* Full Destiny Script! *
* Includes support for rapid fire, rapid mele, auto run, *
* anti-recoil, and for shooters using the R1 / L1 for ADS and *
* fire it has support for easy swap in the script. Primary *
* and Special have seperately adjustable rate of fire and *
* primary, special, and heavy have seperate anti-recoil settings, *
* stored persistently so will not have to reset when loading script *
* next time, no rapid fire on heavy as it seems to slow it down. *
* Seperate adjustable anti-recoil on Primary, Special, and *
* Heavy. Turbo Mele can be toggled in game, auto run can *
* be toggled in game, fire, ads, mele, and grendade can be *
* swapped (script mapping only!) in game. This will not change *
* your layout, but simply change the script to match your *
* layout! All values have persistant storage so they will be *
* remembered everytime you load the script, even after moving *
* or unpluging the Titan 1. Easy LED indication of if the *
* is enabled or disabled, Green is on, Red is off. Comments *
* throughout the script as to how to use it, but a short list *
* is here as well: *
* *
* Increase Fire Rate: D-Pad Right while Shooting *
* Decrease Fire Rate: D-Pad Left while Shooting *
* Increase Anti-Recoil: D-Pad Up while Shooting *
* Decrease Anti-Recoil: D-Pad Down while Shooting *
* Reset Script: Make sure primary is equiped and quickly tap R3 *
* Disable Script: Hold R3 for .5 seconds *
* Swap R1/R2 & L1/L2: Press Options & Jump *
* Auto Run Enable/Disable: Options & Circle *
* Turbo Mele Enable/Disable: Options & Triangle *
* Quick-Scope: Tap ADS for less than .4 seconds *
* Increase Quick Scope Delay: D-Pad Down while ADS is up (Not shooting!) *
* Decrease Quick Scope Delay: D-Pad Up while ADS is up (Not shooting!) *
// Sets the button layout used throughout the script.
define Left_X_Axis = 11;
define Left_Y_Axis = 12;
define Right_X_Axis = 9;
define Right_Y_Axis = 10;
define Sprint = 8;
define Auto_Fire_On_Off = 5;
int Shoot = 4;
int ADS = 7;
int Mele = 3;
int Grenade = 6;
int Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay, Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay, Heavy_Auto_Fire_Delay;
int Primary_Anti_Recoil, Secondary_Anti_Recoil, Heavy_Anti_Recoil;
int Primary_Weapon, Secondary_Weapon, Heavy_Weapon;
int Right_Stick = 0;
int Auto_Fire_Hold_Time = 40;
int Weapon_Switch_Check_Time = 0;
int Quick_Scope_Check_Time = 0;
int Auto_Fire_Check_Time = 0;
int Auto_Fire_Enabled = TRUE;
int Selected_Weapon = 1;
int Quick_Scope_Delay;
int Button_Swap;
int Auto_Sprint;
int Turbo_Mele;
init {
Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay = get_pvar(SPVAR_1, 0, 4000, 40);
Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay = get_pvar(SPVAR_2, 0, 4000, 40);
Heavy_Auto_Fire_Delay = get_pvar(SPVAR_3, 0, 4000, 40);
Primary_Anti_Recoil = get_pvar(SPVAR_5, 0, 100, 0);
Secondary_Anti_Recoil = get_pvar(SPVAR_6, 0, 100, 0);
Heavy_Anti_Recoil = get_pvar(SPVAR_7, 0, 100, 0);
Quick_Scope_Delay = get_pvar(SPVAR_9, 0, 4000, 50)
Button_Swap = get_pvar(SPVAR_10, 0, 1, 0);
Auto_Sprint = get_pvar(SPVAR_11, 0, 1, 0);
Turbo_Mele = get_pvar(SPVAR_12, 0, 1, 0);
Primary_Weapon = 1;
Secondary_Weapon = 2;
Heavy_Weapon = 3;
main {
// Sets the speed of the virtual machine loop to 4ms.
vm_tctrl (-6);
if (Button_Swap == 0) {
Shoot = 4;
ADS = 7;
Mele = 3;
Grenade = 6;
} else if (Button_Swap == 1) {
Shoot = 3;
ADS = 6;
Mele = 4;
Grenade = 7;
} else {
Button_Swap = 0;
// Used to change the button configuration if you use R1 to shoot and L1 to
// airm just press Options + X to switch values in the script.
