Posts Tagged ‘GamePacks’

Titan One User Discovers Hidden Android Functionality

Written by ConsoleTuner on . Posted in ConsoleTuner News

Titan One User Discovers Hidden Android FunctionalityOver the weekend a member (Hey24sheep) of our support forum dropped a bombshell on us. He alerted us to the fact that he is using his Titan One on his un-rooted (unhacked) Android device and it actually functioned quite well. We were shocked and amazed at this revelation as we did not intend for the device to be used on smartphones and tablets, but rather on video game console’s and PC’s.

We asked this member (Hey24sheep) to create a short video, showing this in action, and he has delivered. In this video you will see the Titan One being used wirelessly with a Playstation 4 DualShock 4 controller to play a first person shooter on his Android Smartphone. You will also see footage of him using a keyboard and mouse on the same game. Also featured is a rapid fire mod from one of our existing GamePacks and a wired Playstation 3 DualShock 3 controller being used for the same game.

In other words the Titan One allows you to use your favorite controller on your stock Android device to play your favorite games! And to top it off, most of the current GamePacks work as well. Not to mention, gamers can use their keyboard and mouse for the first time on their Android to play any of the popular first person shooters.

While this is just a “proof of concept” and is not officially supported yet. We are very excited to learn about this and how users have found unique ways to use our little device. Official support will be worked on and testing is under way to make sure this is safe for all devices. We will also be working to make this work on iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad. More information will be released shortly once testing has been completed.

#3 GamePacks for all major titles

Written by ConsoleTuner on . Posted in ConsoleTuner News

Only here, at ConsoleTuner, you can have access to a constant stream of GamePacks for all major games.

A GamePack gives you the functionality of a fully modded controller without the need to install chips or solder wires. Just load a GamePack into your device and you are ready to go. This innovative new technology isn’t available anywhere else on the market. With a full selection of MODS at your fingertips, the Titan One device are perfect for the gamer looking to add an extra edge to their game.