
GPC Combos

Combo (short for combination) is a term that designates a set of actions programmed to be automatically performed in sequence.

In addition to combos there are also macros.

Combo or Macro

Most of the time you will use a combo. Some reasons to do so:

  • You can create one very fast by code because of its easy to use syntax.
  • You can run multiple combos at the same time.
  • It allows you to mix the current user inputs into your combo like it is required for anti recoil.
  • You and the users you share your script with don't need a sd-card.

You probably want to record and use a macro for:

  • Precise stick movements
  • Long control sequence like when walking around doing a farming route in a game.
  • Doing complex moves/combos in fighting game that require precise timings.
  • Lowering the scripts size to be able to put more features into a single script.

Here is an incomplete list showing their different functionalty.

Feature Combo Macro
Requires a sd-card No Yes1)
Playback multiple ones at the same time Yes No
Allows user input during playback Yes2) Limited3)
Creation per code Yes No
Creation per GTuner IV graphical macro editor No4) Yes
Creation by recording Yes5) Yes6)
Size Limit Yes7) No8)9)

Create / Record

You can created a combo manually or you can use the macro recording of GTuner IV to record inputs and convert it to a combo as explained on this page.


A combo is defined using syntax such as the following:

 combo SomeName {
    set_val(BUTTON_14, 100); // set BUTTON_14 to pressed
    wait(100);               // press for 100ms
    set_val(BUTTON_14, 0);   // set BUTTON_14 to released
    wait(100);               // release for 100ms
    set_val(BUTTON_14, 100); // set BUTTON_14 to pressed
    set_val(BUTTON_15, 100); // set BUTTON_15 to pressed
    wait(250);               // press both for 250ms
    wait(250);               // wait 250ms, without any control states set by code

To execute the combo above you need to use the combo_run(comboname) function.
Example to start it each time you press BUTTON_9:

main {
    if (event_active(BUTTON_9)) combo_run(SomeName);

For complete examples click here and/or take a look at the Related Functions listed below.

  • wait(ms); The wait command sets for how long the last set of actions (commands) must be execute. It's expressed in milliseconds and can range from 0 to 32767.
    • wait can be used within a combo only, not in main { } or anywhere else.
    • wait cannot exist inside conditionals like if.
  • call(comboname); Starts the execution of the combo comboname and waits for the called combo to finish before it continues the execution of the current combo
    • call can be used within a combo only, not in main { } or anywhere else.
    • call cannot exist inside conditionals like if.
  • combo_run(comboname); Start the execution of a combo.10)
  • combo_stop(comboname); Stop the execution of a combo.11)
  • combo_restart(comboname); Restart the execution of a combo.12)
  • combo_pause(comboname); Pause the execution of a combo.13)


There are various pitfalls to watch out for when using combos.

  • Too low/short wait times
    • Times are in milli-seconds. A very short time like wait(1); might not be registered by the game as an input.
    • Try longer wait times like wait(20);.
  • Using call, rumble or led control functions
    • Only use those function within a wait(0); section
    • They are usually marked with something like this in the GPC Language Reference:
      ATTENTION: The ffb_set() should NOT be called on every interaction of main.
    • Recall what the wait command does: It repeats all of the wait times section commands for the time specified. Some functions like rumble or led commands will flood the usb connection of the T2 to the console causing disconnects when they are send to often.
      Example of correct usage:
      combo Example {
        // section wait(0); begins here
        ffb_set(FFB_1,100.0,400); // rumble motor 1 full power for 400ms
        wait(0); // <-- section wait(0) ends here and wait(300) starts
        wait(300); // press BUTTON_10 and _11 for 300ms
  • Press and Release of a button
    • While you can use something like PressReleaseA most of the time you need to understand when not to use it:
      combo PressReleaseA {
        wait(300); // press BUTTON_10 for 300ms
        wait(300); // do nothing for 300ms
      combo PressReleaseB {
        wait(300); // press BUTTON_10 for 300ms
        wait(300); // release BUTTON_10 for 300ms
    • PressReleaseA : If you keep BUTTON_10 pressed manually, the button will not send as released by the script.
    • PressReleaseB : This will explicitly set the button to released for 300ms, even when you keep the button pressed manually.
1) Requires a sd-card for playback, you can record via GTuner IV without one.
2) Controls set by the combo will override your inputs only as long as the time is set for the current active section.
3) Only controls that aren't used during a macro can be manually used during the playback of a macro.
e.g. If your macro doesn't use BUTTON_5 at all you can press it manually and it will be received by the console.
4) As for the recording, you can create a macro via the editor and convert it to a combo.
5) You can only record a macro but convert it or parts of it to a combo
6) You can record macros via code too
7) Regular GPC combos can have to up to 255 states (a state is defined by the wait() statement). However, is possible to chain multiple combos with the call() function, so the maximum length is actually limited by the 8Kb bytecode size
8) You need a bit of code to playback or record a macro, the macro itself doesn't add to the scripts size limit.
9) The maximum length of a single macro file is 24hours.
More precisely up to 24 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 23 seconds and 650 milliseconds
10) combo_run has no effect if the combo is already running.
11) combo_stop has no effect if the combo is not running.
12) combo_restart has immediate effect on inactive or running combos.
13) combo_pause The execution of the combo can be resumed with the combo_run command.
t2/gpc_scripting/combos.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/04 02:47 by scachi