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Xbox shoulder button support for Playstation TV
Ver 1 by eastx
The Playstation TV does not support the use of trigger buttons (L2 and R2) during gameplay. This script duplicates the function of L1 and R1 (Left and Right Bumper) to the triggers when using an Xbox One or 360 controller. So you can press either LB or LT on the Xbox pad to activate the Vita/PS TV's L button, and either RB or RT to activate the R button. Doesn't it feel better to fire with the triggers? :) Note: This does interfere with the L2 and R2 function when using the PS TV software keyboard for messages, etc.


Saturn Pad (USB) button combos for Xbox One
Ver 1 by eastx
The Saturn Pad has a Start button on its face, but no View/Back or Xbox Home/Guide buttons. This script maps button combinations to View and Home so that you'll have all the buttons you'd need for Killer Instinct and other fighting games. Left Shoulder + Start = View/Back Right Shoulder + