T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/2020]
Re: T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/202
Conso wrote:When I changed it in the converted script, what I have to do next ? I think maybe I am doin it not right.
What Buttons I have to push in the Gtuner ?
Every script is different. If the script doesn't have instructions you'll need to look through the code to figure out what buttons activate what.
- Mad
- Major General
- Posts: 4538
- Joined: Wed May 22, 2019 5:39 am
Re: T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/202
Mad wrote:Conso wrote:When I changed it in the converted script, what I have to do next ? I think maybe I am doin it not right.
What Buttons I have to push in the Gtuner ?
Every script is different. If the script doesn't have instructions you'll need to look through the code to figure out what buttons activate what.
I understand, enclosed u can find the original Script from CM.
- Code: Select all
//___________________________________________________OPTIONS START______________________________________________________//
// ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ___ _ ____ _ _ ____
// | |__| | | | | [__ |___ \_/ | | | | |__/ | | |__] | | | | |\ | [__
// |___ | | |__| |__| ___] |___ | |__| |__| | \ |__| | | | |__| | \| ___]
// Choose your primary weapon, only one value can be TRUE! (If no values are TRUE, you can play with any weapon)
// SMG
int House_onoff = TRUE; // Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
int MP5_onoff = FALSE; // Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
int Midas_onoff = FALSE; // Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Choose your secondary weapon, only one value can be TRUE! (If no values are TRUE, you can play with any weapon)
// SMG
int House_2_onoff = FALSE; // Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
int MP5_2_onoff = TRUE; // Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
int Midas_2_onoff = FALSE; // Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Pistol setting (YELLOW light):
// RapidFire for Pistol
int RATE_OF_FIRE = 13; // Range: 1 to 25 RPS (Round/s)
// AutoRun setting:
// Work better when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF
int AutoRun_onoff = TRUE; // TRUE = AutoTun ON // FALSE = AutoRun OFF
// Parkour setting:
// Hold D Pad DOWN and press PS4 Circle or Xbox B to activate, do it again to desactivate
int Parkour_onoff = TRUE; // TRUE = Parkour ON // FALSE = Parkour OFF
// Strafe setting:
// Double tap PS4 Circle or Xbox B to Strafe, double tap again to stop Strafe
// Work better when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF
int Strafe_onoff = FALSE; // TRUE = Strafe ON // FALSE = Strafe OFF
// Swap Triggers setting:
int R1L1_onoff = FALSE; // FALSE = shoot and aim with R2/L2 // TRUE = shoot and aim with R1/L1
// Inverted Axis setting:
// If you play with inverted axis, set TRUE, in game option "Invert Y axis" MUST BE OFF!
int Axis_inverted = FALSE; // Set TRUE for Right Y axis inverted, esle set FALSE
// AutoMark/Mark Targets setting:
int AutoMark_onoff = FALSE; // FALSE = AutoMark OFF // TRUE = AutoMark ON
// Double Heal setting (Disable by befaut):
// Hold D-Pad DOWN and press the button YOU assign just below to enable / disable
// If enable, tap the button YOU assign just below to take MedKit then Heal Skill
int Heal_BTN = R_SKILL; // set L_SKILL or R_SKILL
// Fast MedKit setting:
// Press PS4 Circle or Xbox B while aiming, fireing or both to take a medkit very fast
int Fast_Medkit_onoff = TRUE; // TRUE = Fast Medkit ON // FALSE = Fast Medkit OFF
// Fake Lone Star setting:
// Double tap PS4 square or Xbox X to reload then switch weapon
int Reload_Switch_onoff = FALSE; // TRUE = Fake Lone Star ON // FALSE = Fake Lone Star OFF
// Classified 6p Striker (30% stability) settings:
int Striker_onoff = FALSE; // TRUE if you run 6 pieces Striker, else FALSE
//___________________________________________________OPTIONS END________________________________________________________//
define R_SKILL = 3; // PS4 R1 / Xbox RB
define FIRE_BTN = 4; // PS4 R2 / Xbox RT
define R_Stick = 5; // PS4 R3 / Xbox RS
define L_SKILL = 6; // PS4 L1 / Xbox LB
define ADS_BTN = 7; // PS4 L2 / Xbox LT
define L_Stick = 8; // PS4 L3 / Xbox LS
define R_X = 9; // PS4 RX / Xbox RX
define R_Y = 10; // PS4 RY / Xbox RY
define L_X = 11; // PS4 LX / Xbox LX
define L_Y = 12; // PS4 LY / Xbox LY
define D_UP = 13; // PS4 UP / Xbox UP
define D_DOWN = 14; // PS4 DOWN / Xbox DOWN
define D_LEFT = 15; // PS4 LEFT / Xbox LEFT
define D_RIGHT = 16; // PS4 RIGHT / Xbox RIGHT
define Switch_button = 17; // PS4 Triangle / Xbox Y
define CLIMB_BTN = 18; // PS4 Circle / Xbox B
define COVER_BTN = 19; // PS4 Cross / Xbox A
define RELOAD_BTN = 20; // PS4 Square / Xbox X
define Blue = 1;
define Red = 2;
define Green = 3;
define Pink = 4;
define SkyBlue = 5;
define Yellow = 6;
define White = 7;
2,0,0,0, //1. Blue
0,2,0,0, //2. Red
0,0,2,0, //3. Lime/Green
0,0,0,2, //4. Fuchsia/Pink
2,0,2,0, //5. SkyBlue
0,2,2,0, //6. Yellow
2,2,2,2 //7. White
int Script_onoff // For Enable/Disable ALL FEATURES (BLUE light if all features are disable)
int ANTI_RECOIL; // For AntiRecoil combo
int ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT; // For AntiRecoil combo
int ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT; // For AntiRecoil combo
