

      The Programmer panel empowers easy access to all Gamepacks, GPC Scripts, Remapping Profiles and GPC Files. You can choose up to 9 bytecodes to be programmed into Titan One memory slots using the Gtuner software, making any combination of Gamepacks (ready to use MODS for games), Remapper Profiles (created with MaxRemapper plugin), Compiler Scripts which are custom GPC scripts that you are working on the Compiler working panel, or GPC script files (your saved scripts files).
      To insert a particular Gamepack, GPC Script, Remapping Profile or GPC File into a memory slot just drag-and-drop it from the correspondent list to one of the Memory Slots. Once in the memory slot, the bytecode remains there until you replace it or until you clean the slot. Please note that any update in the bytecode's source will not automatically take effect on the bytecode in a memory slot. You need to manually update the bytecode by drag-and-drop it again to the memory slot.

Compiler Scripts

1. Compiler Scripts
The very first item is the GPC Blocks from the Visual Scripting panel, the remaining items from this list are the scripts currently open in the Compiler panel. These scripts are developed by you or downloaded from the online library.
Dragging and drop a item from this list to a memory slot will automatically compile the GPC script to generate the bytecode. Any compilation error will abort the operation and a error message is shown.


2. GamePacks
All available Gamepacks are shown in this list. A Gamepack is a set of MODs developed for a specific game to improve the gaming experience. Usually a Gamepack can be customized by enabling or disabling MODs or adjusting parameters. The instruction of how to use a Gamepack can be accessed by double-clicking the help icon located next to the Gamepack's name.
Internet connection is required to access the Gamepack features.
Dragging and drop a item from this list to a memory slot will automatically download the Gamepack's bytecode from our server. The downloaded bytecode is serial number locked and can be only used by the Titan One device with the same serial number.

Remapper Profiles

3. Remapper Profiles
This list shows all available profiles of remapper plugin. The Max Remapper plugin should be installed in order to use this feature, it allows you easily (without any programming knowledge) remap all buttons, analog sticks and sensors to accurately customize the controller layout of any game. The Max Remapper is a official plugin and can be downloaded using the Plugin Manager.
Dragging and drop a item from this list to a memory slot will automatically generate a bytecode for the correspondent profile.

GPC Files

4. GPC Files
This control is a GPC file listing from your local disk system. The default starting directory is the same you last used to open or save a GPC file.
Dragging and drop a item from this list to a memory slot will automatically compile the GPC file to generate the bytecode. Any compilation error will abort the operation and a error message is shown.

Device Memory Slots

5. Device Memory Slots
On the left-side of the Programmer working panel you have the representation of all 9 memory slots of your Titan One device. To insert a particular Gamepack, GPC Script, Remapping Profile or GPC File into a memory slot just drag-and-drop it from the correspondent list to one of the Memory Slots. Once in the memory slot, the bytecode remains there until you replace it or until you clean the slot.
On each slot you can check the bytecode type and name, the date and time when it was placed into the slot and if it is serial number locked. Please note that any update in the bytecode's source will not automatically take effect on the bytecode in a memory slot.

Cleaning a Memory Slot

To remove a bytecode from a memory slot simply click on the checkbox next to the slot and then click on the red trashcan icon. You can check more than one slot at the same time, the clean operation will remove the bytecode from all checked slots.

Device Serial Number

6. Device Serial Number
Your device's serial number is shown on the Programmer panel when you have your device connected to your computer. It's a unique code assigned for identification of your unit. You can select and copy your serial number from this text area.

GamePack Configuration

7. GamePack Configuration
Gamepacks can have a set of settings for customization. The settings are usually made using the controller, as explained on the Gamepack instructions. However, you can also customize a Gamepack using the configuration interface, by clicking on the slot number associated to the Gamepack. Please visit the Gamepack Configuration section for more details about how to setting up a Gamepack.

Program Device Slots

8. Program Device Slots
The changes made on the memory slots are not automatically updated to your Titan One device, even for the clean operation. Click on the Program Device Slots button to start the updating, a wizard window will open to guide you through the device programming process.

Synchronize Local Memory Slots

9. Synchronize Local Memory Slots
The "Sync Slots" operation replaces all data of the local memory slots with the bytecodes (Scripts/GamePacks) from the Titan One device.