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Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:26 pm
by Benj91
Is there a way to turn off hipfire anti recoil? it pulls down horrendously, theres no option within the gamepack to allow AR with hip or ads only etc

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:39 pm
by J2Kbr
Benj91 wrote:Is there a way to turn off hipfire anti recoil? it pulls down horrendously, theres no option within the gamepack to allow AR with hip or ads only etc

This option is not yet covered when using the GCV script. You can add this functionality by changing line 502 from:
Code: Select all
if gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_5):
Code: Select all
if gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_8) and gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_5):

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:19 pm
by Shthappensbro
J2Kbr wrote:
Benj91 wrote:Is there a way to turn off hipfire anti recoil? it pulls down horrendously, theres no option within the gamepack to allow AR with hip or ads only etc

This option is not yet covered when using the GCV script. You can add this functionality by changing line 502 from:
Code: Select all
if gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_5):
Code: Select all
if gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_8) and gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_5):

Hey is there a way to increase the pull down on one gun ? Instead all off them ? There is a few guns that pull up to much then others I got others perfect but like havoc pulls up

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:26 pm
by Dimakra666
anyone can post a video in the firing range about how well this computer vision scripts preforms or a link to a video please i seem to not have anything working for me im using remote play but im considering buyin a game capture .
i would like olso to know if the delay between the console and the computer will be an issu ,. thnx in advance :smile0517:

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:31 pm
by J2Kbr
Shthappensbro wrote:Hey is there a way to increase the pull down on one gun ? Instead all off them ? There is a few guns that pull up to much then others I got others perfect but like havoc pulls up

You could manually edit the recoil values for a particular gun, for example:
Code: Select all
    [ "SPITFIRE", 
    [ # Controller Stick
        [(2.9848175048828125, 23.440383911132812, 0.12662037213643393), (5.873779296875, 15.112930297851562, 0.10792334874471028), (9.028411865234375, 19.620895385742188, 0.11363776524861653), (9.112808227539062, 17.467315673828125, 0.10758392016092937), (1.1492767333984375, 20.219482421875, 0.11060976982116699), (-1.2405548095703125, 19.534042358398438, 0.10807267824808757), (-14.691070556640625, 6.30859375, 0.10524916648864746), (-15.501876831054688, -7.240203857421875, 0.11765162150065105), (-13.722305297851562, -4.46356201171875, 0.10384790102640788), (-7.3631439208984375, 14.731597900390625, 0.11338949203491211), (-1.675384521484375, 17.461944580078125, 0.11003589630126953), (10.736923217773438, 11.525558471679688, 0.10529748598734538), (14.184402465820312, 11.152130126953125, 0.1170214017232259), (14.470611572265625, 4.12054443359375, 0.10007150967915852), (14.972763061523438, -3.0222625732421875, 0.1146705945332845), (8.903900146484375, 11.544509887695312, 0.09927757581075032), (4.6883087158203125, 18.443130493164062, 0.12089824676513672), (5.9722442626953125, 18.55615234375, 0.10554862022399902), (11.512771606445312, 12.855438232421875, 0.10282778739929199), (14.080642700195312, 7.213104248046875, 0.10905075073242188), (8.804779052734375, 10.766006469726562, 0.11390384038289388), (-4.9134979248046875, 15.662979125976562, 0.11788066228230794), (-12.58050537109375, 13.232101440429688, 0.09801562627156575), (-12.720962524414062, 9.895950317382812, 0.1165615717569987), (-14.520263671875, 9.221221923828125, 0.10144289334615071), (-15.996047973632812, 5.1128387451171875, 0.11560757954915364), (-16.177764892578125, 0.81097412109375, 0.1117721398671468), (-10.691390991210938, 12.7926025390625, 0.11021232604980469), (-6.329376220703125, 17.448822021484375, 0.11308630307515462), (-7.7498321533203125, 16.764633178710938, 0.10518511136372884), (-14.738021850585938, 2.0978546142578125, 0.11050804456075032), (-13.339462280273438, -2.5816497802734375, 0.10620522499084473), (-11.459716796875, 9.942886352539062, 0.11104679107666016), (-1.675384521484375, 17.461944580078125, 0.10450053215026855), (8.036026000976562, 14.53204345703125, 0.12012187639872234), (14.37396240234375, 10.664596557617188, 0.10521260897318523), (15.196029663085938, 3.84039306640625, 0.10803834597269694), (15.882080078125, 0.0, 0.10689767201741536), (10.120101928710938, 9.1873779296875, 0.11206269264221191), (4.0373077392578125, 18.202423095703125, 0.10659360885620117), (7.497589111328125, 17.531906127929688, 0.10506025950113933), (11.878097534179688, 14.317642211914062, 0.11524732907613118), (14.691070556640625, 6.30859375, 0.10973453521728516), (8.41815185546875, 9.6739501953125, 0.11321552594502766), (-2.5889129638671875, 14.655227661132812, 0.11475594838460286), (-11.99114990234375, 10.608444213867188, 0.104004700978597), (-13.187332153320312, 9.715499877929688, 0.1144712766011556), (-15.769454956054688, 8.790771484375, 0.1057278315226237), (-16.2158203125, 5.7281341552734375, 0.10530710220336914), (-15.882080078125, 0.0, 0.11736559867858887), (-10.216033935546875, 11.771514892578125, 0.1014417012532552), (-6.72686767578125, 16.314041137695312, 0.10840431849161784), (-6.46624755859375, 15.3226318359375, 0.1100306510925293), (-14.867263793945312, 0.0, 0.11005512873331706), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)],

In the tuple:
Code: Select all
(2.9848175048828125, 23.440383911132812, 0.12662037213643393)

The middle value (23.440383911132812) is the vertical recoil.

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:32 pm
by J2Kbr
Dimakra666 wrote:anyone can post a video in the firing range about how well this computer vision scripts preforms or a link to a video please i seem to not have anything working for me im using remote play but im considering buyin a game capture .
i would like olso to know if the delay between the console and the computer will be an issu ,. thnx in advance :smile0517:

I can do that as soon as I have some free time. Any particular weapon you would like to see?

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:12 pm
by Shthappensbro
Oh alright so that the middle numbers in the one that pulls down right? On all the guns ? From the first 3 ?

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:27 pm
by Dimakra666
J2Kbr wrote:
Dimakra666 wrote:anyone can post a video in the firing range about how well this computer vision scripts preforms or a link to a video please i seem to not have anything working for me im using remote play but im considering buyin a game capture .
i would like olso to know if the delay between the console and the computer will be an issu ,. thnx in advance :smile0517:

I can do that as soon as I have some free time. Any particular weapon you would like to see?

How well would a combo of the hemlock singlefire with 3x open scope
And the r301 with 1x scope.
And another combo the r99 and wingman.. Thnx :)

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:47 pm
by vanish
J2Kbr wrote:
Benj91 wrote:Is there a way to turn off hipfire anti recoil? it pulls down horrendously, theres no option within the gamepack to allow AR with hip or ads only etc

This option is not yet covered when using the GCV script. You can add this functionality by changing line 502 from:
Code: Select all
if gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_5):
Code: Select all
if gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_8) and gtuner.get_actual(gtuner.BUTTON_5):

great, ty!

Re: [GCV/GPC] Apex Legends CV Anti-Recoil

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:32 pm
by vanish
btw could Advanced Look Control mess things up aswell ? Could switch back to 7/7 or 7/6 like before.
What are suggested or necessary START settings? I know about Classic & small Deadzone. Just wanna start from scratch and advance from there. Maybe I did miss something?

mouse input raw