int AR_Release = 90; // For AntiRecoil combo
int anti_recoil; // For AntiRecoil combo
int anti_recoil_left; // For AntiRecoil combo
int anti_recoil_right; // For AntiRecoil combo
int BTN_Tap; // For Double Tap
int Timer; // For Double Tap
int Switch; // For Switch weapon
int Pistol_onoff = FALSE; // For Sidearm / Pistol
int hold_time; // For RapidFire
int rest_time; // For RapidFire
int Col_ind; // For device color
int Parkour; // For Parkour
int Loop; // For Strafe
int Heal_onoff; // For Double Heal
int scoped; // For Snipers
int S_Time1; // For Snipers
int S_Time2; // For Snipers
int AR_Time_1; // For MDR
int AR_Time_2; // For MDR
int SG_Time1; // For Shotgun combo
int SG_Time2; // For Shotgun combo
int SG_Time3; // For Shotgun combo
// _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___
// |\/| |__| | |\ | [__ | |__| |__/ |
// | | | | | | \| ___] | | | | \ |
main { // main start
//Switch Weapons + Panic Button
if(event_press(Switch_button) || event_release(D_UP) && get_ptime(D_UP) > 55) {Switch=!Switch; Pistol_onoff = FALSE;}
// ____ ___ ___ _ ____ _ _ ____
// | | |__] | | | | |\ | [__
// |__| | | | |__| | \| ___]
//Swap Triggers
if(R1L1_onoff) {
swap(3, 4); swap(6, 7);
//Script Enable/Disable mode (Script enable by defaut)
//Hold D pad DOWN and press PS4 Cross or Xbox A to enable or disable ALL FEATURES BELOW
if(get_val(D_DOWN) && event_press(COVER_BTN)) {
if(!Script_onoff){ // Script Enable start
//Double Tap
if(Timer > 0) {
Timer = Timer - get_rtime();
if(Timer <= 0) BTN_Tap = FALSE;
//AutoRun (Work better when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF)
if(!combo_running(Strafe_v2) && !get_val(ADS_BTN) && get_val(L_Y) < -75) { // Press sensitive = 75
set_val(L_Stick, 100);
//If Parkour_onoff is TRUE, hold D pad DOWN and press PS4 Circle or Xbox B to enable, double tap again to disable
if(get_val(D_DOWN) && event_press(CLIMB_BTN)) {
Parkour = !Parkour;
if(Parkour) {
if(!combo_running(Strafe_v2) && !get_val(ADS_BTN) && get_val(L_Y) < -70) { // Press sensitive = 70
//Double tap PS4 Circle or Xbox B to Strafe, double tap again to stop Strafe
//Work better with AutoRun and when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF
if(Strafe_onoff) {
if(event_press(CLIMB_BTN)) {
if(Double_Tap (175)) { // Double tap speed (discrease value to have to double tap faster to enable / disable)
Loop = !Loop;
if(Loop) {
//Hair Trigger (always enable)
if(get_val(FIRE_BTN) > 0){
if(get_val(ADS_BTN) > 0){
//Inverted Axis
if(Axis_inverted) {
set_val(R_Y, inv(get_val(R_Y)));
// AutoMark (Mark Targets)
if(AutoMark_onoff) {
if(get_val(ADS_BTN)) {
//Double Heal (Disable by befaut)
//Hold D-Pad DOWN and press the button YOU assign in settings to enable / disable
//If enable, tap the button YOU assign in settings to take MedKit then Heal Skill
if(get_val(D_DOWN) && event_press(Heal_BTN)) {
if(Heal_onoff) {
if(event_press(Heal_BTN)) {
set_val(Heal_BTN, 0);
//Fast MedKit
//Take a MedKit very fast while aiming, fireing or both with PS4 Circle or Xbox B
if(Fast_Medkit_onoff) {
if((get_val(ADS_BTN) || get_val(FIRE_BTN)) && event_press(CLIMB_BTN)){
//Fake Lone Star
if(Reload_Switch_onoff) {
if(event_press(RELOAD_BTN)) {
if(Double_Tap (250)) { // Double tap speed (discrease value to have to double tap faster to reload then switch)
// ____ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ _ _ / ___ _ ____ ___ ____ _
// [__ | | \ |___ |__| |__/ |\/| / |__] | [__ | | | |
// ___] | |__/ |___ | | | \ | | / | | ___] | |__| |___ color blue
// Switch to side arm
if(event_press(Switch_button)) {
if(Double_Tap (200)) { // Double tap speed (discrease value to have to double tap faster to switch to side arm)
Pistol_onoff = TRUE ; Switch = !Switch;
if(Pistol_onoff) { // Pistol start
ANTI_RECOIL = 30; // Pistol AntiRecoil
else if(event_release(FIRE_BTN)) {
hold_time = 500 / RATE_OF_FIRE;
rest_time = hold_time - 20;
if(rest_time < 0) rest_time = 0;
} // Pistol end
if(!Pistol_onoff) { // NOT Pistol start
if(!Switch) {
// ___ ____ _ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ _
// |__] |__/ | |\/| |__| |__/ \_/ | | | |___ |__| |__] | | |\ |
// | | \ | | | | | | \ | |_|_| |___ | | | |__| | \| color green
//----------------------------------------------------- All SMG ---------------------------------------------------------//
if(House_onoff || MP5_onoff || Midas_onoff) { // Any SMG on
ANTI_RECOIL = 0 ; combo_run(AntiRecoil);
else if(event_release(FIRE_BTN)) {
} // Any SMG off
//----------------------------------------------------- House part ------------------------------------------------------//
if(House_onoff){ // House TURE start
ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
if(get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) { // Burst before antirecoil
Recoil (20, 15); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 750) { // +600
Recoil (30, 25); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1350) { // +600
Recoil (40, 30); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2150) { // +800
Recoil (55, 31); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2950) { // +800
Recoil (65, 39); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
} // House TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- MP5 part --------------------------------------------------------//
