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ffb_get_actual — Get actual FFB speed and duration


fix32 ffb_get_actual(<FFB_IDENTIFIER>, uint32 *duration);

Retrieve the original speed and duration values of the FFB identified by <FFB_IDENTIFIER>.

ffb_get_actual() will always return the original values, even if ffb_set() is used to set an new speed and duration.


  • <FFB_IDENTIFIER>: An valid FFB identifier FFB_1, FFB_2, FFB_3 or FFB_4. Note: the FFB identifier is passed as direct parameter of the ffb_get_actual() opcode, therefore stack values can't be used.
  • duration: Address of an uint32 variable to receive the duration value. This parameter can be NULL.

Return Value

The FFB speed in percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00 (%).


Example #1 ffb_get_actual() example

uint32 duration, duration_actual;
main {
        ffb_get(FFB_1, &duration) != ffb_get_actual(FFB_1, &duration_actual) || 
        duration != duration_actual
    ) {
        ffb_set(FFB_1, ffb_get_actual(FFB_1, NULL), duration_actual);

See Also

t2/ffb_get_actual.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/29 10:27 by J2Kbr