Gtuner IV Computer Vision Setup and Info

GCV scripting for Gtuner IV and Titan Two. Configuration, examples, questions.

Gtuner IV Computer Vision Setup and Info

Postby Buffy » Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:34 am

Getting started with Gtuner IV Computer Vision (GCV)

Hardware needed:
    - Titan Two
    - Computer near your console capable of running a capture card
    - 3x MicroUSB Cables (2 for consoles that do not require authentication)
    - Controller for authentication (Setup: ... es:systems)
    - One of the following:
      - Capture card (compatible list below)
      - If you do not have a capture card, you can use Xbox Console Companion/PS4 Remote Play
        - A second monitor is required to use Xbox Console Companion/PS4 Remote Play
        - For PS4 Remote Play you will need to sign into another PSN account initially
      - If you are playing PC, no extra hardware is needed
        - Gaming performance may take a hit, as CV is intensive on your CPU/GPU

Software needed:

Steps to setup Computer Vision (CV):

1. Using the microUSB cables...
    - Connect a cable to the T2 PROG port, and the other end to the computer
    - Connect a cable to the T2 OUT port, and the other end to the console
    - Connect a cable to port A or B on the T2, and the other end to your controller used for authentication
    - Verify the T2 has authenticated with the LED displaying '0'

2. Setup your capture card or streaming application so you can view your consoles video feed on your computer

3. Setting up Python
    - After downloading the Python 3.8.x Windows x86-64 executable installer, click on it to install it. Check the checkbox "Add Python to PATH" in the first window. It is recommended to leave the installation path to the default location
    - Once Python is installed, download and run, then run the batch file to install OpenCV/PyWin32:
    (1.38 MiB) Downloaded 10840 times

4. Setting up a working directory in Gtuner IV
    - Within Gtuner IV, find the File Explorer, and click/highlight a directory you wish to save all your CV scripts in
    - In the top right corner of the File Explorer, there will be a folder icon. Click this icon to set your working directory

5. Setting up CV in Gtuner IV -
    - All CV scripts MUST be saved in the working directory to show up
    - Inside Gtuner IV, Click Tools->Preferences->Computer Vision
      - Click "Browse..." and find the location where you installed Python and select it
      - The default install location will be "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python38\" (no quotes)
      - All check marks below should be green if you installed everything correctly

6. Setting up a video source for CV
    - Switch to the Computer Vision pane in Gtuner IV and click the black "+" symbol (picture below)
    - Setup your video source, then confirm it is working by selecting "Video Input Check", and hitting the green button to the right
      - If you are using a compatible capture card, select "Video Capture Device"
        - Click "Detect Devices" in the bottom left and select your device, then click add
      - If you are using a capture card listed under Display Capture only capture card, select "Display Capture"
        - The capture card preview software must be running in full screen on a second monitor
        - Click "Detect Displays" in the bottom left. Select the second monitor and click add
      - If you are using Xbox Console Companion, PS4 Remote Play, select "Display Capture"
        - Either program must be running in full screen on a second monitor.
        - Click "Detect Displays" in the bottom left. Select the second monitor and click add
        - For PS4 Remote Play, sign in as another user on your PS4 (through remote play)
        - Afterwards, turn on the remote for the T2 and sign into the main profile
      - If you are using a PC (without a capture card) select "Display Capture"
        - The game being played must be in full screen.
        - Click "Detect Displays" in the bottom left. Select the game monitor and click add
    - After verifying the video source is working, hit the red circle to stop it


7. Using Python CV scripts
    - Find and download a CV script (some can be found within "Misc Files" tab Online Resources)
    - After a python script is downloaded, switch back to the Computer Vision tab and the "Video Input Check" combobox should now have the script listed under it
    - Select your script the hit the green circle to run it
    - Any helper GPC script to run with the CV script will be ran the normal way you run a script - install to a slot then run the slot
      - NOTE: GPC scripts are different than CV scripts, do NOT paste GPC code into the .py CV script file
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby Buffy » Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:34 am

List of streaming applications:

List of working capture cards (UVC compatible):
    AverMedia Live Gamer MINI - GC311
    AverMedia Live Gamer ULTRA - GC553
    AVerMedia Live Gamer HD 2 - GC570
    Elgato Cam Link 4K
    Elgato Game Capture HD60 Pro
    Elgato HD60 S
    Elgato HD60 S+
    Elgato Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK.2
    Pengo 4K HDMI Grabber
    Razer Ripsaw HD

List of Display Capture only capture cards (not UVC compatible):
    AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable Lite - GL310
    Elgato HD60

List of not working capture cards:
    AGPTEK HD Video Capture
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby Buffy » Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:08 am

Can I use computer vision with the XIM?

Yes, computer vision is compatible with the XIM, simply plug the XIM into the T2 like normal.

The CV script seems to be running, but nothing is working ingame?

Most likely the accompanying GPC script is not running with said CV script.

My capture card doesn't show up as a valid Video Capture Device/isn't UVC compatible, can I still use it?

Yes, capture cards not UVC compatible can still work, but require a workaround to use. Workaround: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15163

I keep getting the following:Computer Vision:ERROR: Gpython process exited with error code 108

The wrong version of python is installed; further up this page download the recommended working version.

I keep getting the following:Computer Vision:ERROR: Gpython process exited with error code 111
Run the following command in command prompt:
Code: Select all
pip install pywin32==226
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby J2Kbr » Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:17 am

Thank you Buffy for making this tutorial.
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby TKOPTIMUSPRIMAL » Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:30 am

Great tutorial Buffy
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby Dimakra666 » Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:56 pm

Do i need to buy a game capture? Cant i just use remote play?
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby Mad » Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:09 am

Dimakra666 wrote:Cant i just use remote play?

Yes read the guide. :smile0517:
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby Dimakra666 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:49 am

Mad wrote:
Dimakra666 wrote:Cant i just use remote play?

Yes read the guide. :smile0517:

Cool thnx for the reply, i did red the guid it just wasnt clear enough, i just wanted to make sure so i dont spend on a game capture if i can do this without.
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby GamingScene » Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:30 am

Is anyone able to do a T2 to pc version not a T2 to console?
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Re: Gtuner IV Computer Vision Info

Postby Buffy » Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:15 pm

GamingScene wrote:Is anyone able to do a T2 to pc version not a T2 to console?

Use Window capture and capture your PC's monitor playing the game. Your games performance may be negatively impacted by how intensive a CV script may be, which is why I suggest using another computer and a capture card instead.
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