[TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
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[TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
Hi folks, long time lurker/tinker-er here. Awhile back I came across a smokin' deal on a G27 and after having so much fun playing Forza with a controller, I'm so glad I stumbled across the TitanOne-style devices. After messing around with some various snippets of code from here and the "other" site, I feel I've compiled a great collection of all of the "wants" of the typical G27/Forza fan (sorry, no FFB!).

******************************** IMPORTANT ********************************
You must utilize Controller Layout 10 for this code to work properly!
Thanks to all of the folks who have made this possible, especially (and obviously) J2Kbr. You're a great asset to the sim-racing fans!
Button Layout:
Link to GLF (Layout) File:
Link to GPC Script: http://www.consoletuner.com/gpclib/?s=948
Raw GPC Code:

******************************** IMPORTANT ********************************
You must utilize Controller Layout 10 for this code to work properly!
- This code changes some of the typically seen settings for the G27 and Forza games to include as many functions native to the game(s) as possible.
- YOU MUST USE Controller Layout 10 for this script to function properly, DO NOT USE Layout 4/6!!!
- Script has been fully tested utilizing Forza 4 (XB360) and Forza 5 (XB1).
- Script is confirmed working both inside GTuner or utilizing MaxAimDI standalone application.
- D-pad and "lettered" buttons are mapped to their respective buttons on the shifter.
- Features Include:
- - Adjustable steering deadzone ( controllable via 'wheelSlop' variable )
- - Fully managed Brake and Accelerator pedals
- - FULLY FUNCTIONAL Clutch Pedal (no longer an 'on/off' button, it is now mapped to an appropriate axis, allowing for a more realistic take off and proper clutch 'slipping'.
- - Fully working six speed H-pattern shifter (utilizing J2Kbr's shifter code)
- - Fully working Emergency Brake (mapped to Button 4) - Now complete with J-turns!
- - EXTRA: "Line Lock" function - Allows for a certain amount of brake to be applied at the press of a single button (mimics the usage of an actual line-lock in drag racing, which locks the front brakes but allows the rear wheels to spin up and burnout).
- - This is also fully adjustable, from 0 to 100% of braking applied during its activation.
Thanks to all of the folks who have made this possible, especially (and obviously) J2Kbr. You're a great asset to the sim-racing fans!
Button Layout:
- Code: Select all
Layout Name: G27 (Forza w Clutch)
Controller: XBox 360
GPC Script: G27 (Forza w Clutch) [992 bytes]
00 XBox : Button(23)
01 Back : Button(8)
02 Start : Button(7)
03 RB : Button(5)
04 RT :
05 RS : Button(3)
06 LB : Button(6)
07 LT :
08 LS : Button(1)
09 Right Analog Left : lY(-)
10 Right Analog Right: lY(+)
11 Right Analog Up : Slider(2-)
12 Right Analog Down : Slider(2+)
13 Left Analog Left : lX(-)
14 Left Analog Right : lX(+)
15 Left Analog Up : lRZ(-)
16 Left Analog Down : lRZ(+)
17 D-Pad Up : POV1(0)
18 D-Pad Down : POV1(180)
19 D-Pad Left : POV1(270)
20 D-Pad Right : POV1(90)
21 Y : Button(16)
22 B : Button(20), Button(19)
23 A : Button(22), Button(18)
24 X : Button(21), Button(17)
25 Extra 1 : Button(15)
26 Extra 2 : Button(9)
27 Extra 3 : Button(10)
28 Extra 4 : Button(11)
29 Extra 5 : Button(12)
30 Extra 6 : Button(13)
31 Extra 7 : Button(14)
32 Extra 8 : Button(22)
33 Extra 9 : Button(4)
Smoothness: [X: 50] [Y: 50] [Y/X: 1.00]
Acceleration: [X: 1.000] [Y: 1.000] [Y/X: 1.000]
Sensitivity: [X: 1.000] [Y: 1.000] [Y/X: 1.000]
Stickize: [X: 142] [Y: 142] [Y/X: 1.00]
Deadzone: [X: 20] [Y: 20] [Y/X: 1.00]
Shape: [ELLIPSE]
Link to GLF (Layout) File:
Link to GPC Script: http://www.consoletuner.com/gpclib/?s=948
Raw GPC Code:
- Code: Select all
****** Forza 4/5/Horizon/Horizon 2 - G27 MaxAimDI Script ******
****** Code written by: FBMrider86 ******
****** Contains code sourced from: J2Kbr (H pattern shifter code) ******
****** Contains code sourced from: KittyDawn (steering deadzone code) ******
******************************** IMPORTANT ********************************
*** ***
** You must utilize Controller Layout 10 for this code to work properly! **
*** ***
- This code changes some of the typically seen settings for the G27 and Forza games
to include as many functions native to the game(s) as possible.
