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Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution - Auto Open Booster Packs - Nintendo Switch
This script will automatically open booster packs until you tell it to stop. Hotkeys: R - Holding for > 3 seconds starts combo L - Stops combo on press Instructions: Go to Card shop and hover on the booster pack you want to purchase. Using Nintendo Switch Pro Controller controls Hold R (not ZR) for 4 seconds It will begin auto opening packs until you press L
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution - DP FARM - Nintendo Switch
This script will enter duelist challenges and instantly surrender after 60 seconds for fast DP farming. Makes around 30-35k DP/hr. Hotkeys: R - Holding for > 3 seconds starts combo L - Stops combo on press Instructions: Go to Single Player -> Duelist Challenges -> Hover on a duelist (preferred Seeker or The Gore) do not select them -> Hold ZR for 4 seconds It should now begin the combo of instantly surrendering duels for points Press ZL to exit combo
Pokemon Sword and Shield Egg Collector
This is the shinyhunt pokemon script slightly modified to just collect eggs from the nursery not hatch them. Most of the script is ssrat5's code just changed a bit. All credit goes to them. Default cycle is 30 eggs which can be changed in the script. Directions at the top of script.
Pokemon Sword and Shield Endless Watt Bot
This is my first script and it farms watts for you with date change glitch. It has a date changer for both US date format and world date format. Can run endlessly try not to abuse. Directions at the top of the script. Credit to Mad for helping with the toggle start.
pokemon sowrd/sheild mass release
this script will release an entire box of pokemon. Instructions at top of script
Pokemon Sword and Shield Loto ID/Master Ball Farm
This script indefinitely does the Loto ID with the help of the date change. Read the top of the script for directions on how to use or it wont work. It has a date changer for both US date format and world date format. Enjoy DO THIS GLITCH BEFORE STARTING SCRIPT
XB1 controller on Ps4
This script allows you to use an Xbox one controller on Ps4
Pokemon Sword and Shield ShinyHunt V0.21 (Nintendo Switch)
Script to automate grinding of eggs. Still a work in progress but it is working so I thought some might find some value in it. Use at your own caution and the Spins will have to be adjusted depending on the Egg Cycle of the Pokemon you are hunting.
Warhammer 40k Space Marine Turbo X
Activated by pressing the "back" button. It will then turbo "X" for working towards 40k kills achievement in Chapter 9: The Bridge.
Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4) Trophy: Healing Hero
This was a frustrating trophy so I decided to make a script for it. After all the time I wasted making it, I decided to share it. Still need good timing with the first button push but that's it.