Mouse Settings
The most important function of MaxAim DI is how it converts your mouse input into controller stick positions. Console shooters were never designed for mouse control, so, incorrect conversion results in poor aim. The mouse settings panel features all possible adjustments you may need to achieve a PC like movement between your mouse movement and the in-game reticule movement.
![Mouse Settings](drex_mouse_settings_screen.png)
Mouse Configuration:
For best results with the Titan One analog mouse usage from a PC capture it may be required to disable the mouse acceleration native to Windows as the following:
Set the in-game sensitivity to the highest, and set the system mouse DPI to the highest value.
Configure the mouse DPI as described in section 11.
Set the smoothness as described in section 1.
Step-by-step calibration:
Adjust the deadzone (section 7), until you feel there is no more "gaps" performing slower movements.
Set the deadzone shape value (section 8).
Adjust the acceleration (section 3), until you feel the mouse movement is linear in relation of in-game reticule movement.
Start the circle test, as described in section 10.
Adjust the sensitivity (or acceleration) ratio (section 4), until you get a perfect circle.
Stop the circle test.
Adjust the overall sensitivity (section 4) to your personal taste.
The acceleration parameter changes how the game's reticule will respond to slow and to fast mouse movements. Values higher than 1 increase the effective acceleration, making the game's reticule move slower at slow mouse movements, and faster to fast mouse movements. Whereas values lower that 1 decrease the acceleration and have the opposite effect. The goal is cancel the in-game acceleration, which is generally positive, meaning you have to find out the acceleration setting (usually between 0 and 1) that cancels the in-game acceleration. This setting is usually the third one you will make changes.
The sensitivity parameter is nothing more than a multiplier, the input motion is multiplied by the configuration value, expanding the output motion range. Increase this setting if the in-game movement is too slow, or decrease it if the in-game movement is too fast. This setting is usually the last one you will make changes.
Converts the values of mouse input to match the circle area of the analog stick. The possible values of the analog sticks are usually confined to the area of a circle, being impossible reach the maximum values in the diagonals. Some rare games try to fix it, which results in much more sensitive diagonal movements. In this case, the sitickize setting can be adjusted to cancel this effect.
Usually this setting can be left at its default value, the only game that we know to require this adjustment is Battlefield Bad Company 1.
The dead zone parameter allows to shift the stick positions away from the analog stick center, this enables to skip all the stick positions around the analog stick center that do not generate in-game movement (these positions are called the dead zone of the analog stick). If lowest input motion do not generate enough movement, increase the dead zone parameter. Console games usually apply different deadzone values for the X and Y axis. This setting is usually the first one you will make changes, as explained in the guide Finding the Game Deazone.
The deadzone shape can be set to either rectangle or ellipse. As you can adjust independently the X and Y it is possible to cover any possible deadzone shape. For example: to make a circle deadzone select the ellipse shape and lock the X/Y on deadzone settings, with a ratio of 1.00. This setting is usually the second one you will make changes.
The circle test will simulate a continuous mouse circle movement using the radius length and speed value of the correspondent controls. Check the checkbox to start the circle test and adjust the circle radius and speed if necessary. Tweak the mouse settings as described in each section until the in-game reticule start moves in a perfect circle.
Set the mouse DPI value to match exactly your mouse DPI capability, a mismatching value can result in jerkiness. Mouse with 2000+ DPI is highly recommended. Whereas a gaming mouse with more than 1600 DPI doesn't really make any difference on PC, it's not true with MaxAim DI, because the mouse movements can be decelerated to counteract the in-game acceleration. So, a high DPI mouse gives a better linearity (i.e. smoother movements) in this specific case.