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PS4 Dying Light (Old-Head FPS Controls)
Ver 1.0 by Cereal420Killer
Couch is R3, Kick is Circle, Jump is X, Aim is L2, Swap Weapons is Triangle, Sense is R1, Look Behind/Repair is L1. All the others are not changed. This is how I play FPS games ever since original halo, and this game shouldn't be any different. Thank you Titan One for complete customization.


Battlefield 4 wiimote script (cod bravo settings with alpha reload function)
Ver 20160204-1 by OFC-Giorgio
(c) 2014 (c) 2015 (c) 2016 OFC-Giorgio - All right reserved ONLY PUBLISHED ON (makers of the Titan One usb dongle) NO RIGHTS TO PUBLISH ELSEWHERE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR Based on the scripts of wiimote Fuzzy, Wiimote3, Wiimote and J2Kbr I created a script to mimic the "bravo" settings wiimote+nunchuck of the wii(u) cod games (ghosts, blackops 2, modern warfare 3, black ops, modern warfare reflex and world at war) for PS3 Battlefield 4 but this script will also work for PS4, XBOX 360 and XBOX One. The first version of my script I posted in the c o n t r o l l e r m a x forums (their "publish script to library" function in gtuner suspiciously did not work) and the overfortyclan forums. I removed my scripts from c o n t r o l l e r m a x and only publish them in the c o n s o l e t u n e r Titan One library. In the Titan One forums I posted information about the wii sensorbar that is needed for operating the wiimote. I knew of both the controllermax dongle and the titan one dongle (and the dispute between the two). Initially I choose (and purchased) the controllermax dongle because of their claim of a bigger community and better support. However to me the controllermax "staff" appeared evasive and suspicious about the api, library, a couple of software/website bugs I informed them about, future fixes and future updates, as well as arrogant and rude in their communication towards me (and others). After asking the same questions in the Titan One forums of c o n s o l e t u n e r, I not only got (more detailed) answers, I also noticed there were software updates and even my request to have deadzone settings in MaxAIM DI was added to the new version over night. For now I assume that the Titan One team is the original developer and has the source code of the firmware, gtuner and the plugins. Based on this information I purchased a Titan One dongle and my scripts also worked on it. Hence I removed my old scripts from c o n t r o l l e r m a x and only publish my scripts in the c o n s o l e t u n e r Titan One library. (c) 2014 (c) 2015 (c) 2016 OFC-Giorgio - All right reserved ONLY PUBLISHED ON (makers of the Titan One usb dongle) NO RIGHTS TO PUBLISH ELSEWHERE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR


Kung Fu Panda: SoLL Automatic Wins
Ver 1 by Sitava
This will automatically play matches for 'True Mastery' as well as KOs for 'Oh Your Tenders'


Black Ops 3 Super Slide
Ver 1.00 by Rize77
This script is an alternative to the G Slide and simply makes you slide then cancel the animation by pressing Triangle twice rapidly, otherwise known as the typical COD "YY Cancel" Although not as fast as the G Slide it is way more consistent and less likely to get patched.


Black Ops III (Advanced Formula)
Ver 1.1 by bonefisher
Elite Controller setup! Advanced Rapid Fire, Burst/ Delay Fire, Automatic weapon controlling and way to Burst Automatics. Akimbo's, D-Slide and goodies inside. Enjoy!


FIFA 16 Skill combos
Ver 1.0 by FCB77
Fifa 16 skill combos - standing skills not added. 27 skills added to any side. - KnockBall, FakeShot, BallRoll, BodyFeintCut, StepOverCut, ReversoStepOverCut, HeelFlick2, HeelFlick, FlickUP, Roulette, FakeAndGo, FakeShotBallHop, HeelToHeel(HeelFlick), Rainbow, AdvRainbow. FeintLeft/Right(FakeAndGo), Spin, StopAndTurn, ScoopTurn, Elastico(FakeAndGo), ReverseElastico(FakeAndGo), HocusPocus, TripleElastico, BallRollFlick, TurnAndSpin(StopAndTurn), ElasticoChop, BolasieFlick check information at the start of the file. i have used the XBOX1 button names but it should work on all system unless you have changed your control button mapping.


BO3 Beast Mode Glitch
Ver 1 by cody4tw
This is a script i made for the beast mode glitch. All you do is hold L1 and run forward while next to a beast mode. Also L1 is swapped with left arrow so if you need to throw a lil arnie hit left. Rapidfire is on aswell. Enjoy!


PS4 Black Ops 3 Wiimote - Alpha Settings
Ver 1.00 by DaddyB-Memo
This script manages the Alpha Wiimote settings from the Wii(U) releases of Call of Duty. Customized features for Black Ops 3 include the following: 1) Press A, then C, together to activate Reload/Use; 2) Double-click Plus to activate Specialist Weapon; 3) Double-click-and-hold Minus to use Hack in Campaign mode -- maintain the button press while lighting up targets then release Minus to activate. To achieve this cleanly, there's a tradeoff of a 250ms delay before a legitimate Lethal or Tactical is activated. On the plus side, no Wiimote twisting is required.


Black Ops III (Xbone)
Ver 1.0 by bonefisher
Designed for Elite Controller! ADS Jitter needs tactical equipment to run, great with 205 Brecci. Has a rapid fire on ADS along with XYY Jitter for hip firing. Then couple by itself rapid fires to adjust you favorite sps speed. Reload Slide, Sniper Breath and a Burst Melee along with paddle functions. Enjoy!


Black Ops III 205 Brecci ADS Jitter
Ver 1.0 by bonefisher
Use tactical equipment to run, pick one!