- YOU MUST USE Controller Layout 10 for this script to function properly, DO NOT USE Layout 4/6!!!
- Script has been fully tested utilizing Forza 4 (XB360) and Forza 5 (XB1).
- Features Include:
* * Adjustable steering deadzone ( controllable via 'wheelSlop' variable ) *
* * Fully managed Brake and Accelerator pedals *
* * FULLY FUNCTIONAL Clutch Pedal (no longer an 'on/off' button, it is now mapped to *
* an appropriate axis, allowing for a more realistic take off and proper *
* clutch 'slipping'. *
* * Fully working six speed H-pattern shifter (utilizing J2Kbr's shifter code) *
* * Fully working Emergency Brake (mapped to Button 4) - Now complete with J-turns! *
* * EXTRA: "Line Lock" function - Allows for a certain amount of brake to be applied *
* at the press of a single button (mimics the usage of an actual line-lock in drag racing, *
* which locks the front brakes but allows the rear wheels to spin up and burnout). *
* This is also fully adjustable, from 0 to 100% of braking applied during its activation. *
int prev_gear, loop_gear; // utilized by J2Kbr's shifter code
int wheelSlop = 8; // accounts for slop in steering wheel (deadzone) : 0 would be NO dead zone (very twitchy)
int eBrake = 0;
int lineLockActivation = 0;
int brakePerc = 20; // default is 20 ; utilized by Line Lock function
// Steering Dead Zone Adjustment
if(get_val(XB360_LX) < inv(wheelSlop) )
set_val(XB360_LX, ((get_val(XB360_LX) * 7) / 9) - 23);
else if( get_val( XB360_LX ) > wheelSlop )
set_val( XB360_LX , (( get_val( XB360_LX ) * 7) / 9) + 23);
set_val( XB360_LX, get_val (XB360_LX ) );
// END: Steering Dead Zone Adjustment
// Pedal Manager: Contains code to maintain Clutch, Accelerator and Brake Pedals
// Line Lock - Button-activated braking; useful for burnouts - Mapped to Button 3
// Shifter Manager: Contains code to manage 6-speed shifter
combo gearDOWN // Written by: J2Kbr
set_val(XB360_LB, 100);
set_val(XB360_LB, 0);
set_val(XB360_LB, 0);
combo gearUP // Written by: J2Kbr
set_val(XB360_RB, 100);
set_val(XB360_RB, 0);
set_val(XB360_RB, 0);
function deactivateBtns() // Essentially 'deactivates' these inputs by not allowing the controller to change their value as we're utilizing their inputs elsewhere in the script.
// added 3/1/2015: when line lock is active, disable the usage of up and down buttons in the game itself (avoids the constant switching between standard and detailed info. display)
if( lineLockActivation == 1 )
set_val( XB360_UP, 0);
set_val( XB360_DOWN, 0);
function pedalManager() // Properly addresses Accelerator, Brake, and Clutch (and Emergency Brake)
// Accelerator Pedal
set_val(XB360_RT, inv((get_val(XB360_RX))/2) + 50);
// Brake Pedal
set_val(XB360_LT, inv((get_val(XB360_LY))/2) + 50);
// Emergency Brake - Map using CEMU_EXTRA9
if( event_press( CEMU_EXTRA9) ) // EBrake and Clutch are on same Axis, must check for button press first
eBrake = 1;
if (event_release (CEMU_EXTRA9) )
eBrake = 0;
// Clutch Pedal - Check to see if E Brake has been activated first
if( eBrake == 0 )
// Clutch and E Brake share the right analog stick's Y axis
if(get_val(XB360_RY) < 0)
set_val(XB360_RY, (get_val(XB360_RY)/2)-50);
else if(get_val(XB360_RY) >= 0)
set_val(XB360_RY, (get_val(XB360_RY)-100)/2);
// Activate Emergency Brake
set_val(XB360_RY, 100);
function lineLock() // Burnouts!
// Line Lock - Applies braking force to vehicle (default is 20%) ; mapped to Button 3 on shifter
// Braking force is adjustable while Line Lock button is activated/pressed.
