Apex Legends (Titan One)
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Apex Legends (Titan One)
ConsoleTuner Support Team
J2Kbr - General of the Army
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Re: Apex Legends (Titan One)
Downloaded an none of mods work, impossible to activate
breezyclient - Private
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Re: Apex Legends (Titan One)
breezyclient wrote:Downloaded an none of mods work, impossible to activate
If you are on PS4, please check on the PS4 settings if the option to use wired communication is checked:
Settings → Devices → Controllers → Communication Method: Use USB Cable.
Please also note the MODs from the gamepack are normally disabled by default, the MODs you want to use should be enabled via the Gamepack's Configuration Interface.
The basic steps to load and configure Gamepacks into the Titan One are listed below. To start connect the device in your PC with the provided mini-USB cable, then open Gtuner PRO, click on the Programmer TAB (bottom tabs) and drag-and-drop the Gamepack into any memory slot and follow the step-by-step below:
1) Click on the memory slot number.
2) A window with the Gamepack configuration will open.
3) Enable the MODs you want (e.g. Rapidfire).
4) Yet on this window, select the option: "Include configuration on programming device", as illustrated here:
http://www.consoletuner.com/kbase/gamep ... ration.htm
5) Close the configuration window.
6) IMPORTANT: Commit the changes on the device by clicking on the button "Program Device".
7) Plug the device on the console.
8) Press the device button until the display shows the same memory slot number you programmed the Gamepack.
9) You should be ready to go!
ConsoleTuner Support Team
J2Kbr - General of the Army
- Posts: 20322
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Re: Apex Legends (Titan One)
hey can someone make a Trigger flips for this game pack, the old impute translators contain erros so they dont work with any game pack, I aslo dont know how to remap button layouts so if someone could do this for me that would be great!
Mlller - Private
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Re: Apex Legends (Titan One)
Mlller wrote:hey can someone make a Trigger flips for this game pack, the old impute translators contain erros so they dont work with any game pack, I aslo dont know how to remap button layouts so if someone could do this for me that would be great!
Hi, Do you have a titan one or titan two? Just wondering because you said input translator and this is the titan one section. Let me know what device and I'll be able to help you out.

- Mad
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Re: Apex Legends (Titan One)
Mad wrote:Mlller wrote:hey can someone make a Trigger flips for this game pack, the old impute translators contain erros so they dont work with any game pack, I aslo dont know how to remap button layouts so if someone could do this for me that would be great!
Hi, Do you have a titan one or titan two? Just wondering because you said input translator and this is the titan one section. Let me know what device and I'll be able to help you out.
I also need help with this i shoot with l1 r1 but when you use mod to swap bumpers and triggers it doenst seem to work ,is there some quick button i can press to make it work i.e hold r2 + d-pad down also how the hell do i make new post on this fourm this experience alone is enough for someone to have this device
dominique - Private First Class
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Re: Apex Legends (Titan One)
J2Kbr wrote:
Apex Legends (Titan One).
Documentation: https://www.consoletuner.com/kbase/apex_legends.htm
dominique - Private First Class
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Re: Apex Legends (Titan One)
dominique wrote:I NEED HELP SWAP THE L2 R2 WITH L1 R1
You can remap buttons with the maxremapper plugin. https://www.consoletuner.com/kbase/maxr ... s=AQAAACA=
- Mad
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