if ((get_val(PS4_OPTIONS)) && (get_val(19))) {
if (Button_Swap == 0) {
Button_Swap = 1;
set_pvar(SPVAR_10, Button_Swap);
} else if (Button_Swap == 1) {
Button_Swap = 0;
set_pvar(SPVAR_10, Button_Swap);
} else {
Button_Swap = 0;
set_pvar(SPVAR_10, Button_Swap);
// Used to enable or disable auto sprint.
if ((get_val(PS4_OPTIONS)) && (get_val(PS4_CIRCLE))) {
if (Auto_Sprint == 0) {
Auto_Sprint = 1;
set_pvar(SPVAR_11, Auto_Sprint);
} else if (Auto_Sprint == 1) {
Auto_Sprint = 0;
set_pvar(SPVAR_11, Auto_Sprint);
} else {
Auto_Sprint = 0;
set_pvar(SPVAR_11, Auto_Sprint);
// If auto sprint is enabled then make sure we are running the combo.
if ((get_val(Left_Y_Axis) < -95) && (Auto_Sprint == 1) && (!combo_running(Auto_Run)) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
// Used to enable or disable turbo mele.
if ((get_val(PS4_OPTIONS)) && (get_val(17))) {
if (Turbo_Mele == 0) {
Turbo_Mele = 1;
set_pvar(SPVAR_12, Turbo_Mele);
} else if (Turbo_Mele == 1) {
Turbo_Mele = 0;
set_pvar(SPVAR_12, Turbo_Mele);
} else {
Turbo_Mele = 0;
// If Turbo Mele is enabled and mele is pressed run the combo.
if ((get_val(Mele)) && (Turbo_Mele == 1) && (!combo_running(TurboMele)) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
// Sets a LED indicator to show wheter the script is enabled or not.
// Green is enabled, red is disabled.
if (Auto_Fire_Enabled) {
set_led(LED_1, 0);
set_led(LED_2, 0);
set_led(LED_3, 1);
set_led(LED_4, 0);
} else if (!Auto_Fire_Enabled) {
set_led(LED_1, 0);
set_led(LED_2, 1);
set_led(LED_3, 0);
set_led(LED_4, 0);
// Check to see if reseting to primary weapon or turning off script.
if (get_val(Auto_Fire_On_Off)) {
combo_run (Reset_Button_Timer);
// Togle button has been released, based on time will reset to primary or
// will disable the script. Holding R3 for .5 seconds will disable, less
// than that will reset script to primary weapon.
if (event_release(Auto_Fire_On_Off) && !combo_running(Auto_Fire_Reset) && !combo_running(Auto_Fire_Togle)) {
if (Auto_Fire_Check_Time < 500) {
} else if (Auto_Fire_Check_Time >= 500) {
// Checks to see what weapon is equiped and runs the rapid fire / anti recoil
// for that weapon if script is enabled.
if (get_val(Shoot) && !combo_running(Primary_Rapid_Fire) && !combo_running(Secondary_Rapid_Fire) && !combo_running(Heavy_Rapid_Fire)) {
if ((Selected_Weapon == Primary_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
combo_run (Primary_Rapid_Fire);
} else if ((Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
combo_run (Secondary_Rapid_Fire);
} else if ((Selected_Weapon == Heavy_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
combo_run (Heavy_Rapid_Fire);
// Checks to see how long the ADS was pressed for, if a quick tap, less than
// .4 seconds will perform a quick scope.
if (get_val(ADS)) {
// If the ADS was pressed for less than .4 seconds runs the quick scope code.
if (event_release(ADS) && !combo_running(Quick_Scope)) {
if ((Quick_Scope_Check_Time <= 400) && (Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
// Measures the amount of time the button was pressed to switch weapons.
