//This script will let you set a circular deadzone, counter circular and square
//deadzones, and set inner and outer deadzones.
//Note: The circular antideadzone is relative to the remaining range of the
//square antideadzone. I.E, both at 50 will give you a 75 antideadzone, since
//25 is half of the remaining 50.
//Use values 0 to 100. Avoid using deadzones/antideadzones larger than the
//outerdeadzone and midpointX values larger than midpoint2X values.
//A simpler conversion of the TitanTwo script, using previous fixes from ME/DontAtMe.
int deadZone = 0; //Set the circular deadzone the player wants to use
int antiCircleDeadZone = 0; //Set the value of the game's circular deadzone the player wishes to counter
int antiSquareDeadZone = 0; //The value of the game's square deadzone the player wishes to counter
int outerDeadZoneIn = 100; //The value that the play will input that will be considered 100% stick tilt
int outerDeadZoneOut = 100; //The maximum value that will be output to the game
int midPointX = 25; //Curve control. Edit horizontal position of first X-node.
int midPointY = 25; //Curve control. Edit vertical position of first Y-node.
int midPoint2X = 50; //Curve control. Edit horizontal position of second-node.
int midPoint2Y = 50; //Curve control. Edit vertical position of second Y-node.
int angularRestrict = 0; //Restricts diagonal movement around the axes.
int angularAnti = 0; //Skips diagonal movement around the axes.
int uncapValues = TRUE; //Allows diagonal values to exceed the outerDeadZoneOut distance
//set to TRUE if unable to trigger maximum game movements
int useAlternate = 30; //Choose to use alternate settings when a button is held down. Use the identifier
int useAlternate2 = 30; //value of the button. This can be found in Help > GPC Scripting Guide > GPC Language Reference >
//Data Representation > Use the Index value for the button.
int deadZoneA = 0;
int antiCircleDeadZoneA = 0;
int antiSquareDeadZoneA = 0;
int outerDeadZoneInA = 100;
int outerDeadZoneOutA = 100;
int midPointXA = 25;
int midPointYA = 25;
int midPoint2XA = 50;
int midPoint2YA = 50;
int angularRestrictA = 0;
int angularAntiA = 0;
int uncapValuesA = TRUE;
int deadZoneA2 = 0;
int antiCircleDeadZoneA2 = 0;
int antiSquareDeadZoneA2 = 0;
int outerDeadZoneInA2 = 100;
int outerDeadZoneOutA2 = 100;
int midPointXA2 = 25;
int midPointYA2 = 25;
int midPoint2XA2 = 50;
int midPoint2YA2 = 50;
int angularRestrictA2 = 0;
int angularAntiA2 = 0;
int uncapValuesA2 = TRUE;
int deadZoneL = 0; //Set the circular deadzone the player wants to use
int antiCircleDeadZoneL = 0; //Set the value of the game's circular deadzone the player wishes to counter
int antiSquareDeadZoneL = 0; //The value of the game's square deadzone the player wishes to counter
int outerDeadZoneInL = 100; //The value that the play will input that will be considered 100% stick tilt
int outerDeadZoneOutL = 100; //The maximum value that will be output to the game
int midPointXL = 25; //Curve control. Edit horizontal position of first node.
int midPointYL = 25; //Curve control. Edit vertical position of first node.
int midPoint2XL = 50; //Curve control. Edit horizontal position of second node.
int midPoint2YL = 50; //Curve control. Edit vertical position of second node.
int angularRestrictL = 0; //Restricts diagonal movement around the axes.
int angularAntiL = 0; //Skips diagonal movement around the axes.
int uncapValuesL = TRUE; //Allows diagonal values to exceed the outerDeadZoneOut distance
//set to TRUE if unable to trigger maximum game movements
int useAlternateL = 30; //Choose to use alternate settings when a button is held down. Use the identifier
int useAlternateL2 = 30; //value of the button. This can be found in Help > GPC Language Reference >
//Data Representation > Use the Index value for the button.
