Results 1391 - 1400 of 1404 (1.225 seconds)
Gran Turismo 5
How about enable slow motion to a perfect driving? Press L3 to activate slow motion. This script also includes combos to automatically start racing in B-Spec mode (D-Pad Right) and to automatically play on A-Spec in the Indianapolis track (D-Pad Up).
Demon's Souls
This script helped me to platinum the game Demon's Souls, but I'm sure few will agree with remaps done. I'm adding this script on the base as more to be an example than anything else.
Dead Nation
Rapid fire on L2 (Rush), R2 (Melee) and R1 (Fire). To do head shots press R1 with 90% or more of strength. Square also reloads. Use L2 on panic moments. The script also has a sort of memory of aim.
Braid - Easy way to time control
For rewinding at 2x speed, use L1. Or L2 if you wish to rewinding at 8x speed. When the need arises for time pause, you simply press (SQUARE). And, to finish, use R1 to forward the time at 2x speed.
God of War III
Automatic Double Jump. L1 + CROSS: Magic Attack. Circle Rapid Fire - press 100% to hold. Hold R2: Evade and Attack.
Super Stardust HD
Circular automatic shooting when Right analog is not in use. L1 to limit top speed, good for precise maneuvers. Select button to turn on/off slow motion mode. With this script I got the last two trophies that were missing to 100%. Shock and Awe - Destroy 10 nukes in Endless - and Late Boomer - Get 15 bombs in Bomber.
Playing with Leds and Rumble
Just a simple script that demonstrates how to manipulate the player leds and the rumble of controller. See on comments how to operate the script.
Tales From Space: About a Blob
A simple script to make some things easier. My wife can no longer play without it. Blob now always are eating, press L2 to not. Blob runs if left stick is > 88%.
Medal of Honor (Multiplayer) with Frag FX
The use of this script is designed for those who want to play MOH with the Frag FX controller. Some remapping can not please everyone (like jumping on the left mouse button), feel free to modify this script in any way you want. Despite the ROF have been limited by developers the use of rapid fire in MOH is very advantageous because you can completely unload a clip without suffering the effects of recoil.
Street fighter IV - C.Viper: Easy Ultra Combo
With this script you can run the C.Viper's Ultra Combo regardless the side of the screen you are. To do it point LX to opponent's side and then press L3 to trigger the ultra combo. All other buttons (SQUARE, CROSS, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, R1, R2, LEFT, RIGHT) are running with rapid fire.