Why is the gcv_ready() in GPC script always failed?

GCV scripting for Gtuner IV and Titan Two. Configuration, examples, questions.

Why is the gcv_ready() in GPC script always failed?

Postby johnsonwhl » Tue May 16, 2023 1:01 am

Gtuner configuration:python 3.8, opencv following the guide:https://www.consoletuner.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15147

The problem is when running python cv script normally in cv windows, gcv_ready() in GPC script always failed and info "something wrong" poping up in Gtuner output panel.

I'm confused badly, Why? Could anybody help? Thanks......

Code: Select all
int8 gamepadLstick_x = 0;
int8 gamepadLstick_y = 0;
main {
    if(gcv_ready()) {
        gamepadLstick_x = gcv_read(0);
        gamepadLstick_y = gcv_read(1);
    else printf("something wrong");

Code: Select all
import os
import cv2
class GCVWorker:
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.gcvdata = bytearray([0x00,0x00])
    def __del__(self):
        del self.gcvdata
    def process(self, frame):
        self.gcvdata[0] = 100
        self.gcvdata[1] = 100
        return frame,self.gcvdata
Gtuner cfg.PNG
Gtuner configuration
Gtuner cfg.PNG (86.13 KiB) Viewed 4217 times
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Re: Why is the gcv_ready() in GPC script always failed?

Postby Mad » Tue May 16, 2023 9:58 pm

gcv_ready() is every frame when data is sent. So it'll spam both test and something wrong.

First get rid of the output panel spam;
Code: Select all
import os
import cv2
class GCVWorker:
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.gcvdata = bytearray([0x00,0x00])
    def __del__(self):
        del self.gcvdata
    def process(self, frame):
        self.gcvdata[0] = 100
        self.gcvdata[1] = 100
        return frame, self.gcvdata

Then change the GPC to print the value of your variables instead when you press the right trigger;
Code: Select all
bool gamepadLstick_x;
bool gamepadLstick_y;
main {
    if(gcv_ready()) {
        gamepadLstick_x = gcv_read(0);
        gamepadLstick_y = gcv_read(1);
    if(event_active(BUTTON_5)) {
        printf("gamepadLstick_x: %d gamepadLstick_y: %d", gamepadLstick_x, gamepadLstick_y);

For the sticks though you want to use fix32. So in the python script you'd use gcvdata.extend and extend to 4 bytes and then adjust the gpc accordingly. I recommend checking out the apex script by J2Kbr and scrolling down to the gcvdata section near the end to see how it's done.
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Re: Why is the gcv_ready() in GPC script always failed?

Postby johnsonwhl » Wed May 17, 2023 3:08 am

Thanks a lot! :smile0517: :smile0517:

It worked! :smile0203:
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