if(MP5_onoff){ // MP5 TRUE start
ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
if(get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) { // Burst before antirecoil
Recoil (12, 7); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) { // +850
Recoil (22, 12); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1850) { // +850
Recoil (30, 19); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2850) { // +1000
Recoil (40, 26); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3850) { // +1000
Recoil (50, 32); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
} // MP5 TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- Midas part ------------------------------------------------------//
if(Midas_onoff){ // Midas TURE start
ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
if(get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) { // Burst before antirecoil
Recoil (5, 5); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) { // +850
Recoil (12, 8); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2000) { // +1000
Recoil (17, 12); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3000) { // +1000
Recoil (22, 15); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 4250) { // +1250
Recoil (28, 18); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
} // Midas TRUE end
} //PRIMARY end
if(Switch) {
// ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ _
// [__ |___ | | | |\ | | \ |__| |__/ \_/ | | | |___ |__| |__] | | |\ |
// ___] |___ |___ |__| | \| |__/ | | | \ | |_|_| |___ | | | |__| | \| color red
//----------------------------------------------------- All SMG ---------------------------------------------------------//
if(House_2_onoff || MP5_2_onoff || Midas_2_onoff) { // Any SMG on
ANTI_RECOIL = 0 ; combo_run(AntiRecoil);
else if(event_release(FIRE_BTN)) {
} // Any SMG off
//----------------------------------------------------- House part ------------------------------------------------------//
if(House_2_onoff){ // House TURE start
ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
if(get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) { // Burst before antirecoil
Recoil (14, 10); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 750) { // +600
Recoil (24, 17); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1350) { // +600
Recoil (34, 24); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2150) { // +800
Recoil (46, 31); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2950) { // +800
Recoil (58, 39); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
} // House TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- MP5 part --------------------------------------------------------//
if(MP5_2_onoff){ // MP5 TRUE start
ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
if(get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) { // Burst before antirecoil
Recoil (12, 7); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) { // +850
Recoil (22, 12); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1850) { // +850
Recoil (30, 19); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2850) { // +1000
Recoil (40, 26); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3850) { // +1000
Recoil (50, 32); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
} // MP5 TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- Midas part ------------------------------------------------------//
if(Midas_2_onoff){ // Midas TURE start
ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT = 0; // Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
if(get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) { // Burst before antirecoil
Recoil (5, 5); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) { // +850
Recoil (12, 8); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2000) { // +1000
Recoil (17, 12); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3000) { // +1000
Recoil (22, 15); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
if(get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 4250) { // +1250
Recoil (28, 18); // Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
} // Midas TRUE end
} // NOT Pistol end
if(abs(get_val(R_Y)) > AR_Release || abs(get_val(R_X)) > 100) {
} // Script Enable end
if(Script_onoff) colourled(Blue);
else if(!Switch) colourled(Green);
else colourled(Red);
if(Pistol_onoff) colourled(Yellow);
} //main end
// _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ___
// |\/| |__| | |\ | |___ |\ | | \
// | | | | | | \| |___ | \| |__/
// ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ ____ _ _
// | | | |\/| |__] | | [__ |___ | | | | | |\ |
// |___ |__| | | |__] |__| ___] |___ |___ | | |__| | \|
//----------------------------------------------------- Weapons combos -------------------------------------------------//
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 100);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
//----------------------------------------------------- Features combos -------------------------------------------------//
combo AutoClimb {
set_val(CLIMB_BTN, 100);
combo Strafe_v2 { // Run straight, right, straight, left
set_val(L_Y, -100);
set_val(L_Stick, 100);
wait(250); // Time to run straight
set_val(L_X, 100);
set_val(L_Y, 50);
wait(750); // Time to run to the right
set_val(L_Y, -100);
