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COD Bo3 Jitter Mod [PS4]
Shotgun like a machine-gun.
BO3 Zombies XP Farmer
Black Ops 3 Zombies - FARM SCRIPT- RAPID XP! Go to private match on the map shadows of evil. hover over start game and press the XBOX button .. leave your pad for as long as you like. the script will keep getting round 15, open 1 or 2 doors for the chance of some liquid.. and restart the map and do it all again. 1500 XP per 2 mins 45000 XP per hour 60 doors a hour MAP: SHADOWS OF EVIL SETTINGS REQUIRED: SENSITIVITY H: 7 SENSITIVITY V: 7 TARGET ASSIST: OFF AIM ASSIST: OFF LAYOUT: DEFAULT ONLY TESTED ON XBOX ONE: Please message in the forum topic with any issues
BO3 Cryptokey Farmer/AW Supply Drop Farmer
Everything you need to read is in the script. :)
PS4 Cross Over Gaming Script
This script will notify you when the Authentication Timeout is about to occur by rumbling the gamepad. You can set the rumble to start whenever you like and the interval between rumbles will increase the closer it gets to automatically resetting your connection. You can manually reset the timer by holding Back and pressing A The Script also swaps the Back with the touchpad button. Version 1.1
[Multi-Platform] Anti-Recoil + Rapid Fire [ADJUSTABLE WITH ON/OFF SAVE FUNCTION]
This is an evolution of my first version to which I've added Anti-Recoil release regulation. Anti-Recoil and Rapid Fire are now decoupled. ANTI-RECOIL and RAPID FIRE are both fully adjustable on the fly, and both have on/off and save function. This script can be used on any console and with any controller, but if you want to use it with mouse and keyboard, comment out any line which has SPVAR in it. X-Aim doesn't support them. Inside the script you'll find detailed instructions for XBOX or PLAY STATION users.
This is a Bunny Hop evolution to which I added a step to the right and one to the left. The combo sequence now is: Crouch, double jump, right, left. This script is press sensitive: you have to fully push LY to run the combo. This is an "indexes" version, can be used with all XBOX and PlayStation controllers and consoles. You can change the keys (define) with the desired ones. For a complete list of Indexes just ask me or someone else who knows them.
Auto Gslide Blackops 3 PS4
How To Use Simply Make Sure You're Sprinting When You Want To Gslide, Simply Press Circle Gslide Demo -
Zombies PS4 Script
This is a reconfigured version of JaggedDiamond's Zombies script. Full credits go to him , I just reconfigured the script timing , buttons and beta tested. HOW TO USE: Press PS Button At 'Start Game' In Zombies Private Match Please read the settings in the script code. Working as of 17/01/16 (AUS TIME/DATE)
Battlefield 4
Elite controller showcase with every rpm rate for your favorite weapon with changing primary to secondary rapid fires, auto spot, sniper breath, auto run, paddle functions and change on the fly anti-recoil. Special thanks goes out to Elvish, J2Kbr and UK_Wildcats_Fans for helping me put this together!
Black Ops III (Elite)
Basically kniightmaare's setup with a little touch of paddle functions for the elite controller. All around rapid fire plus anti-recoil, drop shot, auto sprint,, sniper breath and way for fast reload. Enjoy!