Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4)
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Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4)
I sourced the steering deadzone code from KittyDawn but I edited the code and fine tuned it so it would be super realistic in Project Cars on PS4 I was trying to go for a more realistic feel when turning but I couldn't find a single script which was specifically tuned for the Driving Force GT on PS4 with Project Cars. So I decided to edit KittyDawn's code so it would work with the PS4 to create a super realistic experience. I also created a layout for the Driving Force GT on MaxAim DI so all the buttons work correctly on the PS4. I managed to get the PS button working and I assigned the Gran Turismo button as a touch pad button, on project cars the touch pad button is to reset the car. L3 and R3 buttons and the L2 and R2 buttons on the top are also working
1) Firstly plug your Titan One into your PS4's USB port.
2) Then through the PCPROG port on your Titan One insert your mini USB cable and then connect the cable to your PC
3) Using the charging cable which came with you PS4 controller, connect your controller into the INPUT port on your Titan One
4) Download and Install the latest Gtuner Pro software from http://www.consoletuner.com/downloads/?
5) Next download and install the Logitech Driving Force GT Drivers from http://support.logitech.com/en_gb/produ ... g-force-gt
6) Then download my new tuned script and layout (Driving Force GT Realism V2.0) from https://mega.co.nz/#!k1BF1ITR!IiKHVcHBw ... NXUV5iqBgo
7) Once you have downloaded the zip file Driving Force GT Realism V2.0.zip extract it
8) Open the the Gtuner Pro software and click Plugins, Plugin Manager, MaxAim DI then Install
9) Once you have installed the MaxAim Di plugin on Gtuner Pro, Open MaxAim DI up
10) After you have opened up MaxAim DI click Direct Input, DI Settings and then where it says Game Controller click the drop down menu and select Logitech Driving Force GT USB
11) Then on MaxAim DI click File, Import Layout then find the where you extracted the file Driving Force GT Realism V2.0 in there should be a file named Driving Force GT Realism V2.0.glf select it then click open
12) Once you have loaded my new Realism layout in MaxAim DI go on to Gtuner Pro and click GPC Compiler, File, Open and then find the file you extracted previously, in there will be another file named Driving Force GT Realism V2.0.gpc select it and then open it, then go onto MaxAim DI again and click Layout Options and then Load GPC Script
13) Then go onto Logitech Profiler (this is the software you installed from the logitech website above) click Options, Global Device Settings and then change the Degrees Of Rotation to 250 degrees once you have done this click OK and close down the Logitech Profiler.
14) Turn on your PS4 and start your Project Cars game and enjoy an ultra realistic experience on your DFGT Steering Wheel.
Thanks to J2Kbr and KittyDawn for all the support they have given.
1) Firstly plug your Titan One into your PS4's USB port.
2) Then through the PCPROG port on your Titan One insert your mini USB cable and then connect the cable to your PC
3) Using the charging cable which came with you PS4 controller, connect your controller into the INPUT port on your Titan One
4) Download and Install the latest Gtuner Pro software from http://www.consoletuner.com/downloads/?
5) Next download and install the Logitech Driving Force GT Drivers from http://support.logitech.com/en_gb/produ ... g-force-gt
6) Then download my new tuned script and layout (Driving Force GT Realism V2.0) from https://mega.co.nz/#!k1BF1ITR!IiKHVcHBw ... NXUV5iqBgo
7) Once you have downloaded the zip file Driving Force GT Realism V2.0.zip extract it
8) Open the the Gtuner Pro software and click Plugins, Plugin Manager, MaxAim DI then Install
9) Once you have installed the MaxAim Di plugin on Gtuner Pro, Open MaxAim DI up
10) After you have opened up MaxAim DI click Direct Input, DI Settings and then where it says Game Controller click the drop down menu and select Logitech Driving Force GT USB
11) Then on MaxAim DI click File, Import Layout then find the where you extracted the file Driving Force GT Realism V2.0 in there should be a file named Driving Force GT Realism V2.0.glf select it then click open
12) Once you have loaded my new Realism layout in MaxAim DI go on to Gtuner Pro and click GPC Compiler, File, Open and then find the file you extracted previously, in there will be another file named Driving Force GT Realism V2.0.gpc select it and then open it, then go onto MaxAim DI again and click Layout Options and then Load GPC Script
13) Then go onto Logitech Profiler (this is the software you installed from the logitech website above) click Options, Global Device Settings and then change the Degrees Of Rotation to 250 degrees once you have done this click OK and close down the Logitech Profiler.
14) Turn on your PS4 and start your Project Cars game and enjoy an ultra realistic experience on your DFGT Steering Wheel.
Thanks to J2Kbr and KittyDawn for all the support they have given.
Last edited by Kaiten on Mon May 25, 2015 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kaiten - Sergeant
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
Excellent post and explanation. Thank you for posting this! I hope it will help many users.
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perfecthuntr - Major
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
Totally agreed!! 

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J2Kbr - General of the Army
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
But this "ultra realistic experience" support the Force Feedback?
H.Kojima83 - Sergeant
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
FFB is not supported yet.
ConsoleTuner Support Team
J2Kbr - General of the Army
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
I understand...
I think we can lose our hopes for this feature...

I think we can lose our hopes for this feature...

H.Kojima83 - Sergeant
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
It will come... sooner or later ... I'm sorry for taking so long. Right now I'm involved with a reasonable complex project.
ConsoleTuner Support Team
J2Kbr - General of the Army
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
Ooook,sorry if i bored you, your work is impressive,i support you and say in every videogame's forum i know to buy Titan One,really! 

H.Kojima83 - Sergeant
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4

ConsoleTuner Support Team
J2Kbr - General of the Army
- Posts: 20322
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Re: Driving Force GT Project Cars Setup Guide Titan One (PS4
First of all, awesome guide and scripts. Almost feels like the real deal.
However, I noticed something. When I steer suddenly from one side to another, or give a sudden steering rotation, the steering in game moves in the desired direction at normal pace and not at the same rate I twitch the wheel. Is there a work around for this?
Thanks in advance.
First of all, awesome guide and scripts. Almost feels like the real deal.
However, I noticed something. When I steer suddenly from one side to another, or give a sudden steering rotation, the steering in game moves in the desired direction at normal pace and not at the same rate I twitch the wheel. Is there a work around for this?
Thanks in advance.
acey9489 - Private First Class
- Posts: 3
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