set_val(L_Stick, 100);
wait(250); // Time to run straight
set_val(L_X, -100);
set_val(L_Y, 50);
wait(750); // Time to run to the left
combo MarkTargets {
set_val(D_UP, 100);
set_val(D_UP, 0);
combo Heal {
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(D_RIGHT, 100);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(Heal_BTN, 100);
combo MedKit {
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(D_RIGHT, 100);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
combo Reload {
combo AntiRecoil {
anti_recoil = get_val(R_Y) + ANTI_RECOIL;
if(anti_recoil > 100) anti_recoil = 100;
set_val(R_Y, anti_recoil);
anti_recoil_left = get_val(R_X) - ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT;
if(anti_recoil_left > 100) anti_recoil_left = 100;
set_val(R_X, anti_recoil_left);
anti_recoil_right = get_val(R_X) + ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT;
if(anti_recoil_right > 100) anti_recoil_right = 100;
set_val(R_X, anti_recoil_right);
// ____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ _ ____ _ _ ____
// |___ | | |\ | | | | | | |\ | [__
// | |__| | \| |___ | | |__| | \| ___]
function Recoil (val1, val2) {
function Double_Tap (Time) {
return TRUE;
Timer = Time;
return FALSE;
function colourled(Colour) { // COLOR LED function
Col_ind=(Colour*4) - 3;
set_led(LED_2,dbyte(Col_ind + 1));
set_led(LED_3,dbyte(Col_ind + 2));
set_led(LED_4,dbyte(Col_ind + 3));
and here is the converted T2 script
- Code: Select all
#pragma METAINFO("Script3.gpc", 1, 0, "Buffy's GPC Converter v0.28r6")
#include <titanone.gph>
#define _ot_i _ot_i2
const uint8 _ot_i2[42] = {
0, 0, BUTTON_18, BUTTON_19, BUTTON_20, BUTTON_21,
//___________________________________________________OPTIONS START______________________________________________________//
// ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ___ _ ____ _ _ ____
// | |__| | | | | [__ |___ \_/ | | | | |__/ | | |__] | | | | |\ | [__
// |___ | | |__| |__| ___] |___ | |__| |__| | \ |__| | | | |__| | \| ___]
// Choose your primary weapon, only one value can be TRUE! (If no values are TRUE, you can play with any weapon)
// SMG
// Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Choose your secondary weapon, only one value can be TRUE! (If no values are TRUE, you can play with any weapon)
// SMG
// Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Use with 5% or 6% Rate of Fire more !
// Pistol setting (YELLOW light):
// RapidFire for Pistol
// Range: 1 to 25 RPS (Round/s)
// AutoRun setting:
// Work better when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF
// TRUE = AutoTun ON // FALSE = AutoRun TRUE
// Parkour setting:
// Hold D Pad DOWN and press PS4 Circle or Xbox B to activate, do it again to desactivate
// TRUE = Parkour ON // FALSE = Parkour TRUE
// Strafe setting:
// Double tap PS4 Circle or Xbox B to Strafe, double tap again to stop Strafe
// Work better when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF
// TRUE = Strafe ON // FALSE = Strafe TRUE
// Swap Triggers setting:
// FALSE = shoot and aim with R2/L2 // TRUE = shoot and aim with R1/L1
// Inverted Axis setting:
// If you play with inverted axis, set TRUE, in game option "Invert Y axis" MUST BE OFF!
// Set TRUE for Right Y axis inverted, esle set FALSE
// AutoMark/Mark Targets setting:
// FALSE = AutoMark OFF // TRUE = AutoMark ON
// Double Heal setting (Disable by befaut):
// Hold D-Pad DOWN and press the button YOU assign just below to enable / disable
// If enable, tap the button YOU assign just below to take MedKit then Heal Skill
// set L_SKILL or R_SKILL
// Fast MedKit setting:
// Press PS4 Circle or Xbox B while aiming, fireing or both to take a medkit very fast
// TRUE = Fast Medkit ON // FALSE = Fast Medkit TRUE
// Fake Lone Star setting:
// Double tap PS4 square or Xbox X to reload then switch weapon
// TRUE = Fake Lone Star ON // FALSE = Fake Lone Star OFF
// Classified 6p Striker (30% stability) settings:
// TRUE if you run 6 pieces Striker, else FALSE
//___________________________________________________OPTIONS END________________________________________________________//
// PS4 R1 / Xbox RB
// PS4 R2 / Xbox RT
// PS4 R3 / Xbox RS
// PS4 L1 / Xbox LB
// PS4 L2 / Xbox LT
// PS4 L3 / Xbox LS
// PS4 RX / Xbox RX
// PS4 RY / Xbox RY
// PS4 LX / Xbox LX
// PS4 LY / Xbox LY
// PS4 UP / Xbox UP
// PS4 DOWN / Xbox DOWN
// PS4 LEFT / Xbox LEFT
// PS4 Triangle / Xbox Y
// PS4 Circle / Xbox B
// PS4 Cross / Xbox A
// PS4 Square / Xbox X
//1. Blue
//2. Red
//3. Lime/Green
//4. Fuchsia/Pink
//5. SkyBlue
//6. Yellow
//7. White
// For Enable/Disable ALL FEATURES (BLUE light if all features are disable)
// For AntiRecoil combo
// For AntiRecoil combo
// For AntiRecoil combo
// For AntiRecoil combo
// For AntiRecoil combo
// For AntiRecoil combo
// For AntiRecoil combo
// For Double Tap
// For Double Tap
// For Switch weapon
// For Sidearm / Pistol
// For RapidFire
// For RapidFire
// For device color
// For Parkour
// For Strafe
// For Double Heal
// For Snipers
// For Snipers
// For Snipers
// For MDR
// For MDR
// For Shotgun combo
// For Shotgun combo
// For Shotgun combo
// _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___
// |\/| |__| | |\ | [__ | |__| |__/ |
// | | | | | | \| ___] | | | | \ |
// main start
//Switch Weapons + Panic Button
// ____ ___ ___ _ ____ _ _ ____
