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GTA V: Explosive spam glitch
Allows you to spam RPG and a few other weapons in its slot.
Accessibility: One button > Tap = Right Longer Hold/Release = Left
A method of controlling a slide show on KODI on a Raspberry Pi using a single button or accessibility switch. Can be tweaked for other functions.
PS4 - Auto Delete Recieved Friend Requests
This simple script will manually delete received friend requests for you so you can sit back, eat a sandwhich, and let your lovely device do all the work for you.
Forza 6 Tools
Auto Clutch, Adjustable Throttle Stop for RPM control when drag racing, and Improved ABS
Ark KB+M Macro Key script
This script allows those of us with KB+M to quickly access the second half of our hotbar without holding L1 (which is different for all of us) this script is customizable and easy to set up
Black Desert Auto Fish and Eat Food
This is a work in progress and only uploaded to move to other PC for testing.
[Wiimote] Rocket League base configuration
Hard to use because break is on dpad down. But it's playable.
[Wiimote] All COD games Speed by accel
Added something to make movement faster when you move fast to an angle.
Auto Scope Halo 2
Halo 2 Master Chief Collection. Simultaneously press zoom and fire your gun.
Global advanced sensitivity for Wii controller V2
You need to add your buttons configuration