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GTA V: True Anti-Kick (Anti-Idle)
Counts X amount of seconds, if amount of seconds counted equals X and no user input has previously been detected then it presses R3. If user input is detected then the counter resets to 0. The scripts anti-kick only triggers if you are truly not using your controller for a certain amount of time!
Destiny 2 Shader Auto-Delete
used to delete Multiple Shader items from Inventory (Destiny does not currently have a multiple delete function)
Destiny 2 Auto Chest Farming on Titan (The Rig)
You will need "Mida Multi Tool" and "Mida Mini Tool" equipped. I used a Titan class. Either your going to move to fast or too slow depending on your movement speed. Go to Titan and fast travel to "The Rig" landing zone. Once loaded hit DPAD UP to start the script. Its not completely efficient but it does open a lot of chests over time. Baby sit to see if your moving too slow or too fast. I think I was at a movement speed 6 (I had uninstalled this game before uploading). This is all by chance as the chests randomly spawn around the room and the bot tries to run to each of these locations. Sometimes enemies will hit your or get in the way. You may open 1 and you might see it go a few times before it finally does. You may see you run right past a chest without opening. Its ok. Over time you will see you're getting chests and with possibility of exotic engrams. Don't forget to pop a XP booster.
Destiny 2 Bright Engram/Bright Dust Farming Leviathan
I did this using a Titan and you will need a sword equipped with light level around 270 or higher. Also you will need "Mida Multi Tool" and "Mida Mini Tool" equipped. I think my movement speed was at a 6. Simple to get started. Enter leviathan, once loaded, hit DPAD UP to start the script. Its not fully efficient. You will die and sometimes you will kill all 6 mobs. Either way it will do it all on its own. You may need to baby sit for a few to make sure your not running to fast or too slow. Make sure you pop a XP booster. Don't worry if your low on bright dust. That will fill up over time as well. This is the final version I'm updating to (Release day of Curse of Osiris) as I no longer care to play this game.
avoid detection on The Golf Club
slight mishit on your axis to avoid detection
Earn Social Rep & Payroll Credits at the HQ, while away. XB1 / PS4
WW2 Jitter Public Release
enjoy and have fun Jitter made by Sérgio_Nunes AKA Playstation VR TUGA to the Community he takes all credit for this amazing script
COD: Hold a Zombie
Holds a zombie before the round ends, so you and your friends can use the bathroom, eat a sandwich or just catch a break.
GTA V: Partial Assisted Aim Headshot Helper
Helps you do headshots. Watch it in action here: