So how good is wii mote on Xbox one?

Wiimote tutorials, configurations and GPC scripts (FPS like in Nintendo Wii/WiiU).

Moderator: OFC-Giorgio

Re: So how good is wii mote on Xbox one?

Postby SwampYeti » Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:52 pm

OFC-Giorgio wrote:
SwampYeti wrote:
I went back to the wii to catch up with some of my old mates, I found the wii mote unusable on the wii now. I like it so much better on the xbox than the wii now using a tweaked version of OFC Giorgio's script.

I wonder which changes you made?

A little closer to the wii zapper settings

// GPC Online Library
// call_of_duty_wiimote_script_bravo_settings.gpc

// GPC Online Library
// call_of_duty_wiimote_script_bravo_settings.gpc

OFC-Giorgio - Call of duty wiimote script (bravo settings)

(c) 2014 OFC-Giorgio - All right reserved

ONLY PUBLISHED ON (makers of the Titan One usb dongle)



* Added support for PS4, XBOX1 & XBOX360 (so now the script works for
PS3, PS4, XBOX1 & XBOX360).

* Updated copyright notice to prevent illegal copying and
publishing on other places than
(makers of the Titan One usb dongle)
* Empty battery indicator (led 3 on if battery level less or equal 20%)

* Make nunchuck stick 3 states based on value of
* Changed default ADS_SENSITIVITY to 35 and NON_ADS_SENSITIVITY to 44.

* Make nunchuck stick 3 states only (per direction):
- stick is only up/neutral/down (vertical).
- stick is only left/neutral/right (horizontal).
* Removed: Led 3 indicates ADS.

* Removed crouch/prone macro (standard wii C button works fine).
* Use different sensitivity for ADS (aiming down the sights) and
non ADS (hip fire) via ADS_SENSITIVITY and NON_ADS_SENSITIVITY parameters
* Led 3 indicates ADS.
* Led 4 indicates wiimote is out of reach of sensorbar and
IRX & IRY are set to 0 to prevent spinning around.
* RUMBLE_ENABLED parameter to enable/disable vibrating
* Documented all wii keys (including non nunchuk) and keys for dummy mappings.

* Initial tagged version.

Based on the scripts of wiimote Fuzzy, Wiimote3, Wiimote and J2Kbr I created
a script to mimic the "bravo" settings wiimote+nunchuck of the wii(u) cod
games (ghosts, blackops 2, modern warfare 3, black ops, modern warfare reflex
and world at war) for the PS3 but this script can easily be altered for the
PS4, XBOX 360 and XBOX One.

The first version of my script I posted in the c o n t r o l l e r m a x
forums (their "publish script to library" function in gtuner suspiciously did
not work) and the overfortyclan forums.

I removed my scripts from c o n t r o l l e r m a x and only publish them in
the c o n s o l e t u n e r Titan One library.

In the Titan One forums I posted information about the wii sensorbar that is needed
for operating the wiimote.

I knew of both the device dongle and the titan one dongle (and the
dispute between the two).

Initially I choose (and purchased) the device dongle because of their
claim of a bigger community and better support. However to me the
device "staff" appeared evasive and suspicious about the api, library,
a couple of software/website bugs I informed them about, future fixes and
future updates, as well as arrogant and rude in their communication towards
me (and others).

After asking the same questions in the Titan One forums of
c o n s o l e t u n e r, I not only got (more detailed) answers, I also noticed
there were software updates and even my request to have deadzone settings in
MaxAIM DI was added to the new version over night.

For now I assume that the Titan One team is the original developer and has
the source code of the firmware, gtuner and the plugins. Based on this
information I purchased a Titan One dongle and my scripts also worked on it.

Hence I removed my old scripts from c o n t r o l l e r m a x and only publish my
scripts in the c o n s o l e t u n e r Titan One library.

(c) 2014 OFC-Giorgio - All right reserved


For years I (and many others) have been playing call of duty with the
wiimote on the wii (world at war, modern warfare reflex, black ops, modern
warfare 3) and wiiu (black ops2, ghosts). Many years ago I started the
Over Forty Clan (OFC) with a group of older players that play cod with the
wiimote on the wii and later on the wiiu.

Since this year (2014) it seems there will be no more cod (advanced warfare)
on the wiiu platform, a lot of wiimote cod users are very sad not to be able
to play the new cod(s) with a wiimote.

In order to be able to play the new cod I explored the possibilities to
connect a wiimote to a PC, PS3 or XBOX. I first tried cod world at war with
a wiimote on a PC by writing a small C# program with Brian Peek's wiimotelib at
It turned out that the sensitivity and deadzones settings (made by TreyArc,
the company that made/ported all the wii/wiiu versions of cod) that I was used
to on the wii/wiiu were not so easy to be programmed from scratch and most
importantly:the mouse+keyboard players were super fast compared to me with my
wiimote setup (and my old reflexes).

Later I found out about the titan one and the device
and reported my findings to all the wiimote users via the
OFC website (,
the nintendo miiverse ( social network and
the activision cod wiiu black ops II and ghosts forums at
and .

Happy wiimoting!

From the wiiu manual:
* Z Button - ADS
* C Button - Crouch/Prone
* Control Stick - Move
* Up on the +Control Pad - Jump
* Right on the +Control Pad - Switch Weapon
* Left on the +Control Pad - Inventory
* Down on the +Control Pad - Melee Attack
* A Button - Use/Sprint/Lock Camera
* - Button - Throw Tacticals
* + Button - Throw Lethals
* 1 Button - Objectives/Menu
* 2 Button - Scoreboard
* B Button (underneath controller) - Fire Weapon
* Shake Nunchuk - Reload

Hold Wii-Left and select with Nunchuck stick up, down, left or right (for
next-killstreak, previous-killstreak, use killstreak, switch to rifle
grenadelauncher attachment respectively).

Bravo settings:
* shake nunchuk / reload is disabled,
* - is used for reload and
* + is still used to throw lethals but + while twisting the wiimote is used
for throwing tacticals

define ADS_SENSITIVITY = 20; // a lower value than the standard 50 value means more sensitive
define NON_ADS_SENSITIVITY = 25; // a lower value than the standard 50 value means more sensitive

//define RUMBLE_ENABLED = TRUE; // vibrating enabled
define RUMBLE_ENABLED = FALSE; // vibrating disabled

define MOVE_LEFT_RIGHT_3STATES = TRUE; // stick is only left/neutral/right (horizontal)
//define MOVE_LEFT_RIGHT_3STATES = FALSE; // stick is -100% - 100% (horizontal)
define MOVE_FORWARD_BACKWARD_3STATES = TRUE; // stick is only up/neutral/down (vertical)
//define MOVE_FORWARD_BACKWARD_3STATES = FALSE; // stick is -100% - 100% (vertical)


remap WII_MINUS ->XB1_LB; //non lethal granade
remap WII_HOME -> XB1_XBOX; // home menu
remap WII_PLUS -> XB1_RT; // lethal grenade
remap WII_ONE -> XB1_MENU; // menu/map
remap WII_TWO -> XB1_VIEW; // score
remap WII_C -> XB1_LS; // pressing C is running
//rumble nunchuck is melee
//twist wii mote and pres c reload weapon
remap WII_LEFT ->XB1_X; // to use/take dropped care packages
remap WII_B -> XB1_RB; // fire
remap WII_UP -> XB1_RS; // melee
remap WII_A -> XB1_A; // jump/mantle
remap WII_RIGHT -> XB1_Y; // switch weapon
remap WII_DOWN -> XB1_B; // crouch/prone
remap WII_Z -> XB1_LT; // zoom/aiming down the sights (ADS)
remap WII_NX -> XB1_LX; // move
remap WII_NY -> XB1_LY; // move
remap WII_IRX -> XB1_RX; // look
remap WII_IRY -> XB1_RY; // look

unmap PS3_ACCX;
unmap PS3_ACCY;
unmap PS3_ACCZ;

// wiimote+nunchuk only buttons:

// Common identical (classic) controller (pro) and wiimote+nunchuk buttons:

// Overlapping (classic) controller (pro) with wiimote+nunchuk:
// (classic) controller (pro) button WII_LT = nunchuk WII_C
// (classic) controller (pro) button WII_ZL = nunchuk WII_Z
// (classic) controller (pro) button WII_LX = nunchuk WII_NX
// (classic) controller (pro) button WII_LY = nunchuk WII_NY

// (classic) controller (pro) buttons that are not used in wiimote+nunchuk mode:
// WII_X
// WII_Y
// used to bind them to PS3 button and force the wii buttons to trigger the PS3 button
// by the setval commands in the script (see (1) & (2)):

// (1)
//Macro by Wiimote Fuzzy. Hold Wii-Left and select with Nunchuck stick up, down, left or right.
//phantom buttons choosen by macro or shaking nunchuck
remap WII_X -> PS3_LEFT; // left
remap WII_RX -> PS3_RIGHT; // right
remap WII_Y -> PS3_UP; // up
remap WII_RY -> PS3_DOWN; // down
//Macro by Wiimote Fuzzy. Hold Wii-Left and select with Nunchuck stick up, down, left or right.