// Pressing Up on D-Pad while activated increases braking effectiveness.
// Pressing Down on D-Pad while activated decreases braking effectiveness.
// Pressing Button 1 while activated will reset the line lock to default of 20%
// Default: 20 ; Minimum: 0 ; Maximum : 100
if( event_press( XB360_RS) )
lineLockActivation = 1;
if( event_release( XB360_RS) )
lineLockActivation = 0;
if( lineLockActivation == 1 )
if( event_press( XB360_UP) && brakePerc < 100 )
brakePerc = brakePerc + 1;
if( event_press( XB360_DOWN) && brakePerc > 0 )
brakePerc = brakePerc - 1;
if( event_press( XB360_LS) )
brakePerc = 20;
set_val(XB360_LT, brakePerc);
function shifterManager() // Written by: J2Kbr
// Reverse
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA1) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 1 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA1 ))
prev_gear = 1;
// 1st Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA2) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 2 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA2) )
prev_gear = 2;
// 2nd Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA3) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 3 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA3) )
prev_gear = 3;
// 3rd Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA4) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 4 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA4) )
prev_gear = 4;
// 4th Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA5) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 5 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA5) )
prev_gear = 5;
// 5th Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA6) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 6 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA6) )
prev_gear = 6;
// 6th Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA7) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 7 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA7) )
prev_gear = 7;
// Press the LB or RB button to change the gear based on H-Shifter
if(!combo_running(gearUP) && !combo_running(gearDOWN))
if(loop_gear > 0)
loop_gear = loop_gear - 1;
else if(loop_gear < 0)
loop_gear = loop_gear + 1;
fbmrider86 - Staff Sergeant
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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
i installed this layout now my gas and brake are on 50%
Chevy1995 - Sergeant First Class
- Posts: 22
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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
Try this
- Code: Select all
****** Forza 4/5/Horizon/Horizon 2 - G27 MaxAimDI Script ******
****** Code written by: FBMrider86 ******
****** Contains code sourced from: J2Kbr (H pattern shifter code) ******
****** Contains code sourced from: KittyDawn (steering deadzone code) ******
******************************** IMPORTANT ********************************
*** ***
** You must utilize Controller Layout 10 for this code to work properly! **
*** ***
- This code changes some of the typically seen settings for the G27 and Forza games
to include as many functions native to the game(s) as possible.
- YOU MUST USE Controller Layout 10 for this script to function properly, DO NOT USE Layout 4/6!!!
- Script has been fully tested utilizing Forza 4 (XB360) and Forza 5 (XB1).
- Features Include:
* * Adjustable steering deadzone ( controllable via 'wheelSlop' variable ) *
* * Fully managed Brake and Accelerator pedals *
* * FULLY FUNCTIONAL Clutch Pedal (no longer an 'on/off' button, it is now mapped to *
* an appropriate axis, allowing for a more realistic take off and proper *
* clutch 'slipping'. *
* * Fully working six speed H-pattern shifter (utilizing J2Kbr's shifter code) *
* * Fully working Emergency Brake (mapped to Button 4) - Now complete with J-turns! *
* * EXTRA: "Line Lock" function - Allows for a certain amount of brake to be applied *
* at the press of a single button (mimics the usage of an actual line-lock in drag racing, *
* which locks the front brakes but allows the rear wheels to spin up and burnout). *
* This is also fully adjustable, from 0 to 100% of braking applied during its activation. *
int prev_gear, loop_gear; // utilized by J2Kbr's shifter code
int wheelSlop = 8; // accounts for slop in steering wheel (deadzone) : 0 would be NO dead zone (very twitchy)
int eBrake = 0;
int lineLockActivation = 0;
int brakePerc = 20; // default is 20 ; utilized by Line Lock function
// Steering Dead Zone Adjustment
if(get_val(XB360_LX) < inv(wheelSlop) )
set_val(XB360_LX, ((get_val(XB360_LX) * 7) / 9) - 23);
else if( get_val( XB360_LX ) > wheelSlop )
set_val( XB360_LX , (( get_val( XB360_LX ) * 7) / 9) + 23);
set_val( XB360_LX, get_val (XB360_LX ) );
// END: Steering Dead Zone Adjustment
// Pedal Manager: Contains code to maintain Clutch, Accelerator and Brake Pedals
// Line Lock - Button-activated braking; useful for burnouts - Mapped to Button 3
// Shifter Manager: Contains code to manage 6-speed shifter
combo gearDOWN // Written by: J2Kbr
set_val(XB360_LB, 100);
set_val(XB360_LB, 0);
set_val(XB360_LB, 0);
combo gearUP // Written by: J2Kbr
set_val(XB360_RB, 100);
set_val(XB360_RB, 0);
set_val(XB360_RB, 0);
function deactivateBtns() // Essentially 'deactivates' these inputs by not allowing the controller to change their value as we're utilizing their inputs elsewhere in the script.