// | | |__] | | | | |\ | [__
// |__| | | | |__| | \| ___]
//Swap Triggers
//Script Enable/Disable mode (Script enable by defaut)
//Hold D pad DOWN and press PS4 Cross or Xbox A to enable or disable ALL FEATURES BELOW
// Script Enable start
//Double Tap
//AutoRun (Work better when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF)
// Press sensitive = 75
//If Parkour_onoff is TRUE, hold D pad DOWN and press PS4 Circle or Xbox B to enable, double tap again to disable
// Press sensitive = 70
//Double tap PS4 Circle or Xbox B to Strafe, double tap again to stop Strafe
//Work better with AutoRun and when in game option "Press to Sprint" is turned OFF
// Double tap speed (discrease value to have to double tap faster to enable / disable)
//Hair Trigger (always enable)
//Inverted Axis
// AutoMark (Mark Targets)
//Double Heal (Disable by befaut)
//Hold D-Pad DOWN and press the button YOU assign in settings to enable / disable
//If enable, tap the button YOU assign in settings to take MedKit then Heal Skill
//Fast MedKit
//Take a MedKit very fast while aiming, fireing or both with PS4 Circle or Xbox B
//Fake Lone Star
// Double tap speed (discrease value to have to double tap faster to reload then switch)
// ____ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ _ _ / ___ _ ____ ___ ____ _
// [__ | | \ |___ |__| |__/ |\/| / |__] | [__ | | | |
// ___] | |__/ |___ | | | \ | | / | | ___] | |__| |___ color blue
// Switch to side arm
// Double tap speed (discrease value to have to double tap faster to switch to side arm)
// Pistol start
// Pistol AntiRecoil
// Pistol end
// NOT Pistol start
// ___ ____ _ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ _
// |__] |__/ | |\/| |__| |__/ \_/ | | | |___ |__| |__] | | |\ |
// | | \ | | | | | | \ | |_|_| |___ | | | |__| | \| color green
//----------------------------------------------------- All SMG ---------------------------------------------------------//
// Any SMG on
// Any SMG off
//----------------------------------------------------- House part ------------------------------------------------------//
// House TRUE start
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Burst before antirecoil
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +600
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +600
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +800
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +800
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// House TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- MP5 part --------------------------------------------------------//
// MP5 TRUE start
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Burst before antirecoil
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +850
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +850
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// MP5 TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- Midas part ------------------------------------------------------//
// Midas TURE start
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Burst before antirecoil
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +850
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1250
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// Midas TRUE end
// ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ _
// [__ |___ | | | |\ | | \ |__| |__/ \_/ | | | |___ |__| |__] | | |\ |
// ___] |___ |___ |__| | \| |__/ | | | \ | |_|_| |___ | | | |__| | \| color red
//----------------------------------------------------- All SMG ---------------------------------------------------------//
// Any SMG on
// Any SMG off
//----------------------------------------------------- House part ------------------------------------------------------//
// House TURE start
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Burst before antirecoil
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +600
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +600
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +800
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +800
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// House TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- MP5 part --------------------------------------------------------//
// MP5 TRUE start
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Burst before antirecoil
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +850
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +850
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// MP5 TRUE end
//----------------------------------------------------- Midas part ------------------------------------------------------//
// Midas TURE start
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Change this value to compensate horizontal recoil (0 - 100)
// Burst before antirecoil
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +850
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1000
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// +1250
// Recoil (NOT Striker value, Striker value)
// Midas TRUE end
// NOT Pistol end
// Script Enable end
//main end
// _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ___
// |\/| |__| | |\ | |___ |\ | | \
// | | | | | | \| |___ | \| |__/
// ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ ____ _ _
