right or right to left.

Update 4.05: Refined the logic behind predicting when you will need to receive an auto Rapid Fire notification.

Update 4.04:

The LED display will blink rapidly if it thinks you might have the wrong Rapid Fire mode selected, as it will interfere with full automatic weapons (which happens a lot if you are using your pistol just before the round ends). This is not a new feature - I added this to my script a while back. What is new however, is that if gameplay hasn't been detected within 45 seconds, this script will automatically switch back to the correct firing mode.

Update 4.03:

1) If you are cancelling out of the reload animation by using the Vault button, the Vault button is now blocked from actually registering, so you don't find yourself accidentally vaulting onto or over things.

2) If you are using a XIM and / or a variety of other peripherals, it is likely you are pushing the Titan Two to its limits, and will therefore require the use of an AC adapter. There have been times when my AC adapter has disconnected by accident, however because I was not aware, I have spent hours trying to figure out why my Titan Two was no longer working. To pre-empt this problem, I have introduced a new (optional) feature that will notify you if your AC adapter is not connected or not working - the little dot at the bottom of your LCD screen will begin blinking rapidly.

3) There are times when you may need to perform a complete reboot of your Titan Two, such as when you are having issues with bluetooth, your script has frozen, you're having some issues with some downstream peripherals, or for whatever reason. This can be a real pain when you have multiple devices attached that all need to be rebooted - an AC adapter, a XIM, and a variety of other peripherals. I have added a new shortcut - press the Delete button on a connected keyboard or numpad to perform a complete reboot.

Update 4.02:

1) Integrated Antithesis' anti-recoil script, enable it via the Interactive Configurator.

2) Rapid fire is now disabled automatically if you double tap the Shoot button. This is because you may find yourself in rapid fire mode by accident (e.g. the last gun you used before the round ended was a pistol, but you start the next round with a fullly automatic weapon). This is designed to model your likely behaviour where you panic after realising you're in the wrong mode and no bullets are being fired, and you begin frantically mashing the Shoot button. When I design my scripts I always try my best to model realistic user behaviour to make them as intuitive as possible.

Update 4.01:

Fixed two extremely fringe case bugs:

1) Fast decent is no longer activated when rappelling back up a building after switching from rappelling normally to rappelling upside down.

2) ADS sensitivity no longer defaults back to hip sensitivity if tapping the shoot button while rapidly alternating between left and right leans.

Update 4.00:

General script clean up.

Fixed an issue introduced in v3.01 which inadvertantly stopped Easy Sprint under certain scenarios, such as cancelling out of the scoreboard or camera.

Fixed a game (not script) bug which was introduced about a year ago, which sets camera sensitivity to max. I've been waiting for the developers to fix this but have given up hope so I decided to fix it myself.

Further refined auto-actions for defenders trying to disable Dokkaebi's hack.

Update 3.03: Reworked the Interactive Configurator again, it was becoming too bloated / complicated. I've massively cut back on settings no one will ever use, grouped settings into more logical categories and streamlined where possible.

Update 3.02: I've reinstated automatic walk mode for Easy Sprint users - simply double tap the shoot button to activate. I had previously disabled this as it interfered with toggle-lean but I have now reworked it.

Update 3.01: Fixed a keyboard toggle-lean bug (right lean specifically). For Easy Sprint users, I have also introduced a new feature that automatically suppresses Easy Sprint if you do more than two leans in succession (e.g. right / left / right or left / right / left). This is the reasoning behind it - if you do a standard left / right or right / left lean, nothing has changed - the moment you break out of your lean you will enter a sprint again. However, if you do more than 2 leans in succession, in 99% of cases this means you are either sweeping an area or flanking someone, not standing still and holding an angle. In this situation you don't want to break out into a sprint again because then your footsteps will be heard. I've been play testing this and have found it to be quite intuitive.

Update 3.00: Performed a huge script clean up, and rewrote a lot of the Interactive Configurator's descriptions to make my options easier to understand and use.

Update 2.05: Improved Joy-Con support: Joy-Con's have terrible inner and outer deadzones (I don't think I've come across a controller with outer deadzone problems before!) which has now been fixed.

- XIM auto-reboot: XIM requires a reboot after your console comes out of hibernation. Instead of having to unplug everything, swapping profiles will now auto-trigger a reboot for you if you are using a XIM.

- Improved rappelling for Easy Sprint users: while rappelling, if you break out of toggle leaning by using the Vault button you will no longer initiate a sprint, which would conflict with rappelling.