// added 3/1/2015: when line lock is active, disable the usage of up and down buttons in the game itself (avoids the constant switching between standard and detailed info. display)
if( lineLockActivation == 1 )
set_val( XB360_UP, 0);
set_val( XB360_DOWN, 0);
function pedalManager() // Properly addresses Accelerator, Brake, and Clutch (and Emergency Brake)
// Accelerator Pedal
set_val(XB360_RT, inv((get_val(XB360_RX))/2));
// Brake Pedal
set_val(XB360_LT, inv((get_val(XB360_LY))/2));
// Emergency Brake - Map using CEMU_EXTRA9
if( event_press( CEMU_EXTRA9) ) // EBrake and Clutch are on same Axis, must check for button press first
eBrake = 1;
if (event_release (CEMU_EXTRA9) )
eBrake = 0;
// Clutch Pedal - Check to see if E Brake has been activated first
if( eBrake == 0 )
// Clutch and E Brake share the right analog stick's Y axis
if(get_val(XB360_RY) < 0)
set_val(XB360_RY, (get_val(XB360_RY)/2)-50);
else if(get_val(XB360_RY) >= 0)
set_val(XB360_RY, (get_val(XB360_RY)-100)/2);
// Activate Emergency Brake
set_val(XB360_RY, 100);
function lineLock() // Burnouts!
// Line Lock - Applies braking force to vehicle (default is 20%) ; mapped to Button 3 on shifter
// Braking force is adjustable while Line Lock button is activated/pressed.
// Pressing Up on D-Pad while activated increases braking effectiveness.
// Pressing Down on D-Pad while activated decreases braking effectiveness.
// Pressing Button 1 while activated will reset the line lock to default of 20%
// Default: 20 ; Minimum: 0 ; Maximum : 100
if( event_press( XB360_RS) )
lineLockActivation = 1;
if( event_release( XB360_RS) )
lineLockActivation = 0;
if( lineLockActivation == 1 )
if( event_press( XB360_UP) && brakePerc < 100 )
brakePerc = brakePerc + 1;
if( event_press( XB360_DOWN) && brakePerc > 0 )
brakePerc = brakePerc - 1;
if( event_press( XB360_LS) )
brakePerc = 20;
set_val(XB360_LT, brakePerc);
function shifterManager() // Written by: J2Kbr
// Reverse
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA1) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 1 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA1 ))
prev_gear = 1;
// 1st Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA2) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 2 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA2) )
prev_gear = 2;
// 2nd Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA3) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 3 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA3) )
prev_gear = 3;
// 3rd Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA4) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 4 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA4) )
prev_gear = 4;
// 4th Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA5) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 5 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA5) )
prev_gear = 5;
// 5th Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA6) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 6 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA6) )
prev_gear = 6;
// 6th Gear
if( event_press(CEMU_EXTRA7) )
loop_gear = loop_gear + 7 - prev_gear;
else if( event_release(CEMU_EXTRA7) )
prev_gear = 7;
// Press the LB or RB button to change the gear based on H-Shifter
if(!combo_running(gearUP) && !combo_running(gearDOWN))
if(loop_gear > 0)
loop_gear = loop_gear - 1;
else if(loop_gear < 0)
loop_gear = loop_gear + 1;

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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
still the same as soon as i open maxaim di it goes on throttle and brake on forza six and horizon 2
Chevy1995 - Sergeant First Class
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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
Just confirming, your steering wheel is a G27?
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J2Kbr - General of the Army
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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
Chevy1995 wrote:Yes it is
thanks, I will reply you on the other topic.
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J2Kbr - General of the Army
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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
How do I change the degrees of rotation with this script?
SpiderjumpMC - Private
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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
SpiderjumpMC wrote:How do I change the degrees of rotation with this script?
I believe that is something configured with the logithech drivers/app. The layout/script expects the 200° degrees.
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J2Kbr - General of the Army
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Re: [TUTORIAL] Forza/G27 MaxAim DI Script (with clutch)
How do you install the layout to the GPC code?
Ghostprime1234 - Private First Class
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