// | | | |\/| |__] | | [__ |___ | | | | | |\ |
// |___ |__| | | |__] |__| ___] |___ |___ | | |__| | \|
//----------------------------------------------------- Weapons combos -------------------------------------------------//
//----------------------------------------------------- Features combos -------------------------------------------------//
// Run straight, right, straight, left
// Time to run straight
// Time to run to the right
// Time to run straight
// Time to run to the left
// ____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ _ ____ _ _ ____
// |___ | | |\ | | | | | | |\ | [__
// | |__| | \| |___ | | |__| | \| ___]
// COLOR LED function
define R_SKILL = 3;
define FIRE_BTN = 4;
define R_Stick = 5;
define L_SKILL = 6;
define ADS_BTN = 7;
define L_Stick = 8;
define R_X = 9;
define R_Y = 10;
define L_X = 11;
define L_Y = 12;
define D_UP = 13;
define D_DOWN = 14;
define D_LEFT = 15;
define D_RIGHT = 16;
define Switch_button = 17;
define CLIMB_BTN = 18;
define COVER_BTN = 19;
define RELOAD_BTN = 20;
define Blue = 1;
define Red = 2;
define Green = 3;
define Pink = 4;
define SkyBlue = 5;
define Yellow = 6;
define White = 7;
#define __LAST_COMBO__ c_AntiRecoil
#define _VM_BTN_COUNT_ 42
#define DISABLE_VM_ // delete underscore to disable VM mode
#ifndef DISABLE_VM
#define VM_TIME 10
#define vm_tctrl(time) ___vm_time___ = (((10+ time) < 0) ? 0 : (10+ time))
#define wait(a) wait(vm_tctrl_wait(a));
#define VM_TIME 0
2, 0, 0, 0,
0, 2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 2, 0,
0, 0, 0, 2,
2, 0, 2, 0,
0, 2, 2, 0,
2, 2, 2, 2
int House_onoff = TRUE;
int MP5_onoff = FALSE;
int Midas_onoff = FALSE;
int House_2_onoff = FALSE;
int MP5_2_onoff = TRUE;
int Midas_2_onoff = FALSE;
int RATE_OF_FIRE = 13;
int AutoRun_onoff = TRUE;
int Parkour_onoff = TRUE;
int Strafe_onoff = FALSE;
int R1L1_onoff = FALSE;
int Axis_inverted = FALSE;
int AutoMark_onoff = FALSE;
int Heal_BTN = R_SKILL;
int Fast_Medkit_onoff = TRUE;
int Reload_Switch_onoff = TRUE;
int Striker_onoff = FALSE;
int Script_onoff;
int AR_Release = 90;
int anti_recoil;
int anti_recoil_left;
int anti_recoil_right;
int BTN_Tap;
int Timer;
int Switch;
int Pistol_onoff = FALSE;
int hold_time;
int rest_time;
int Col_ind;
int Parkour;
int Loop;
int Heal_onoff;
int scoped;
int S_Time1;
int S_Time2;
int AR_Time_1;
int AR_Time_2;
int SG_Time1;
int SG_Time2;
int SG_Time3;
uint8 __COMBO_RUN__[8];
int8 __io_vals__[_VM_BTN_COUNT_];
uint8 __io_val_events__[_VM_BTN_COUNT_];
uint32 __vm_run_time__ = 0;
uint8 __run_vm__ = 1, ___vm_time___ = VM_TIME, ___i____i;
main {
if(__run_vm__) {
if (_event_press(Switch_button) || _event_release(D_UP) && get_ptime(D_UP) > 55) {
Switch =! Switch;
Pistol_onoff = FALSE;
if (R1L1_onoff) {
swap(3, 4);
swap(6, 7);
if (get_val(D_DOWN) && _event_press(COVER_BTN)) {
Script_onoff =! Script_onoff;
if (!Script_onoff) {
if (Timer > 0) {
Timer = Timer-get_rtime();
if (Timer <= 0) BTN_Tap = FALSE;
if (AutoRun_onoff) {
if (!combo_running(c_Strafe_v2) && !get_val(ADS_BTN) && get_val(L_Y) < -75) {
set_val(L_Stick, 100);
if (Parkour_onoff) {
if (get_val(D_DOWN) && _event_press(CLIMB_BTN)) {
Parkour =! Parkour;
if (Parkour) {
if (!combo_running(c_Strafe_v2) && !get_val(ADS_BTN) && get_val(L_Y) < -70) {
if (Strafe_onoff) {
if (_event_press(CLIMB_BTN)) {
if (f_Double_Tap(175)) {
Loop =! Loop;
if (Loop) {
else {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN) > 0) {
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 100);
if (get_val(ADS_BTN) > 0) {
set_val(ADS_BTN, 100);
if (Axis_inverted) {
set_val(R_Y, inv(get_val(R_Y)));
if (AutoMark_onoff) {
if (get_val(ADS_BTN)) {
if (get_val(D_DOWN) && _event_press(Heal_BTN)) {
Heal_onoff =! Heal_onoff;
if (Heal_onoff) {
if (_event_press(Heal_BTN)) {
set_val(Heal_BTN, 0);
if (Fast_Medkit_onoff) {
if ((get_val(ADS_BTN) || get_val(FIRE_BTN)) && _event_press(CLIMB_BTN)) {
if (Reload_Switch_onoff) {
if (_event_press(RELOAD_BTN)) {
if (f_Double_Tap(250)) {
Switch =! Switch;
if (_event_press(Switch_button)) {
if (f_Double_Tap(200)) {
Pistol_onoff = TRUE;
Switch =! Switch;
if (Pistol_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
else if (_event_release(FIRE_BTN)) {
hold_time = 500 / RATE_OF_FIRE;
rest_time = hold_time-20;
if (rest_time < 0) rest_time = 0;
if (!Pistol_onoff) {
if (!Switch) {
if (House_onoff|| MP5_onoff|| Midas_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
else if (_event_release(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (House_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) {
f_Recoil(20, 15);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 750) {
f_Recoil(30, 25);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1350) {
f_Recoil(40, 30);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2150) {
f_Recoil(55, 31);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2950) {
f_Recoil(65, 39);
if (MP5_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) {
f_Recoil(12, 7);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) {
f_Recoil(22, 12);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1850) {
f_Recoil(30, 19);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2850) {
f_Recoil(40, 26);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3850) {
f_Recoil(50, 32);
if (Midas_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) {
