Results 931 - 940 of 1404 (0.705 seconds)
Cammy Trial 8
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Cammy # 8 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Cammy Trial 7
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Cammy # 7 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Gouken Trial 24
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Gouken # 24 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner and dash back twice. Activate with LS.
Gouken Trial 23
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Gouken # 23 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner. Now look at he black lines, Dan's foot is on one. Line Gouken's foot up with the next black line away but on the side closest to Dan (it's about a dash and a half away from Dan). Activate with LS. You may need to try this one a few times. When you have a Focus attack it needs to be just right so that Dan get's hit and stumbles down. This combo however not only requires the right timing but the exact right distance. So from the position I have said, activate the combo and the 2nd move will be the focus attack. If it knocks him down the combo will play out perfectl, if not click RS to cancel and start again from that black line.
Gouken Trial 22
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Gouken # 22 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and dash back twice. Activate with LS.
Gouken Trial 21
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Gouken # 21 Position: Facing right. Step forward one step from start position and activate with LS.
Hold aim button
This script will hold down the aim button in your favorite FPS game by pressing it once. Press it again to release the button.
Gouken Trial 20
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Gouken # 20 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner and dash back twice. Activate with LS.
Gouken 19
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Gouken # 19 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner and dash back twice. Activate with LS when you see his feet touch the ground.
Gouken Trial 18
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Gouken # 18 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS. The first move is a counter so you need to activate the combo at the right time to counter Dan's punch. I find the easiest way is to count to 4 from when you see him punch. Watch him for a bit until you have it and when you are ready move right next to him and activate the combo before his punch so you can counter it. It will also be very useful in this instance to cancel the combo if you miss the counter so you don't have to watch the ultra go off every time. To cancel the combo click RS.