Titan One Review: Jack of all trades. 8.00 – Great!
Titan One review by Ken McKown from ZTGD.com! Thank you for your time and effort in reviewing our product!
Just adding an useful information. The Titan One device is totally lag free, even when using Bluetooth technology. The Dualshock 3, Playstation Navigator, Wiimote, Wii U Pro will work without lag in wireless mode right out of the box. For Dualshock 4 we suggest enable the “InFrame Out“, “1ms Response” AND “BT DS4 Boost” settings for best results and no lag.
“Controller preference has been a deciding factor on which console I buy games for more often than I care to admit. The Xbox 360 controller was near perfection, then along came the Dual Shock 4 and it almost re-invented the wheel. Still, there are certain genres of games I prefer to play with Microsoft’s offset stick layout. So many choices, so little compatibility. That is until now. I got to play around with the Titan One, a USB device that lets players use just about any controller on the new machines, and it is glorious. Playing Killer Instinct with a DS4, or Killzone with a 360 controller really changes the landscape.
It all feels like sorcery, especially when the PS button also works as the Xbox button. It feels unnatural. The best part about this for someone like me is that I can use all those fight sticks I bought for Xbox 360 on both of my new consoles. Killer Instinct and Injustice are so much slicker with a proper arcade controller.
etup is simple for the most part. The Titan One looks like an oversized USB stick, and once plugged in, snapping any controller into its USB slot matches it up with the system. There are some exceptions, for example the Xbox One does not like to play nice out of the gate. Instead I had to log in with my actual controller to make the system recognize the Titan One as a valid controller, then I could switch over to whatever I wanted. It isn’t ideal, but it does work.
Also, keyboard and mouse support works for consoles. Again through some magic and setup though. The Titan One has to be routed through a PC in order for it to work. The interface is easy to use though, and for anyone wanting to go that route, it does work.
Not only does the Titan One let players use any controller on any system (yes I hooked up a Wii remote to the Xbox One, no I don’t recommend it) but it also allows for controller modification. Think of it as having your own programmable controller. This means I could set macros, enable things like rapid fire, or download one of many scripts from the growing library on the Console Tuner website. Now, I don’t advocate using hacks for controllers in online games as I feel it is a mild form of cheating, but for certain offline objectives or repetitive motions, I find it perfectly viable and effective.
Loading scripts and mods into the Titan One is simple. The dongle comes with a USB cable that plugs into the PC. From here there is a piece of software that is used to dump them into the device. Then, once the controller is synched to the Titan One, simply tap the button on the device to switch between the available scripts. Simple and effective.
The Titan One is a very cool device that lets me decide which controller I want to use for which games. Adding fight stick support for my older sticks is a definite bonus. Console Tuner has done what Sony and MS simply could not. The small setbacks are definitely troublesome, but overall this is a must-have for anyone looking for some controller variety.