- Fixed script bug preventing you from toggle leaning left after holding down the shoot button for a few seconds.

- Fixed game bug preventing you from quick tap leaning after rapidly tapping fire while leaning (to replicate, rapidly alternate between leaning left and right while rapidly tap firing your weapon, you'll notice some of your leans stop registering). This is a game bug which I observed even without using my script.

Update 2.04: Removed easy descent while rappelling for keyboard users, as it would have been affected by the same issue as the bug I fixed in v2.03. I also added an explicit keyboard flag to make it easier for me to code exceptions for keyboards in the future (5 Jan 2018).

Update 2.03: Fix a bug introduced in v1.24 which caused Easy Sprint to activate even when turned off in the settings. Thanks to iKLiCKi for reporting this.

Update 2.02: Extended Auto-Actions support for defenders trying to disable Dokkaebi's hack (hold the Camera button and then tap the Vault button). I also made some further optimisations to the walk and sneak modes (after what seems like an eternity I think I have now perfected it!). New feature added - a reload sprint wait time will now be added automatically when you have run out of bullets (because in this scenario you are not explicitly pressing the Reload button so previously my script had no way of knowing when Easy Sprint had to be paused). Finally, I have added a Configurator UI option to disable / enable Easy Reload Cancel. When enabled, while you are walking, quickly peg the stick forward to break into a sprint again. This can be a little bit fiddly which is why I added this as an option, with it being disabled by default (personally I have it enabled).

Update 2.01: Minor bug fixes to do with toggle walk modes, removed unused / no longer supported features, added more descriptions and help information to Interactive Configurator.

Update 2.00: This is the biggest update in months! We are finally at v2.0! New features include:

- ADS Sensitivity Delay: this delays the ADS sensitivity from kicking in until you are fully aiming down sights. There is actually a split second delay between when you press the ADS button and when the ADS animation completes. This script prevents the ADS sensitivity from applying too early, making it feel more consistent when you aim just before you turn. This change is incredibly subtle, but it reduces your reliance on muscle memory and makes general movement feel much better.

- COD YY: This emulates the Call of Duty "YY" reload cancel feature, which allows you to double tap YY to rapidly cycle back to the current weapon, or to perform a reload cancel.

- Rapid Fire: toggle between Primary and Secondary firing modes by double tapping and then holding the Reload button, or by pressing the Swap button. Rapid Fire is enabled in Secondary Mode. Primary mode is denoted with a "P." on the LCD screen, and Secondary mode is denoted with an "S."

- Rapid Fire Notification: the LED display will blink rapidly if it thinks you might be on the wrong Rapid Fire mode (e.g. if you are using a full automatic weapon with Rapid Fire turned on).

- Sneak Mode: designed for keyboard users, you now have three options: sprint, walk, or sneak. While holding the Vault button, tap the Shoot button once to walk, or tap the Shoot button a second time to sneak (don't worry, shoot is completely blocked when you hold the Vault button).

- Bug Fixes: fixed a number of bugs to do with walk option #2 (toggle).

Update 1.32: Updated button mappings due to changes in the latest firmware (PS4 Touchpad and Share button mappings were swapped). Please make sure you have updated your T2 to the latest firmware.

Update 1.31: Made some further refinements to the new Double Up option, and fixed a bug preventing left leans immediately after swapping weapons. Also I adjusted the auto-melee time so it is more consistent.

Update 1.30: Made some refinements to the new Double Up option - press the Scoreboard button to crouch while using Toggle Lean.

Update 1.29: Made some refinements to the new Double Up option - it was not working well when holding a Primary or Secondary gadget. Also fixed a bug introduced in v1.23 (standard toggle ADS).

Update 1.28: Added a new "Double Up" option (found in the Interactive Configurator UI). These features are designed for Nav users who have limited buttons and need to make the most of what they have.

Option 1 (EXISTING): Double tap the Sprint button to swap weapons. This enables you to swap weapons without having to take your thumb off the stick, like a poor man's Scuf controller.

Option 2 (NEW!): The Crouch button dynamically changes to Sprint when you press the ADS button, allowing you to lean left, similar to how the Melee button dynamically changes to leaning right.

Update 1.27: Minor code clean up.

Update 1.26: Added a fix for keyboard users - previously you were unable to lean while holding a secondary gadget.

Update 1.25: Fixed a bug where toggle-lean breakout option #1 (specifically the Sprint button / leaning left) would cancel out crouch walking or rappelling.