int deadZoneLA = 0;
int antiCircleDeadZoneLA = 0;
int antiSquareDeadZoneLA = 0;
int outerDeadZoneInLA = 100;
int outerDeadZoneOutLA = 100;
int midPointXLA = 25;
int midPointYLA = 25;
int midPoint2XLA = 50;
int midPoint2YLA = 50;
int angularRestrictLA = 0;
int angularAntiLA = 0;
int uncapValuesLA = TRUE;
int deadZoneLA2 = 0;
int antiCircleDeadZoneLA2 = 0;
int antiSquareDeadZoneLA2 = 0;
int outerDeadZoneInLA2 = 100;
int outerDeadZoneOutLA2 = 100;
int midPointXLA2 = 25;
int midPointYLA2 = 25;
int midPoint2XLA2 = 50;
int midPoint2YLA2 = 50;
int angularRestrictLA2 = 0;
int angularAntiLA2 = 0;
int uncapValuesLA2 = TRUE;
int x, y, newX, newY, outputX, outputY;
int magnitude, angleMagnitude, outputMagnitude;
int normX, normY;
int currRX, currRY;
int prevRX, prevRY;
int currLX, currLY;
int prevLX, prevLY;
int stickRX, stickRY;
int stickLX, stickLY;
int smallValue;
main {
//Apply Right Stick
currRX = get_val(XB1_RX);
currRY = get_val(XB1_RY);
if(prevRX != currRX || prevRY != currRY){
if(get_val(useAlternate) > 0){
applyStick(deadZoneA, antiCircleDeadZoneA, antiSquareDeadZoneA, outerDeadZoneInA, outerDeadZoneOutA, midPointXA, midPointYA, midPoint2XA, midPoint2YA, angularRestrictA, angularAntiA, uncapValuesA, 1);
else if(get_val(useAlternate2) > 0){
applyStick(deadZoneA2, antiCircleDeadZoneA2, antiSquareDeadZoneA2, outerDeadZoneInA2, outerDeadZoneOutA2, midPointXA2, midPointYA2, midPoint2XA2, midPoint2YA2, angularRestrictA2, angularAntiA2, uncapValuesA2, 1);
applyStick(deadZone, antiCircleDeadZone, antiSquareDeadZone, outerDeadZoneIn, outerDeadZoneOut, midPointX, midPointY, midPoint2X, midPoint2Y, angularRestrict, angularAnti, uncapValues, 1);
prevRX = currRX;
prevRY = currRY;
set_val(XB1_RX, stickRX);
set_val(XB1_RY, stickRY);
//Apply Left Stick
currLX = get_val(XB1_LX);
currLY = get_val(XB1_LY);
if(prevLX != currLX || prevLY != currLY){
if(get_val(useAlternateL) > 0){
applyStick(deadZoneLA, antiCircleDeadZoneLA, antiSquareDeadZoneLA, outerDeadZoneInLA, outerDeadZoneOutLA, midPointXLA, midPointYLA, midPoint2XLA, midPoint2YLA, angularRestrictLA, angularAntiLA,uncapValuesLA, 2);
else if(get_val(useAlternateL2) > 0){
applyStick(deadZoneLA2, antiCircleDeadZoneLA2, antiSquareDeadZoneLA2, outerDeadZoneInLA2, outerDeadZoneOutLA2, midPointXLA2, midPointYLA2, midPoint2XLA2, midPoint2YLA2, angularRestrictLA2, angularAntiLA2, uncapValuesLA2, 2);
applyStick(deadZoneL, antiCircleDeadZoneL, antiSquareDeadZoneL, outerDeadZoneInL, outerDeadZoneOutL, midPointXL, midPointYL, midPoint2XL, midPoint2YL, angularRestrictL, angularAntiL, uncapValuesL, 2);
prevLX = currLX;
prevLY = currLY;
set_val(XB1_LX, stickLX);
set_val(XB1_LY, stickLY);
function applyStick(dead, antiCDead, antiSDead, outerDeadIn, outerDeadOut, midX, midY, mid2X, mid2Y, angleRestrict, angleAnti, uncap, stick){
if(stick == 1){
x = currRX;
y = currRY;
x = currLX;
y = currLY;
magnitude = isqrt(x*x + y*y);
smallValue = 0;
if(magnitude <= 10){
smallValue = 1;
x = x*10;
y = y*10;
magnitude = isqrt(x*x + y*y);
//Angle Restriction and countering
normX = 0;
if(abs(x) > (abs(y)*angleRestrict)/100){
normX = ((abs(x) - (abs(y)*angleRestrict)/100)*(100 - (abs(y)*angleAnti)/100))/(100 - (abs(y)*angleRestrict)/100) + (abs(y)*angleAnti)/100;
normY = 0;
