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COD Bumper jumper style
Ver 1.00 by crewster
Halo Bumper Jumper controls for cod (set in game to default controls) sprint and crouch are both on LS to crouch press LS to sprint Hold LY 100% forwards and click LS. Zoom is on the right stick press once to zoom in and again to zoom out also holding down LT will change all back and stick buttons to do functions that normally require you to take your hands off of the sticks press either RB to throw flash nades or RT to throw Normal nades RS to reload or LS to change weapons. All face buttons are normal if you wish to use this script on xbox change the remap of XB360_DOWN to PS3_L2,XB360_RT to PS3_R2 and XB360_A to PS3_L1 also if you dont want the sensitivy so high delete sensitivity(XB360_RX, NOT_USE, 200, 0, -100, +100); sensitivity(XB360_RY, NOT_USE, 200, 0, -100, +100); or edit the 200 on both axis to 100 or 120 i uses a trackball controller so i like the sens pretty high have fun.