Update 1.24: Refactored toggle ADS code and also fixed a bug in the process (you weren't able to reload while your weapon while in toggle ADS). I have also fixed a bug I introduced with PC style instant prone (I tried to fix it in v1.23 but changed the wrong thing!), and the setting to disable double tap to swap weapons (this was accidentally removed when I refactored all the double tap code to make it more efficient in release 1.22).

Update 1.23: FIX FOR KEYBOARD USERS: when you're using a standard controller or Sony Nav, you can tap the lean button of the direction you are already leaning to break out of toggle-lean. For example, if you are leaning left, then tapping Sprint again will cancel you out of toggle-lean. This worked perfectly on everything except keyboards because of the way we had to do the XIM button mappings. I've been trying to track down this bug for a long time now and I've finally found it.

- NEW TOGGLE ADS OPTION: as part of the above fix, I also introduced a new option to toggle ADS (currently it's a combination of a regular hold for ADS with a toggle lean...bit of a hybrid...you now have the option to make everything toggle based if you want).

- FIX FOR BUG INTRODUCED IN v1.11: "Update 1.11: added Auto-Melee - this allows you to continuously melee by holding down the Melee button." It would cause leaning right to be unreliable about 1 out of 5 or 10 times if you tried to lean right twice in a row in quick succession.

- FIX FOR KEYBOARD USERS: I also found a bug with the instant prone feature. This has been fixed.

- ENHANCEMENT FOR STANDARD CONTROLLER USERS: I have made it auto detect if you are using an Xbox pad on a PS4, so that all the touchpad and share button mapping is applied automatically. You no longer have to manually configure this.

Update 1.22: tweaked Easy Dropshots (still a work in progress, I'm still not happy with this), and refactored all the double tap functions to use the new T2 approach. I also improved the shortcut that allows you to double tap sprint to swap weapons as it would act up when reloading from a completely empty magazine. Finally I have added a reload block to the ADS normalisation switch.

Update 1.21: tweaked Easy Dropshots, and refactored all the double tap functions to use the new T2 approach.

Update 1.20: added an option to disable Easy Sprint. All the other benefits of Easy Sprint are still retained even if you switch this off, for example if you reload or swap weapons while sprinting, you will resume sprinting again after the animation completes. Not even the original game supports this!

Update 1.19: fixed a bug where the new burst fire mode was interfering with walk option #2.

Update 1.18: on profile selection, the profile number is now displayed for a brief moment before indicating whether you're in Primary or Secondary mode.

Update 1.17: introduced a new config option called "Double Tap Sprint Weapon Swap". Enable this if you would like to be able to double tap the Sprint button in order to swap weapons. This is designed for Nav users due to the lack of buttons.

Update 1.16: introduced the long awaited Burst Fire and Anti-Recoil features. Thank you to Bonefisher for providing the code. I also made some usability improvements to the ACOG normalisation feature, and fixed a bug with toggle lean when used on keyboard / XIM which was identified by sluice (thanks!).

Update 1.15: introduced a new ACOG ADS normalisation feature.

Update 1.14: fixed a bug that prevented you from being able to lean immediately after using your primary gadget. Also reworked instant PC style instant-prone as it was interfering with some gadgets (e.g. Jager's ADS).

Update 1.13: fixed a bug that was causing walk option #4 to cancel out walk option #2.

Update 1.12: improved Easy Dropshots - you can now tap the Vault button after you ADS to perform an Easy Dropshot (in addition to the existing two other options). I have also added an Interactive Configurator option to turn off the Share button shortcut for XB1 users to make sure this doesn't interfere with any XB1 OS functionality. Finally, I fixed a bug with Crouch Walk - it wasn't activating under some scenarios (caused by Easy Dropshots).

Update 1.11: added Auto-Melee - this allows you to continuously melee by holding down the Melee button.

Update 1.10: fixed a bug where the reload wait was interfering with auto-rappelling, making it difficult to lean while rappelling.

Update 1.09: added an LED rainbow effect when you first load the profile because...it's RAINBOW Six Siege!

Update 1.08: added a new "Grenade Overcook Prevention" feature, this prevents you from cooking your grenades for too long. It will automatically release the grenade button if you are still holding it and the timer has exceeded precisely 3400 milliseconds.

Update 1.07: made some refinements to the interactive configurator based on new features in the latest beta update.

Update 1.06: fixed a bug that prevented you from being able to use Primary Gadget Toggle if it was previously deactivated by using a secondary gadget.