if(abs(y) > (abs(x)*angleRestrict)/100){
normY = ((abs(y) - (abs(x)*angleRestrict)/100)*(100 - (abs(x)*angleAnti)/100))/(100 - (abs(x)*angleRestrict)/100) + (abs(x)*angleAnti)/100;
angleMagnitude = isqrt(normX*normX + normY*normY);
normX = (normX*100)/angleMagnitude;
normY = (normY*100)/angleMagnitude;
if(smallValue == 0){
//Increasing antiCircleDeadZone to counter shrinkage with antiSquareDeadzone scaling below
antiCDead = (antiCDead*((antiCDead*(100 - antiSDead))/((antiCDead*(100 - (antiSDead*100)/outerDeadOut))/100)) )/100;
if(uncapValues == FALSE){
if(magnitude > outerDeadIn){magnitude = outerDeadIn;}
//DeadZone and antiCircleDeadZone scaling
outputMagnitude = 0;
if(magnitude > dead){
outputMagnitude = (((magnitude - dead)*(100))/(outerDeadIn - dead)); //Converting to 0-100 range
//Piece-wise curve customization
if(outputMagnitude < midX ){
outputMagnitude = (outputMagnitude*midY)/midX;
else if(outputMagnitude < mid2X){
outputMagnitude = (((outputMagnitude - midX)*(mid2Y - midY))/(mid2X - midX)) + midY;
outputMagnitude = (((outputMagnitude - mid2X)*(100 - mid2Y))/(100 - mid2X)) + mid2Y;
//AntiDeadzone conversion
outputMagnitude = (((outputMagnitude)*(outerDeadZoneOut - antiCDead))/(100)) + antiCDead;
newX = (normX*outputMagnitude)/100;
newY = (normY*outputMagnitude)/100;
//antiSquareDeadZone scaling
outputX = (abs(newX)*(100 - (antiSDead*100)/outerDeadOut))/100 + antiSDead;
if(outputX > 100){outputX = 100;}
if(x < 0){outputX = outputX*(-1);}
if(x == 0){outputX = 0;}
outputY = (abs(newY)*(100 -(antiSDead*100)/outerDeadOut))/100 + antiSDead;
if(outputY > 100){outputY = 100;}
if(y < 0){outputY = outputY*(-1);}
if(y == 0){outputY = 0;}
if(stick == 1){
stickRX = outputX;
stickRY = outputY;
stickLX = outputX;
stickLY = outputY;
if(stick == 1){
stickRX = 0;
stickRY = 0;
stickLX = 0;
stickLY = 0;
//Increasing antiCircleDeadZone to counter shrinkage with antiSquareDeadzone scaling below
antiCDead = (antiCDead*((antiCDead*(100 - antiSDead))/((antiCDead*(100 - (antiSDead*100)/outerDeadOut))/100)) )/100;
//DeadZone and antiCircleDeadZone scaling
outputMagnitude = 0;
if(magnitude > dead*10){
outputMagnitude = (((magnitude - dead*10)*(100))/(outerDeadIn - dead)); //Converting to 0-1000 range
//Piece-wise curve customization
if(outputMagnitude < midX*10 ){
outputMagnitude = (outputMagnitude*midY)/midX;
else if(outputMagnitude < mid2X*10){
outputMagnitude = (((outputMagnitude - midX*10)*(mid2Y*10 - midY*10))/(mid2X*10 - midX*10)) + midY*10;
outputMagnitude = (((outputMagnitude - mid2X*10)*(1000 - mid2Y*10))/(1000 - mid2X*10)) + mid2Y*10;
//AntiDeadzone conversion 0 - 1000
outputMagnitude = (((outputMagnitude)*(outerDeadZoneOut - antiCDead))/(100)) + (antiCDead*10);
newX = ((normX/10)*outputMagnitude)/100;
newY = ((normY/10)*outputMagnitude)/100;
//antiSquareDeadZone scaling
outputX = (abs(newX)*(100 - (antiSDead*100)/outerDeadOut))/100 + antiSDead;
if(x < 0){outputX = outputX*(-1);}
if(x == 0){outputX = 0;}
outputY = (abs(newY)*(100 -(antiSDead*100)/outerDeadOut))/100 + antiSDead;
if(y < 0){outputY = outputY*(-1);}
if(y == 0){outputY = 0;}
if(stick == 1){
stickRX = outputX;
stickRY = outputY;
stickLX = outputX;
stickLY = outputY;
if(stick == 1){
stickRX = 0;
stickRY = 0;
stickLX = 0;
stickLY = 0;