Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

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Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby Fragsnipa » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:38 am

Hi, just wondering if anyone has gotten the game. I know it just gor released. Really hoping for perfect reloads for this game would be so freaking awesome. Perfect reload for shotgun, lancer,Hammerburst, sniper rifle, and pistol. always enable Auto Tag like AUto spot in battlefield 4. :smile0202: :smile0203:
Console= Xbone
Games = BF4, MCC, H5, BO3, Gears of War UE, Destiny, Gears of War 4, COD 4 Remaste, BF1.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby CEO » Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:46 pm

Yes please. This would be fantastic.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby srbtattoo » Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:56 pm

also weapon slide.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby Fragsnipa » Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:55 am

Forgot to add when you hold ADS( this is great if you have the longshot aka the sniper)like for 300 ms you zoom in on the longshot.
Console= Xbone
Games = BF4, MCC, H5, BO3, Gears of War UE, Destiny, Gears of War 4, COD 4 Remaste, BF1.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby Elvish » Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:18 am

I imagine some one will code an actual gamepak eventually, but until them I am willing to work on requests. However I do NOT own this game and as such I can't test anything. So it will be up to everyone who wants scripts for this game to do the testing. That being said I am quite sleepy and unable to work on anything tonight.

Current Requests:
    1. Would it be possible to make the Shotgun (Gnasher), and the Lancer to shoot faster?
    2. can some one show me how to make a weapon slide command/ lt and hit rt will it turn off or can i switch it to pressing dpad down turns it on and l dpad turns it off
    3. have it so when i press down on the d pad to pull out my pistol it turns on rapid fire and when hit left on the dpad to put a way the pistol it will turn off rapid fire so i can use weapons that require rt to be held
    4. weapon slide on x , rapid fire on with dpad down rapid fire off with d pad left, i use lb for perfect reload shotgun and thats perfect. if you want you can also put lancer active reload on dpad right by holding it
    5. Perfect reload for shotgun, lancer,Hammerburst, sniper rifle, and pistol
    6. enable Auto Tag like AUto spot in battlefield 4
    7. when you hold ADS( this is great if you have the longshot aka the sniper)like for 300 ms you zoom in on the longshot

What I need is more specific details on these scripts. Example:
2. Weapon Slide - Press X, wait 2/10 of a second, press A. D-Pad down to enable, D-Pad up to Enable.

Obviously 2/10 of a second can easily be changed, I just need a base line to start with. So any time that seems close will work just fine.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby perfecthuntr » Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:08 am

If I can also help, I'd be glad to collaborate. I do not own an Xbox One at all, so I definitely cannot get my hands on the game either. But, I can certainly help out with scripting if the requests are clear.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby JDK19XX » Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:03 am

Perfect reload would be a great start. I'm not really sure the timing for it or anything.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby Elvish » Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:31 pm

But you see JDK I do not own the game. I do not know how to preform an active reload. That is why i need to know button presses.
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby JDK19XX » Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:29 pm

Elvish wrote:But you see JDK I do not own the game. I do not know how to preform an active reload. That is why i need to know button presses.

Its RB/R1 to reload. Its roughly maybe a second after pressing reload that if you press it again you get a "perfect reload" and it reloads the weapon faster. Maybe watching Youtube video will help?
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Re: Gears Ulimate edition Gamepack Request

Postby JDK19XX » Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:45 pm

Here is a video I found. He Active Reloads right around 18 Seconds and then again at 24 Seconds. If you notice how when he reloads and he stops it on that white line at a perfect time, that's what we're trying to get lol
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