Results 231 - 240 of 1402 (0.72 seconds)
PS4 - Auto Delete Recieved Friend Requests Ver 1.00 by Loui2
This simple script will manually delete received friend requests for you so you can sit back, eat a sandwhich, and let your lovely device do all the work for you.
Forza 6 Tools Ver 2.2 by Gfoke
Auto Clutch, Adjustable Throttle Stop for RPM control when drag racing, and Improved ABS
Ark KB+M Macro Key script Ver 3 by Hype Kickz
This script allows those of us with KB+M to quickly access the second half of our hotbar without holding L1 (which is different for all of us) this script is customizable and easy to set up
Black Desert Auto Fish and Eat Food Ver 1.0 by TRU-ASSASSIN
This is a work in progress and only uploaded to move to other PC for testing.
[Wiimote] Rocket League base configuration Ver 1.0 by Nicoreda
Hard to use because break is on dpad down. But it's playable.
[Wiimote] All COD games Speed by accel Ver 1 by Nicoreda
Added something to make movement faster when you move fast to an angle.
Auto Scope Halo 2 Ver 1 by MrManlyMan
Halo 2 Master Chief Collection. Simultaneously press zoom and fire your gun.
Global advanced sensitivity for Wii controller V2 Ver 1.1 by Nicoreda
You need to add your buttons configuration
Infinite Warfare 2187 AKIMBO jump jitter AFTER PATCH Ver 1.0 by My_Eggplant_got_her
Hi, it's R1CH516 from PSN here. And this is my personal jump jitter for the 2187 AKIMBO I did after the latest patch. R2 /RT by itself for low jump jitter. L2 /LT by itself for High jump jitter. Pressing both triggers at the same time does nothing, try not to do that lol. Has auto-run, instant-slide when you tap crouch, and you can also activate your payloads by holding down L3 /LS for 145 milliseconds, or the normal way. You must ENABLE sprint cancels reload in the options. And you must already have the AKIMBO attachment on the 2187 for this to work. Will also work with the Reaver /DCM-8 but the previous script i did specifically for the Reaver /Dcm8 will have the lowest hops of any jump jitter ever. Jump jitter will not activate payloads automatically, you activate them manually. To toggle jitter off and on again press L2+Dpad down. It will only rumble when jitter is turned back on. Jitter is on by default.
Call of Duty Ver 1.00 by WiiMot3_fr
Not time for this Script for all cod by Me If you want help me for my work =>