Mobility Accessibility

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Mobility Accessibility

Postby QuadPlayer » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:48 pm

I am a Paralyzed Quadriplegic who is very grateful of the Titan One. It has enabled me to my accessible controller on every system I have tried it on (PS3,PS4,XBOX360,XBOX One, and my PC).

The question I have is there a way to use 2 controllers at once on the same input. Like being able to use a PS3 controller and my accessible controller at the same time. Its because I want to be able to hold and play my PS3 controller and use a bite switch I have with the accessible controller or use a driving wheel and my accessible controller 's switches to work the gas and brake.

If it can't be done is there a way to add it into a future feature?
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Re: Mobility Accessibility

Postby UK_Wildcats » Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:42 pm

To use multiple controllers, you would need to use MaxAim DI with the T1.
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Re: Mobility Accessibility

Postby J2Kbr » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:41 pm

UK_Wildcats_Fans is right. You can do that using the MaxAim DI. One controller is connected on the Titan One, and the other controller is connected on PC and handled by the plugin.
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Re: Mobility Accessibility

Postby QuadPlayer » Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:19 pm

Awesome It actually works great.

Is there a configuration where I can change the gas and break to a joystick? (Pushing up on the joystick increases the throttle and 90% left could be the emergency brake and 90% right or down could be the break? I'm still a novice with all of the customizations.
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Re: Mobility Accessibility

Postby J2Kbr » Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:24 pm

Sure, for that we need make a script. Could you please provide me with more details about the game button layout? so I can make the script for you. I need to know what joystick (left or right) you want use to gas/break/hand-break. And what are the buttons for those actions, for example:

Gas: R2
Break: L2
Hand Break: Circle.

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Re: Mobility Accessibility

Postby QuadPlayer » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:26 pm

J2Kbr wrote:Sure, for that we need make a script. Could you please provide me with more details about the game button layout? so I can make the script for you. I need to know what joystick (left or right) you want use to gas/break/hand-break. And what are the buttons for those actions, for example:

Gas: R2
Break: L2
Hand Break: Circle.


On the XBox one im using a Microsoft Thrustmaster "Spider" connected to the titan one and a PS3 or PS4 controller plugged into the computer. The accessible controller has native ps3 built in, but it came with a ps4 adapter so both will work.

Gas: R2
Break: L2
Hand Break: A

QuadPlayer wrote:Awesome It actually works great.

Is there a configuration where I can change the gas and break to a joystick? (Pushing up on the joystick increases the throttle and 90% left could be the emergency brake and 90% right or down could be the break? I'm still a novice with all of the customizations.

I jumped the gun when I said it works great, now the wheel wont work at all plugged into the titan one. I have to unplug the xbox one for a few then plug it back in. Only plug the wheel in and power the xbox on with the wheels xbox button. That's the only way to make the wheel work. Not sure what happened since yesterday, but there isn't anything loaded on the titan one.
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Re: Mobility Accessibility

Postby J2Kbr » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:56 pm

Hi, Sorry for the late reply... I think I got your script right!! :) Please let me know if it worked!! thanks.

PS.: You can make any necessary adjustment on the "define" values.

Code: Select all

define JOYSTICK_Y           = PS4_RY;
define JOYSTICK_Y_DEAZONE   = 20;

define JOYSTICK_X           = PS4_RX;
define JOYSTICK_X_DEAZONE   = 89;

define GAS_BUTTON           = PS4_R2;
define BREAK_BUTTON         = PS4_L2;

main {

    // GAS
    if(get_val(JOYSTICK_Y) < -JOYSTICK_Y_DEAZONE) {
        set_val(GAS_BUTTON, abs(get_val(JOYSTICK_Y)));
    // BREAK (DOWN)
    else if(get_val(JOYSTICK_Y) > JOYSTICK_Y_DEAZONE) {
        set_val(BREAK_BUTTON, get_val(JOYSTICK_Y));
    // BREAK (RIGHT)
    if(get_val(JOYSTICK_X) > JOYSTICK_X_DEAZONE) {
        set_val(BREAK_BUTTON, 100);
    else if(get_val(JOYSTICK_X) < -JOYSTICK_X_DEAZONE) {
        set_val(HANDBREAK_BUTTON, 100);

    set_val(JOYSTICK_Y, 0);
    set_val(JOYSTICK_X, 0);
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