f_Recoil(5, 5);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) {
f_Recoil(12, 8);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2000) {
f_Recoil(17, 12);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3000) {
f_Recoil(22, 15);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 4250) {
f_Recoil(28, 18);
if (Switch) {
if (House_2_onoff|| MP5_2_onoff|| Midas_2_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
else if (_event_release(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (House_2_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) {
f_Recoil(14, 10);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 750) {
f_Recoil(24, 17);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1350) {
f_Recoil(34, 24);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2150) {
f_Recoil(46, 31);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2950) {
f_Recoil(58, 39);
if (MP5_2_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) {
f_Recoil(12, 7);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) {
f_Recoil(22, 12);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1850) {
f_Recoil(30, 19);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2850) {
f_Recoil(40, 26);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3850) {
f_Recoil(50, 32);
if (Midas_2_onoff) {
if (get_val(FIRE_BTN)) {
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 150) {
f_Recoil(5, 5);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 1000) {
f_Recoil(12, 8);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 2000) {
f_Recoil(17, 12);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 3000) {
f_Recoil(22, 15);
if (get_ptime(FIRE_BTN) >= 4250) {
f_Recoil(28, 18);
if (abs(get_val(R_Y)) > AR_Release|| abs(get_val(R_X)) > 100) {
if (Script_onoff) f_colourled(Blue);
else if (!Switch) f_colourled(Green);
else f_colourled(Red);
if (Pistol_onoff) f_colourled(Yellow);
combo c_RAPID_FIRE {
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 100);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
combo c_AutoClimb {
set_val(CLIMB_BTN, 100);
combo c_Strafe_v2 {
set_val(L_Y, -100);
set_val(L_Stick, 100);
set_val(L_X, 100);
set_val(L_Y, 50);
set_val(L_Y, -100);
set_val(L_Stick, 100);
set_val(L_X, -100);
set_val(L_Y, 50);
combo c_MarkTargets {
set_val(D_UP, 100);
set_val(D_UP, 0);
combo c_Heal {
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(D_RIGHT, 100);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(Heal_BTN, 100);
combo c_MedKit {
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
set_val(D_RIGHT, 100);
set_val(FIRE_BTN, 0);
combo c_Reload {
set_val(RELOAD_BTN, 100);
set_val(Switch_button, 0);
set_val(Switch_button, 100);
combo c_AntiRecoil {
anti_recoil = get_val(R_Y) + ANTI_RECOIL;
if (anti_recoil > 100) anti_recoil = 100;
set_val(R_Y, anti_recoil);
anti_recoil_left = get_val(R_X) -ANTI_RECOIL_LEFT;
if (anti_recoil_left > 100) anti_recoil_left = 100;
set_val(R_X, anti_recoil_left);
anti_recoil_right = get_val(R_X) + ANTI_RECOIL_RIGHT;
if (anti_recoil_right > 100) anti_recoil_right = 100;
set_val(R_X, anti_recoil_right);
function f_Recoil(val1, val2) {
if (!Striker_onoff) {
if (Striker_onoff) {
function f_Double_Tap(Time) {
if (BTN_Tap) {
return TRUE;
Timer = Time;
return FALSE;
function f_colourled(Colour) {
Col_ind = (Colour * 4) -3;
set_led(LED_1, dbyte(Col_ind));
set_led(LED_2, dbyte(Col_ind+ 1));
set_led(LED_3, dbyte(Col_ind+ 2));
set_led(LED_4, dbyte(Col_ind+ 3));
main {
if(__run_vm__) {
__run_vm__ = system_time() >= (__vm_run_time__+ ___vm_time___);
if(__run_vm__) __vm_run_time__ = system_time();
else {
memset( & __io_vals__[0], 0, _VM_BTN_COUNT_);
memset( & __io_val_events__[0], 0, _VM_BTN_COUNT_);
for(___i____i = 0; ___i____i < _VM_BTN_COUNT_; ++ ___i____i) {
if(get_val(___i____i)) __io_vals__[___i____i] = get_val(___i____i);
if(get_val( ++ ___i____i)) __io_vals__[___i____i] = get_val(___i____i);
#ifdef __LAST_COMBO__
for(___i____i = 0; ___i____i < sizeof(__COMBO_RUN__); ++ ___i____i) {
if(__LAST_COMBO__[(___i____i * 3) + ___i____i]) {
__LAST_COMBO__[(___i____i * 3) + ___i____i] = 0;
__COMBO_RUN__[___i____i] = 1;
else {
___i____i = 0;
do {
if(__io_vals__[___i____i]) set_val(___i____i, __io_vals__[___i____i]);
if(event_press(___i____i)) __io_val_events__[___i____i] = 1;
if(event_release(___i____i)) __io_val_events__[___i____i] = 3;
if(__io_vals__[ ++ ___i____i]) set_val(___i____i, __io_vals__[___i____i]);
if(event_press(___i____i)) __io_val_events__[___i____i] = 1;
if(event_release(___i____i)) __io_val_events__[___i____i] = 3;
} while( ++ ___i____i < _VM_BTN_COUNT_);
if(system_time() >= (__vm_run_time__+ ___vm_time___)) {
__run_vm__ = 1; __vm_run_time__ = system_time();
#ifdef __LAST_COMBO__
for(___i____i = 0; ___i____i < sizeof(__COMBO_RUN__); ++ ___i____i) {
if(__COMBO_RUN__[___i____i]) {
__LAST_COMBO__[(___i____i * 3) + ___i____i] = 1;
__COMBO_RUN__[___i____i] = 0;
int vm_tctrl_wait(int num) {
return ___vm_time___ ? ((num / ___vm_time___) + ((num % ___vm_time___) ? 1 : 0)) : num;
bool _event_press(uint8 io) {
return event_press(io) || __io_val_events__[io] == 1;
bool _event_release(uint8 io) {
return event_release(io) || __io_val_events__[io] == 3;
If I want to change settings like AutoRun, Parkour, Strafe etc then I know how to do it on CM script. On T2 script I do not really know where I can change settings.