// (2)
// dummy mapping for lethal grenades
remap WII_RT -> PS3_L2;

// (3)
// dummy mapping for ps4 touch
remap WII_ZR -> PS4_TOUCH;



// Console support for PS3, PS4, XBOX360 and XBOX1
if(get_console() && get_console() != PIO_PS3)
// PS4, XBOX360 and XBOX1
swap(WII_B, WII_PLUS); // R1 <-> R2 swap buttons
swap(WII_Z, WII_RT); // L1 <-> L2 swap buttons
{ // PS3

if(get_console() == PIO_PS4)

// PS3 RXY = Wiimote IRXY by Wiimot3 (Wiimote Fuzzy: adjusted mid point & removed stickize)
set_val(WII_IRX, inv(get_val(WII_IRX)));
// PS3 RXY = Wiimote IRXY by Wiimot3 (Wiimote Fuzzy: adjusted mid point & removed stickize)

// use different sensitivity for ADS (aiming down the sights) and non ADS
//set_led(LED_3, 1); // indicate ADS
sensitivity(WII_IRX , ADS_SENSITIVITY, 100);
sensitivity(WII_IRY , ADS_SENSITIVITY, 100);
//set_led(LED_3, 0);
sensitivity(WII_IRX , NON_ADS_SENSITIVITY, 100);
sensitivity(WII_IRY , NON_ADS_SENSITIVITY, 100);

deadzone(WII_IRX, WII_IRY, DZ_CIRCLE, 30);

// PS3 LXY = Nunchuck NXY by Wiimot3
//sensitivity(WII_NX , NOT_USE, 150);
//sensitivity(WII_NY , NOT_USE, 150);
//deadzone(WII_NX, WII_NY, DZ_CIRCLE, 5);
// PS3 LXY = Nunchuck NXY by Wiimot3

// make nunchuck stick 3 states only (per direction):
// - stick is only left/neutral/right (horizontal)
if (get_val(WII_NX) < -20)
set_val(PS3_LX, -100); // left
if (get_val(WII_NX) > 20)
set_val(PS3_LX, 100); // right
set_val(PS3_LX, 0); // neutral

// - stick is only up/neutral/down (vertical)
if (get_val(WII_NY) < -20)
set_val(PS3_LY, -100); // up
if (get_val(WII_NY) > 20)
set_val(PS3_LY, 100); // down
set_val(PS3_LY, 0); // neutral
//stickize(WII_IRX, WII_IRY, 129);

//Macro by Wiimote Fuzzy. Hold Wii-Left and select with Nunchuck stick up, down, left or right.
if(get_val(WII_LEFT) && get_val(WII_NX) < -90) set_val(WII_X, 100); // left
if(get_val(WII_LEFT) && get_val(WII_NX) > 90) set_val(WII_RX, 100); // right
if(get_val(WII_LEFT) && get_val(WII_NY) < -90) set_val(WII_Y, 100); // up
if(get_val(WII_LEFT) && get_val(WII_NY) > 90) set_val(WII_RY, 100); // down
//Macro by Wiimote Fuzzy. Hold Wii-Left and select with Nunchuck stick up, down, left or right.

set_val(WII_UP, 100)
if(get_val(WII_Z) && get_val(WII_ACCX) <-20)
set_val(WII_Z, 0);//stop prevent aiming down sight
set_val(WII_RIGHT, 100);//switch weapon

if(get_val(WII_C) && get_val(WII_ACCX) >20)
set_val(WII_C, 0);// stop/prevent sprinting
set_val(WII_LEFT, 100);//reload

// test for wiimote out of reach of sensorbar
set_val(WII_IRX, 0); // prevent camera from spinning
set_val(WII_IRY, 0); // prevent camera from spinning
set_led(LED_4, 1); // light led 4 to indicate sensorbar is out of sight
set_led(LED_4, 0);

// Empty battery indicator (led 3 on if battery level less or equal 20%)
if(get_battery() <= 2)
set_led(LED_3, 1);
set_led(LED_3, 0);

} // end of main() function
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Re: So how good is wii mote on Xbox one?

Postby OFC-Giorgio » Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:29 pm

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