Basic Syntax
1. Instruction Separation
As in C, GPC requires instructions to be terminated with a semicolon at the end of each statement. However, the closing tag of a block code automatically implies a semicolon, so a semicolon is not need to terminating the last line of a GPC block.
set_val(XB1_A, 75);
x = y * ( z + 1 )
2. Block Statement
A group of statements which are bonded together to form a logic are called block statements. Block statement begins with a { and ends with a }.
main {
if( a <= 120 ) {
z = a + 10;
b = a + 20;
c = b / z;
3. Defines
Defines a named constant at compile time. Defines MUST be defined before the main procedure.
define <name> = <value>;
- <name>: The name of the constant.
- <value>: The value of the constant; only scalar values are allowed.
define MODE_OFF = 0;
define MODE_A = 1, RFA_TIME = 20;
int mode = MODE_OFF;
main {
if(mode == MODE_A) mode = MODE_OFF;
GPC supports C style comments. For example:
block(PS4_START, 200); // This is a one-line C style comment
/* This is a multi-line comment
yet another line of comment */
set_val(PS4_GYROY, 45);
The "one-line" comment style only comment to the end of the line. Multi-line style comments end at the first */ encountered. Make sure you don't nest C style comments. It is easy to make this mistake if you are trying to comment out a large block of code.
set_val(XB1_RT, 45); /* This comment will cause a problem */