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Dupe glitch mod
BO3 Combo Run
Pretty easy fast running in bo3
Destiny - with primary, special and heavy auto-fire support
This script will track what weapon you have equipped so you can independently turn on/off auto-fire for your primary, special and Heavy weapons. Check it out - I hope you like it!
Helldivers (Stratagem, Autorun, Ressurect, Melee)
Functions: Stratagem macros(4 profiles), Autorun, TurboRessurect, TurboMelee. You can manually change your preferred stratagems for each profile (1-4). You can switch between profiles using R3 + DPAD. Each profile lights different led colors. Special Stratagems are in common for all profiles. TurboMelee & TurboRess will press Circle/Cross button fast when you hold them. AutoRun can be switched On/Off by pressing L3 and R3 together.
Castle Crashers All you can Quaff Easy Win
This script will allow you to easily win any match of All you can Quaff. just hold RS, LS and press A when you finish a Food Item. I am unsure if this works for Castle Crashers Remastered Edition, you can try it.
Battleblock Theater Anti-Conveyor Belt Mod
This script will allow you to walk through a Conveyor Belt as if it is not even there. For example, Trolls will have Conveyor Belts in them to send you to your death, but with this script, you will no longer have to worry about that. To use this ability, hold LB while on a Conveyor Belt. To use normal jumping, just press A. Works with any Controller.
Battleblock Theater Glide Mod (Xbox 360 only)
This simple Script allows the player to glide while holding the Y Button. To use, press LS while in the air, to use the normal Relief, just press Y. As an added bonus the RS Button is also Turbo, so holding RS will make the player call for help insanely fast. (For normal Call for Help use LT) I do not recommend this in an arena mach, due to how unfair of an advantage it can be, but using it in Trolls is fair, cause they are trolls, and this can be useful for getting out of a troll.
PS4 Controller Light Bar turns red when Rumble is activated
This script makes the PS4 (or Dualshock 4) Controller Light Bar turn red when the rumble is activated. The default color is Green but both colors can be changed. UPDATE 1.10 | Fixed PS4 Light bar flashing when rumble is active | Fixed Title | Fixed Description
Vibrator - Valentine's Day Special
This script makes your controller vibrate nonstop
PS4 Fallout 4 Dupe and Scrap Script
To use: Go up to the workshop with the shipment already in hand and hold R1, it will press square to open workshop and as you continue to hold R1 it will dupe copper. I've noticed that when you reach around 20k copper, the game begins to lag and you will lose your shipment so you should keep an eye on this to stop it when it reach that amount. Then go to your scrap and build spot - Open the workshop with the touch pad, go to the statues and then the baseball one. Then aim around mid back as and hold L1, it will start scrapping and placing new ones while you hold L1.