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BF4 AutoSpot XB1 M/KB
Load Script and press RB key once to activate and again to deactivate
MK9 luikangdualshock3TURBO.gpc
L1,L2,L3&R3 all have different moves programed to 1 button pushes
For those prefering my FULL SOUTHPAW but would rather have the included gamepad x1 comes with.
Xbox One Controller on Xbox 360 - Rumble Triggers
This script will make the triggers on the XB1 controller rumble whenever the controller would normally rumble. You can set the intensity of the rumble within the script using variable "It" Feel free to add this script into another script if you wish. Just please include my email address for the sake of credit :). This script may also work when using the XB1 controller on PS3, I don't own one though so I can't test it.
press L1 to run combo, pressL2 to stop combo, only works left to right.
MK9 luikang14hitcomboRS.gpc
14 hit combo just push L1 when on leftside facing right and must be in sweeping distance
press_L1-dash cancel right side _L2-dash cancel left side _R3-dash right to left _L3-dash left to right
XBOX 360 Racing Wheel for XBOX ONE - Forza 5
This adjusts the deadzone on the XBOX 360 Racing Wheel in order for it to be used with Forza 5 on XBOX ONE. You will also need to adjust the deadzone in the software on Forza 5 (Wheel Inner) to be 0.
GTA V - Cheat Code Inputter
This GPC is used to easily enter cheat codes into GTA V, with the press of only two buttons! This has cheat codes saved so you don't have to enter them! Instructions: 1. Hold the Back Button. The 4th LED will be lit up when you do so. 2. While holding the Back Button, press one of the buttons below: -X: Sky Fall -B: To be Invincible for 5 minutes -DPAD_DOWN: To lower your wanted level -DPAD_LEFT: To spawn a Buzzard Chopper (Fixing soon) -DPAD_RIGHT: To spawn a Comet (Two Door Sports Car) -Y: To activate Super Jump I will be supporting more cheat codes in upcoming releases!
5th. XB360_BlackOpps_E-Vader
XB360 only modd R2,R1 alternated