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Does lots of things including full LED customization and others. Is not done yet, read the comments at the beginning of the script.
a script to remap the buttons on the PS3 dualshock3 controller so that amputees and paraplegics with the use of their left hand can play Grand Theft Auto. This is Ver.1 as my DD advances in the game, I will add functionality if needed.
Stryder super fast sword slash and Charge Slash
Use Square for fast slashing Use R3 for Charge Salsh
Forza Motorsport 5 bumpers in menus with Microsoft Wireless Speed Wheel on Xbox One
To compliment my main script, you can select this script on your key when you are in menus to use the triggers as bumper buttons. I load my main script into "5" (for FM5) and this into "1". When using "0" (no script) the bumper buttons cannot be accessed. My script remaps the XB1 bumpers to the Speed Wheel's triggers.
Forza Motorsport 5 with Microsoft Wireless Speed Wheel on Xbox One
After two days of learning the script and reading what others have tried and lots of debunking, i've come up with a script that has my U-Shaped MS Speed Wheel work properly. The good: I have nice steering, all the buttons are as per FM4 with the same wheel with some remapping etc and the rumble triggers are sent to the standard A and B rumbles in the wheel. The lights light up on rev limiter, gear shift, offroad rumble and also the right one (accel) when wheelspinning, and both when hard braking. The caveats: You need to use profile 6 in the game, there are no secondary sticks on the wheel for viewing around cars etc. To use bumpers in the game i've created a second script you can switch to while in menus or hold X and press the triggers as a bumper button in the main script, but the up/down buttons no longer work due to remapping. I find it easier to press the Cronus button to switch to my second profile for bumper support in the menus. I might map up and down with holding X soon as a work-around for those who are not right infront of their consoles. There is no clutch, at least not yet... so you need to select no clutch in the assists. I'm sure I can come up with an autoclutch using some combo commands... and I might just do that soon! I've commented on much of what i've done, so you can change as you need. I set rumble amounts based on what I thought FM4 felt like, and what the new rumble triggers in the XB1 console felt like when driving.
PS4 CoD GHOST HoneyBadger Anti-Recoil Rapid Fire setting
The setting for the rapid fire has been adjusted for the Assault Rifle Honey Badger, the effect will cause the weapon to fire a tiny bit slower but will shoot flawlessly without any recoil (the rapid fire is set to R1 but can be changed to R2 in the script)
Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn (Easy gathering with chocobo + gathering skill)
Basically.... 1. Unmounts 2. Targets the node in front of you 3. uses gathering skill 4. gathers 5. mounts again.----------------------- More in-depth details inside the script.
This script allows the use of the Wii Remote with Nunchuck to play Battlefield 4 on the PS3. This configuration allows operation of all vehicles. Aircraft takes some getting used to as banking a pitching up down is controlled by panning and tilting the wiimote. BF3 used a different controller scheme that I did not write for. To select the Dualshock's left hand up-down-left-right buttons simply hold down the left arm on the wiimote's d-pad and tap the nunchuck's joy stick up-down-left-right.
Final Fantasy 14 : A Realm Reborn - Auto Fishing
Read the script for more info. Detects vibration of hooked fish > auto fishes with combo. Run the script when fishing rod is casted. Pink LED = ON
BF4 tactical strobe light with auto spot for ps4.
design for BF4 on ps4 the tactical strobe light works when you have flash light attachment on any gun. to start and stop this working press R3 (knife) . press R1 to start and stop auto spot.