Results 1381 - 1390 of 1402 (0.551 seconds)
Simple Rapid Fire Ver v1.00 by ConsoleTuner
Easily configure the "Rapid Fire" feature in one button of your controller. You just need to enter which button you want the "Rapid Fire", and the value of the rate of fire.
Battlefield 3 - AUTO SPOT Script Ver v1.00 by ConsoleTuner
Quickly press SELECT to turn on/off "AutoSpot" or hold down the SELECT to Scoreboard. The spotted enemies appear with a red marker, which makes easy to shoot. Just move your crosshair over an enemy to he get marked, it works at long distances and even when the enemy is hiding in bushes.
Call of Duty PS3 (for wiimote) Ver 1.01 by Wiimote
Version 1.01, it's not final version. Pointer not finalize (i want a pointer more smooth, flexible and speed) Crouch/prone finalize (Acc Y nunchuck : first_time = crouch , second_time = prone) Z button (bug)
CoD4 Wiimote For PS3 Ver 1.00 by Wiimote
Version 1.00, it's not final version. Pointer not finalize Crouch/prone not finalize Z button (bug)
Classic Controllers PS3 For XBOX360 Ver 1.00 by Wiimote
Remap joystick PS3 for XBOX360 Can serve as a basis for the beginner in programming.
Classic Controllers XBOX360 For PS3 Ver 1.00 by Wiimote
Remap joystick XBOX360 for PS3 Can serve as a basis for the beginner in programming.
MSC - Mouse Init Value Ver v1.00 by Admin
This script is part of Mouse Sensitivity Calculator. This script helps to determine the initial (minimum) value of mouse movement for controllers like FragFX. The initial value for the Controller Emu plugin is 20.
Uncharted 3 (Beta) with FragFX Ver v1.00 by ConsoleTuner
The use of this script is designed for those who want to play Uncharted 3 (Beta) with the Frag FX controller.
Gran Turismo 5 Ver v1.00 by ConsoleTuner
How about enable slow motion to a perfect driving? Press L3 to activate slow motion. This script also includes combos to automatically start racing in B-Spec mode (D-Pad Right) and to automatically play on A-Spec in the Indianapolis track (D-Pad Up).
Demon's Souls Ver v1.00 by ConsoleTuner
This script helped me to platinum the game Demon's Souls, but I'm sure few will agree with remaps done. I'm adding this script on the base as more to be an example than anything else.