Results 971 - 980 of 1404 (0.587 seconds)
Seth Trial 21
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 21 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Seth Trial 20
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 20 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Seth Trial 19
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 19 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Seth Trial 18
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 18 Position: Facing right. Push/kick Dan to the corner and make sure he is as close as possible to the edge of the screen. Stand right next to him and dash back once. Your toes should be just touching the black line (one black line away from Dan. Activate with LS when you see his feet on the ground. * This is the most timing and position sensitive trial I have done so far as it all happens in the air. Lucky for you I made it start late so there is a reference point of Dan's feet touching the ground. This happens pretty fast and mine and your reaction times may be slightly different so I would expect this to take a few tries to get exactly right. But once you get the timing right it should work perfectly. Before publishing I made sure I could do it perfectly 10 times in a row so it wouldn't be any more trouble than the timing of the first click. Have fun!
Seth Trial 17
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 17 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Seth Trial 16
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 16 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and jump back once. Activate with LS.
Seth Trial 15
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 15 Position: Facing right. Stand next to Dan and activate with LS.
Seth Trial 14
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 14 Position: Facing right. As soon as you start activate with LS.
Seth Trial 13
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 13 Position: Facing right. Push Dan into the corner and activate with LS.
Seth Trial 12
Super Street Fighter 4 Trials - Seth # 12 Position: Facing right. From the start position move slightly forward so that your foot is touching the black line in front of you and activate with LS. * This is another one that is very sensitive to your position. Your first kick should be hitting Dan in the knee or at least the bottom of his torso. Adjust slightly to make this happen and it will work perfectly.