// This is used to track which weapon is equiped.
if (get_val(17)) {
// Uses the time recorded and checks to see what weapon was switched to.
if (event_release(17) && !combo_running(Check_Heavy_Weapon_Change)){
// Pressing left on the D-Pad while shooting adds to the delay between
// shots. For every time the left D-Pad is pressed while shooting we
// increase the delay time by 10 miliseconds. This value is then stored in
// a persistent variable that is automatically loaded nex time the script
// is ran.
if (event_press(15) && get_val(Shoot)) {
if ((Selected_Weapon == Primary_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay = Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay + 10;
set_pvar(SPVAR_1, Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay);
if ((Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay = Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay + 10;
set_pvar(SPVAR_2, Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay);
// Pressing right on the D-Pad while shooting shortens the delay between
// shots. For every time the right D-Pad is pressed while shooting we
// decrease the delay time by 10 miliseconds. This value is then stored in
// a persistent variable that is automatically loaded nex time the script
// is ran.
if (event_press(16) && get_val(Shoot)) {
if ((Selected_Weapon == Primary_Weapon) && (Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay >= 10) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay = Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay - 10;
set_pvar(SPVAR_1, Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay);
if ((Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay >= 10) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay = Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay - 10;
set_pvar(SPVAR_2, Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay);
// Pressing down on the D-Pad while shooting strengthens the anti recoil
// setting. For every time the down D-Pad is pressed while shooting we
// increase the amount of anti recoil by 2. This value is then stored in
// a persistent variable that is automatically loaded nex time the script
// is ran.
if (event_press(14) && get_val(Shoot)) {
if ((Selected_Weapon == Primary_Weapon) && (Primary_Anti_Recoil <= 98) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Primary_Anti_Recoil = Primary_Anti_Recoil + 2;
set_pvar(SPVAR_5, Primary_Anti_Recoil);
if ((Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Secondary_Anti_Recoil <= 98) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Secondary_Anti_Recoil = Secondary_Anti_Recoil + 2;
set_pvar( SPVAR_6, Secondary_Anti_Recoil);
if ((Selected_Weapon == Heavy_Weapon) && (Heavy_Anti_Recoil <= 98) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Heavy_Anti_Recoil = Heavy_Anti_Recoil + 2;
set_pvar(SPVAR_7, Heavy_Anti_Recoil);
// Pressing up on the D-Pad while shooting weakens the anti recoil
// setting. For every time the up D-Pad is pressed while shooting we
// decrease the amount of anti recoil by 2. This value is then stored in
// a persistent variable that is automatically loaded nex time the script
// is ran.
if (event_press(13) && get_val(Shoot)) {
if ((Selected_Weapon == Primary_Weapon) && (Primary_Anti_Recoil >= 2) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Primary_Anti_Recoil = Primary_Anti_Recoil - 2;
set_pvar(SPVAR_5, Primary_Anti_Recoil);
if ((Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Secondary_Anti_Recoil >= 2) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Secondary_Anti_Recoil = Secondary_Anti_Recoil - 2;
set_pvar(SPVAR_6, Secondary_Anti_Recoil);
if ((Selected_Weapon == Heavy_Weapon) && (Heavy_Anti_Recoil >= 2) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Heavy_Anti_Recoil = Heavy_Anti_Recoil - 2;
set_pvar(SPVAR_7, Heavy_Anti_Recoil);
// Pressing up on the D-Pad while ADS is held and not shooting increases
// the delay for the quick scope setting. For every time the up D-Pad is
// pressed while in ADS and not shooting we increase the delay between
// pulling up sights and firing by five miliseconds. This value is then
// stored in a persistent variable that is automatically loaded nex time
// the script is ran.
if (event_press(13) && get_val(ADS)) {
if ((Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Quick_Scope_Delay = Quick_Scope_Delay + 5;
set_pvar(SPVAR_9, Quick_Scope_Delay);
// Pressing down on the D-Pad while ADS is held and not shooting decreases
// the delay for the quick scope setting. For every time the down D-Pad is
// pressed while in ADS and not shooting we decrease the delay between
// pulling up sights and firing by five miliseconds. This value is then
// stored in a persistent variable that is automatically loaded nex time
// the script is ran.
if (event_press(14) && get_val(ADS)) {
if ((Selected_Weapon == Secondary_Weapon) && (Auto_Fire_Enabled)) {
Quick_Scope_Delay = Quick_Scope_Delay - 5;
set_pvar(SPVAR_9, Quick_Scope_Delay);
// Records the time that the R3 button was pressed. Used to determine whether
// reset or enable / disable the script.
combo Reset_Button_Timer {
Auto_Fire_Check_Time = get_ptime(Auto_Fire_On_Off);
// If pressed for less than half a second then reset the script.
