Pre-defined Script Variables (i.e. PSR_R1, XB1_RB)

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Pre-defined Script Variables (i.e. PSR_R1, XB1_RB)

Postby UK_Wildcats » Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:36 pm

I have seen many questions about converting a script from Xbox to PS or vice-versa. The scripts, script language, Gtuner and firmware are designed to work across all platforms.

As part of Gtuner there are pre-defined variables that are linked to index tables for the Titan 1 firmware. It just makes it easier to develop scripts than using index numbers. For example, PS3_R1, PS4_R1, XB1_RB, XB360_RB and WII_RT will allow represent Index 3 by Gtuner. The index is then programmed to the Titan firmware which will translate this correctly based upon the console it detects. Any of these will work for a script regardless of which console.

Please ensure that you take a look at the table at the bottom of the link above. You will see the full cross references.

WARNING: Scripts are usually designed for a specific button layout (i.e. default, tactical, flipped for COD) for that game. Therefore, you may have to make some changes for your specific button layout.
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Re: Pre-defined Script Variables (i.e. PSR_R1, XB1_RB)

Postby J2Kbr » Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:16 pm

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Re: Pre-defined Script Variables (i.e. PSR_R1, XB1_RB)

Postby UK_Wildcats » Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:21 pm

I realized that I have re-posted this several times on the forums, so I figured an announcement may reduce the re-post or make it easier to reference (and find).
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