Conso - Sergeant
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:20 pm
Re: T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/202
It's all still there just keep scrolling down.
- Code: Select all
int House_onoff = TRUE;
int MP5_onoff = FALSE;
int Midas_onoff = FALSE;
int House_2_onoff = FALSE;
int MP5_2_onoff = TRUE;
int Midas_2_onoff = FALSE;
int RATE_OF_FIRE = 13;
int AutoRun_onoff = TRUE;
int Parkour_onoff = TRUE;
int Strafe_onoff = FALSE;
int R1L1_onoff = FALSE;
int Axis_inverted = FALSE;
int AutoMark_onoff = FALSE;
int Heal_BTN = R_SKILL;
int Fast_Medkit_onoff = TRUE;
int Reload_Switch_onoff = TRUE;
int Striker_onoff = FALSE;
- Mad
- Major General
- Posts: 4538
- Joined: Wed May 22, 2019 5:39 am
Re: T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/202
Hi Mad,
this part of the script I tried days before to change value from FALSE to TRUE but nothing happend in game during I connected T2 with Gtuner und PS5.
Today I tried again and I saw what I did wrong, I forgot to save the script because I am not so familiar with Gtuner yet.
Thanks for your support !!
this part of the script I tried days before to change value from FALSE to TRUE but nothing happend in game during I connected T2 with Gtuner und PS5.
Today I tried again and I saw what I did wrong, I forgot to save the script because I am not so familiar with Gtuner yet.
Thanks for your support !!
Conso - Sergeant
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:20 pm
Re: T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/202
have they changed how they code zen scripts thanks
jasp90 - Command Sergeant Major
- Posts: 125
- Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:06 pm
Re: T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/202
who knows how to convert this script to titan two?
thank you
who knows how to convert this script to titan two?
thank you
- Code: Select all
// 1. Blue = Close
// 2. Red = Medium
// 3. Green = Long
/* L2/LT + Right D-Pad to change distance
0. Off = No Selection */
define CloseRangeTime = 160, // 1. Blue = Close
MediumRangeTime = 120, // 2. Red = Medium
LongRangeTime = 100; // 3. Green = Long
int Count,
main {
if(isqrt(pow(get_ival(PS4_RY), 2) + pow(get_ival(PS4_RX), 2)) <= 12) // Remove Any Unwanted Stick Drift
set_val(PS4_RY, 0);
set_val(PS4_RX, 0);
// L2/LT Hair Trigger
deadzone(PS4_L2, NOT_USE, 99, NOT_USE);
// R2/RT Hair Trigger (Hip Aim)
if(get_val(PS4_R2) >= 1 && get_val(PS4_R2) < 13)
set_val(PS4_R2, 13);
// Headshot Aim
if(get_val(PS4_L2) && event_press(PS4_RIGHT))
Count ++;
if(Count >= 4)
Count = 0;
if(!Start && get_val(PS4_L2) && get_ptime(PS4_L2) > 250)
if(Count == 1)
if(Count == 2)
if(Count == 3)
Start = FALSE;
set_led(LED_1, 0);
if(Count == 1)
set_hsb(110, 100, 75);
if(Count == 2)
set_hsb(55, 100, 75);
if(Count == 3)
set_hsb(12, 100, 75);
// Headshot Aim
set_val(PS4_RY, -100);
Start = TRUE;
set_val(PS4_RY, -100);
Start = TRUE;
set_val(PS4_RY, -100);
Start = TRUE;
Rains Fall - Private
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:01 am
Re: T1/CM to Titan Two Script Converter [v0.28r6 - 11/30/202
hi can someone assist with converting this script for the T2? i tried using the converter but it did not work. thanks in advance!
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Thegame - Sergeant First Class
- Posts: 16
- Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:28 pm
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