v 5.03 - Nov 26, 2023
hongxing (hongxing)
Featuring:Hongxing CV script
v5.02 Restored the old super glide;
Fixed an issue with charge rifle firing automatically;
Fixed an issue where the PS4 steam controller had difficulty moving;
v5.00 In the new version, built-in curves are added to accommodate classical and linear recoil.
Now you can adjust git files without affecting recoil function;
Add dead zone compensation to solve the drift caused by controller drift and series XIM;
Updated the recoil data of some weapons;
The adaptive smooth pull gun is added to prevent excessive recoil caused by moving the mouse;
Added new features to address left-right movement difficulties caused by the STEAM controller;
Update UI;
v4.26 update weapon data: PROWLER(AUTO)
v4.25 add hid output script,press "F12" to switch K&M and controller;
update weapon data: PROWLER , HEMLOK
v4.24 update steam controller support
v4.23 update nemesis data;
v4.22 support season 16;add a new waepon data;
v4.21 update steam controller support
v4.20 update waepon data;
add close rapid fire on prowler;
add new checkbox to close rabbit jump auto advance;
V4.18 fixed bugs;
V4.17 update player Of adsorption;
v4.16 add close rapid fire on vk47,r301 ;
v4.15 update volt data,fixed auto crouch on toggle optical;
v4.14 update toggle optical (click keyboard key "R" and controller button "Y" will close the optical);
v4.13 fixed bow;
v4.12 fixed rapid fire bug;
v4.11 update English UI;add close weapon rapid fire;
v4.10 update Chinese UI;
v4.09 update Enhance Aim Assist;
v4.08 update new Enhance Aim Assist;
v4.07 fix bugs;
v4.06 add steam controller support Boost Sensitive When Selecting Wheel Items
v4.05 add rope jump;
v4.04 Optimize the support for the controller and add the controller mode;
No additional mouse and git files are required in the controller mode;
v4.03 add input delay;
v4.02 fix bug;
v4.01 add mini gun ,update R301 VK47;update UI
v4.00 add toggle optical
v3.20 fix spitfire;
v3.19 fix volt,support season 13;
v3.18 fix spitfire;
V3.17 fix devotion;
v3.16 add super glide with fish controller;
v3.13 update super glide with cfg on PC;
update tap strafe ,do not need hold ts button
add hold "W","S" page up/down in deathbox
v3.00 update ui;fix wall jump;add tap strafe;
v2.09 fix aim Assist bug; update wall jump ,hibbit jump ;update UI;
v2.08 add ribbit jump;fix antiRrcoil bug;add walk;
v2.07 fix wall jump on xbox series x|s / xbox360
v2.06 update player Of adsorption;change player Of adsorption name;fix super glide;
v2.05 add player Of adsorption
v2.04 fix optimization of Anti-Rrcoil
v2.03 fix L-STAR,HAVOK ballistic trajectory;
v2.02 fix optimization of Anti-Rrcoil;fix bow rapid fire bug
v2.01 fix 0 ammo antiRrcoil bug
v2.00 support new Hongxing'cv;add new Weapon built-in data ;remove quick switch mirror;remove quick use thermal baffle
v1.25 fix aim Assist
v1.24 support do vis's script
v1.22 add optimization of Anti-Rrcoil
v1.21 add auto mouse pick up (need "")
v1.20 fixed bugs
v1.19 fixed quick use battery & aid kit bug
v1.18 update hip aim Assist
v1.17 add aim Assist,quick switch mirror
v1.16 add wall jump
v1.15 add Pathfinder Auto Jump, hold L1/LB to use
v1.13 add hip shot init time
v1.12 add open/close super glide checkbox
v1.10 update mouse pick up , you can use mouse wheel to page up;update quick use battery & aid kit stick add move time
v1.09 add auto crouch
v1.08 add quick use battery & aid kit;update hip shot
v1.07 add mouse pick up speed
v1.06 add quick use thermal baffle
v1.03 add mouse pick up
v1.02 add quick pick up
v1.01 add super glide
v1.00 add hip shot
File List:
  • Hongxing_cv_v1.0.gbc
  • Hongxing_cv_v1.0.gcd
Gtuner IV
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