combo Auto_Fire_Reset {
if (Auto_Fire_Check_Time < 500) {
Selected_Weapon = 1;
// If pressed for a half second or longer then enable / disable the script.
combo Auto_Fire_Togle {
if (Auto_Fire_Check_Time >= 500) {
if (Auto_Fire_Enabled) {
Auto_Fire_Enabled = FALSE;
set_led(LED_1, 0);
set_led(LED_2, 1);
set_led(LED_3, 0);
set_led(LED_4, 0);
} else if (!Auto_Fire_Enabled) {
Auto_Fire_Enabled = TRUE;
set_led(LED_1, 0);
set_led(LED_2, 0);
set_led(LED_3, 1);
set_led(LED_4, 0);
// Used to auto run, no more mashing L3!
combo Auto_Run {
set_val(Sprint, 100);
set_val(Sprint, 0);
set_val(Sprint, 0);
// Used to turbo mele, just hold to keep punching!
combo TurboMele {
set_val(Mele, 100);
set_val(Mele, 0);
set_val(Mele, 0);
// Runs the primary rapid fire & anti-recoil using the settings stored. Can
// be fine tuned to different weapons.
combo Primary_Rapid_Fire {
set_val(Shoot, 100);
if ((get_val(Right_Y_Axis) < 70) && (get_val(Right_Y_Axis) > -70)) {
Right_Stick = get_val(Right_Y_Axis) + Primary_Anti_Recoil;
if (Right_Stick > 100) {
Right_Stick = 100;
set_val(Right_Y_Axis, Right_Stick);
wait (Auto_Fire_Hold_Time);
set_val(Shoot, 0);
wait (Primary_Auto_Fire_Delay);
// Runs the secondary rapid fire & anti-recoil using the settings stored. Can
// be fine tuned to different weapons.
combo Secondary_Rapid_Fire {
set_val(Shoot, 100);
if ((get_val(Right_Y_Axis) < 70) && (get_val(Right_Y_Axis) > -70)) {
Right_Stick = get_val(Right_Y_Axis) + Secondary_Anti_Recoil;
if (Right_Stick > 100) {
Right_Stick = 100;
set_val(Right_Y_Axis, Right_Stick);
wait (Auto_Fire_Hold_Time);
set_val(Shoot, 0);
wait (Secondary_Auto_Fire_Delay);
// Runs the heavy anti-recoil using the settings stored. Can
// be fine tuned to different weapons.
combo Heavy_Rapid_Fire {
set_val(Shoot, 100);
if ((get_val(Right_Y_Axis) < 70) && (get_val(Right_Y_Axis) > -70)) {
Right_Stick = get_val(Right_Y_Axis) + Heavy_Anti_Recoil;
if (Right_Stick > 100) {
Right_Stick = 100;
set_val(Right_Y_Axis, Right_Stick);
// Records the amount of time that the ADS button was held for. This is used
// to determine whether or not to quick scope.
combo Get_ADS_Time {
Quick_Scope_Check_Time = get_ptime(ADS);
// Combo sets the ADS value to 100 then delays the pre-determined time and then
// fires a single shot. This only works if the ADS button was quickly tapped.
// If held for more than .4 seconds this will not run and regular ADS will be
// used.
combo Quick_Scope {
set_val(ADS, 100);
set_val(Shoot, 100);
set_val(ADS, 0);
set_val(Shoot, 0);
Quick_Scope_Check_Time = 0;
// Combo records the time that the change weapon button was pressed to be used
// to determine what weapon is equiped.
combo Get_Weapon_Switch_Time {
Weapon_Switch_Check_Time = get_ptime(17);
set_val(TRACE_5, 100);
// Combo checks the time the change weapon button was pressed. If greater than
// .2 seconds then it was a switch to heavy, if not then it was a switch to
// either primary or secondary.
combo Check_Heavy_Weapon_Change {
if (Weapon_Switch_Check_Time <= 200) {
if (Selected_Weapon == Primary_Weapon){
Selected_Weapon = Secondary_Weapon;
else if (Selected_Weapon == Heavy_Weapon){
Selected_Weapon = Primary_Weapon;
else {
Selected_Weapon = Primary_Weapon;
else {
Selected_Weapon = Heavy_Weapon;
wait (10);
Weapon_Switch_Check_Time = 0;