Results 581 - 590 of 1404 (0.841 seconds)
MultiPlatform BO2 Silent Shot
Will soon be added to CoD: Gamepacks, this is the first ever Silent Shot script for both the Titan One, and the CronusMAX. Optimized for Black Ops 2, it is adjustable for other First Person Shooters. You have to change the wait times, and maybe the first red numbers in parentheses that has two numbers. Ex; set_val(17.899, 100); The number you would change would be 17.899.
BO2 Play Dead Script
Hold 'X' to enable. For Xbox 360, can be changed By J2K
[Multi-Platform] Anti-Recoil + Rapid Fire [ADJUSTABLE]
The first successful Rapid Fire + Anti-Recoil script meant for First Person Shooters! Click "Announcement Topic" (below ratings) for more info! ->
Saturn Pad (USB) button combos for Xbox One
The Saturn Pad has a Start button on its face, but no View/Back or Xbox Home/Guide buttons. This script maps button combinations to View and Home so that you'll have all the buttons you'd need for Killer Instinct and other fighting games. Left Shoulder + Start = View/Back Right Shoulder + Start = Xbox Home/Guide Tip: To avoid accidentally pressing Start by itself while attempting to use one of these combinations, hold the shoulder button first before pressing Start. To use a USB Saturn Pad with this script, you'll first need to launch MaxAim DI and map all of the Saturn pad's buttons to the equivalent Xbox One button. This script assumes you mapped Start on the Saturn Pad to Menu/Start on the Xbox One pad. After setting up your controls in MaxAim DI, launch the script through MaxAim DI and you're ready to play!
C.o.D(AW) Simply Devastating 2
Well Guys & Gals here she be, the "big brother" to Simply Devastating, let me introduce you to...........Simply Devastating # 2!!! hope you guys enjoy!!! and if you do like it please click on the green thumbs up over in the corner here lol I will have videos on youtube on this script later on, enjoy!! -Kniightmaare
Call of duty advanced warfare wiimote script (bravo settings)
(c) 2014 OFC-Giorgio - All right reserved ONLY PUBLISHED ON (makers of the Titan One usb dongle) NO RIGHTS TO PUBLISH ELSEWHERE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR This script is based on my Call of duty wiimote script (bravo settings) that was created to mimic the "bravo" settings wiimote+nunchuck of the wii(u) cod games (ghosts, blackops 2, modern warfare 3, black ops, modern warfare reflex and world at war) for the PS3 but this script can easily be altered for the PS4, XBOX 360 and XBOX One. The first version of my original script I posted in the c o n t r o l l e r m a x I posted in the c o n t r o l l e r m a x forums (their "publish script to library" function in gtuner suspiciously did not work) and the overfortyclan forums. I removed my scripts from c o n t r o l l e r m a x and only publish them in the c o n s o l e t u n e r Titan One library. In the Titan One forums I posted information about the wii sensorbar that is needed for operating the wiimote. I knew of both the controllermax dongle and the titan one dongle (and the dispute between the two). Initially I choose (and purchased) the controllermax dongle because of their claim of a bigger community and better support. However to me the controllermax "staff" appeared evasive and suspicious about the api, library, a couple of software/website bugs I informed them about, future fixes and future updates, as well as arrogant and rude in their communication towards me (and others). After asking the same questions in the Titan One forums of c o n s o l e t u n e r, I not only got (more detailed) answers, I also noticed there were software updates and even my request to have deadzone settings in MaxAIM DI was added to the new version over night. For now I assume that the Titan One team is the original developer and has the source code of the firmware, gtuner and the plugins. Based on this information I purchased a Titan One dongle and my scripts also worked on it. Hence I removed my old scripts from c o n t r o l l e r m a x and only publish my scripts in the c o n s o l e t u n e r Titan One library. (c) 2014 OFC-Giorgio - All right reserved ONLY PUBLISHED ON (makers of the Titan One usb dongle) NO RIGHTS TO PUBLISH ELSEWHERE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR
GTA V - Special Ability Mods & More (PS4)
Activate Mods whilst in the game menu and by click (L3) & ( (R3). Mods: - LED will be red if active. Campaign character abilities are triggered by a single button press. (R3) Improved deadzone and sensitivity. (credit to rafaehll). Rapidfire Pistol - slightly improved fire rate. Activates auto when selecting pistol) This is set-up to work with Alternate FPS control scheme you will need to edit control section of script to work with other control schemes. I may add further mods to this in the future. If anyone has any bugs/issues please contact me so i can fix. Enjoy RoR
CoD:Advanced Warfare:Hyper ShotGun RAMPAGE "SubTotal Edition"
Script Founder / idealist = SubTotal Script writer / finisher = Kniightmaare ** we wanna work for Console Tuner!!** ;) ***NOTE*** MUST HAVE GUNG-HO EQUIPPED FOR MOD TO WORK!!!! TAC-19 HYPER SHOT mod - pretty much grab your TAC-19 enter a game and double tap L2 to activate ShotGun_Rampage , find a bad guy and press & hold R2 to blast him away!! check it out @ (47 second vid) , if you wanna use a different gun and not have to switch mods? double tap L2 again to turn Shot_gunRampage OFF and use the full auto rapid fire until you feel like using your TAC-19 again! ENJOY!! =D
OPTIMIZED 4 = PLAYSTATION 3 - RAPIDFIRE(ON-SCRIPT EASY ADJUSTABLE 1-25) // RELOAD // SPRINT // SNIPERBREATH // NO RECOIL(ON-SCRIPT EASY ADJUSTABLE) // INSTA FIRE // INSTA-AIM // LOOK SENS +++ // and more!! "please see script for more info, hope yall enjoy!!!!" everything you need for going "ham" on there asses!!! go get em boys! n Girls!
OPTIMIZED 4 = XBOX-360 - RAPIDFIRE(ON-SCRIPT EASY ADJUSTABLE 1-25) // RELOAD // SPRINT // SNIPERBREATH // NO RECOIL(ON-SCRIPT EASY ADJUSTABLE) // INSTA FIRE // INSTA-AIM // LOOK SENS +++ // and more!! "please see script for more info, hope yall enjoy!!!!