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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 8:35 pm
by JonathonHouse
Hi All,

While I enjoy playing PvE type content with a controller, I absolutely abhor playing anything PvP, especially shooters, with it. My biggest issue is that I always press R3 while using the joystick and it ends up interrupting my actions (such as shooting at the target in FPS games). I was looking around online and found that the "Titan One" mod was an affordable way to get KB&M support in PS4.

Does anyone here use it? How do you like it?

Re: PS4?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:23 pm
by Mad

You can unmap controller buttons, so you could simply unmap R3 and stick to controller.
You certainly can use keyboard and mouse with the Titan One, still I'd recommended the Titan Two though.