For the first announcement today we are proud to release a brand new version of Gtuner. Probably the most noticeable difference is the Online Library and Programmer user interface update, which is now much cleaner and match the theme of ConsoleTuner website.
However the updates does not end on the new UI. We also made improvements on the software algorithms, bug fixes, misspelling fixes, added support for our brand new device (Titan One) and an extended API for Gtuner plugins. Everything done without compromise the compatibility with the last generation devices.

Talking about last gen devices. A new version of the firmware (1.60) is now available for update. It adds support for Gtuner Pro in your GamepadProxy devices.
You can download Gtuner Pro 3.0 in the download page of this website, or perform the automatic software update on Gtuner (menu Tools -> Gtuner Update).