

Similar to the Titan Two's Input Translators, XIM offers keyboard and mouse translation to analog sticks. When the XIM is plugged into the Titan Two, the Titan Two will simply see the XIM as a controller, and as such controller scripts should primarily be used with the XIM.

All models of XIM are compatible with the Titan Two.

XIM plugged into Titan Two


  1. Micro-USB cable.
  2. XIM
  3. (optional) 7.5V DC, 2A, Positive Internal Pin power adapter

Regular Usage

  1. Connect the Micro-USB cable to the Titan Two USB port labeled OUTPUT
  2. Connect the other end of the Micro-USB cable on the device you are playing on
  3. Connect the XIM to the Titan Two USB port labeled INPUT-A or INPUT-B;
  4. (optional) Connect the power adapter to the Titan Two power adapter port
  5. Connect the keyboard/mouse/authentication controller to the XIM's USB hub

Titan Two (Multi HID output) plugged into XIM


  1. Micro-USB cable.
  2. USB hub with a power adapter port
  3. (optional) 5V DC 3A power adapter ([3.5mm x 1.35mm], center-positive)

First-time Configuration

  1. Open Gtuner IV, go to the Device Configuration pane and check the Disable Joystick from Multi Interface HID output checkbox;
  2. Configure the Output Protocol of the Titan Two to USB Multi Interface HID.
  3. Configure the Output Polling Rate and Input Polling Rate of the Titan Two to 1000Hz (1ms)

Regular Usage

  1. Connect the mouse to the Titan Two USB port labeled INPUT-A;
  2. Connect the keyboard to the Titan Two USB port labeled INPUT-B;
  3. (optional) Connect the power adapter to the XIM USB hub power port
  4. Connect the Micro-USB cable to the Titan Two USB port labeled OUTPUT
  5. Connect the other end of the Micro-USB cable to the XIM
  6. Connect the authentication controller to the XIM
  7. Connect the XIM to the console
  8. When using raw output, a script including passthru must be used, such as:
main {
  if(mouse_status(-2)) {
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some keyboard and mouse devices require extra power to function correctly. The appropriate power adapter may be necessary.
t2/usage_guides/controllers/xim.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/05 02:31 by sNAP