Update 1.05: made some further optimisations to the Auto-Actions and Primary Gadget Toggle functions.
Setup: XIM Apex, T2, K780 keyboard, G Pro Wireless mouse, SteelSeries 4HD pad, DXRacer armrest, LucidSound LS30 headset, Netduma router, Ubiquiti UniFi AP LR

My R6 script: https://youtu.be/x-9NtxyySVM
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby J2Kbr » Mon Nov 28, 2016 3:25 pm

Great work! ;)
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby Jaydoog » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:37 pm

How do you activate the script on the T2? I loaded it into Slot 1 but its not working.
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby pablosscripts » Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:33 am

What doesn't work exactly?

To tell if the script is working, can you try this: ADS / lean - it should toggle lean and lock into position.
Setup: XIM Apex, T2, K780 keyboard, G Pro Wireless mouse, SteelSeries 4HD pad, DXRacer armrest, LucidSound LS30 headset, Netduma router, Ubiquiti UniFi AP LR

My R6 script: https://youtu.be/x-9NtxyySVM
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby Jaydoog » Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:11 pm

I got it. I had to change the controller setting on the PS4 to USB.
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby pablosscripts » Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:00 am

Jaydoog wrote:I got it. I had to change the controller setting on the PS4 to USB.

Excellent. Let me know how it goes.
Setup: XIM Apex, T2, K780 keyboard, G Pro Wireless mouse, SteelSeries 4HD pad, DXRacer armrest, LucidSound LS30 headset, Netduma router, Ubiquiti UniFi AP LR

My R6 script: https://youtu.be/x-9NtxyySVM
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby Breezer » Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:39 pm

New to this group and I haven't received my T2 yet (Hopefully this week!) but I just want to say that pablogroup script is the reason why I got interested in the T2. :joia:
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby pablosscripts » Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:26 pm

Hey there! Glad to hear it, I've been testing that tweak I made for you all night. Holding up great so far. The thing is once these scripts get to this level of complexity even the smallest change can cause unexpected issues!! (about 2,000 lines of code so far hahaha)
Setup: XIM Apex, T2, K780 keyboard, G Pro Wireless mouse, SteelSeries 4HD pad, DXRacer armrest, LucidSound LS30 headset, Netduma router, Ubiquiti UniFi AP LR

My R6 script: https://youtu.be/x-9NtxyySVM
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby Breezer » Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:00 pm

pablogroup wrote:Hey there! Glad to hear it, I've been testing that tweak I made for you all night. Holding up great so far. The thing is once these scripts get to this level of complexity even the smallest change can cause unexpected issues!! (about 2,000 lines of code so far hahaha)

As a full time time programmer, I totally feel you on this! :innocent_smile_1:

My last question (After that I think I'm all set! I just need the T2 lol) is regarding the installation of your script.
So essentially, it's as simple as browsing the scripts with the Gtuner app and download/install through this app?

How long does it take for updates to appear there (in the Gtuner app)?
Is it as soon, as you decide to push it Or there is some validation delay of some sort?

In the same sens, can anyone publish script through the Gtuner app? (Not that I intend to...not yet anyway... lol)
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Re: Rainbow Six Siege - Titan Two Mega Script

Postby pablosscripts » Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:25 pm

sluice wrote:
pablogroup wrote:Hey there! Glad to hear it, I've been testing that tweak I made for you all night. Holding up great so far. The thing is once these scripts get to this level of complexity even the smallest change can cause unexpected issues!! (about 2,000 lines of code so far hahaha)

As a full time time programmer, I totally feel you on this! :innocent_smile_1:

My last question (After that I think I'm all set! I just need the T2 lol) is regarding the installation of your script.
So essentially, it's as simple as browsing the scripts with the Gtuner app and download/install through this app?

How long does it take for updates to appear there (in the Gtuner app)?
Is it as soon, as you decide to push it Or there is some validation delay of some sort?

In the same sens, can anyone publish script through the Gtuner app? (Not that I intend to...not yet anyway... lol)

Script installation: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=5599

Updates: I can push them out immediately but these days I like to give it a really thorough test so I tend to sit on it for at least a few days worth of gaming before I'm happy with it. The moment an update is available you'll see the date change.

And yes anyone can publish scripts!
Setup: XIM Apex, T2, K780 keyboard, G Pro Wireless mouse, SteelSeries 4HD pad, DXRacer armrest, LucidSound LS30 headset, Netduma router, Ubiquiti UniFi AP LR

My R6 script: https://youtu.be/x-9NtxyySVM
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