Results 1031 - 1040 of 1404 (0.558 seconds)
Rufus Trial 14
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 14 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner and dash back twice. Activate with LS.
Rufus Trial 13
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 13 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and dash back twice. Activate with LS.
Rufus Trial 12
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 12 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and dash back once, then one more step. Activate with LS. (His armpit should strike Dan's head or you won't be close enough for the Ultra to count).
Rufus Trial 11
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 11 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and dash back once. Activate with LS.
Rufus Trial 10
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 10 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Rufus Trial 9
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 9 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Rufus Trial 8
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 8 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Rufus Trial 7
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Rufus # 7 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan but step out so your toes are overlapping slightly. Activate with LS.
C.Viper Trial 24
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - C.Viper # 24 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner and activate with LS.
C.Viper Trial 23
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - C.Viper # 23 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner and activate with LS.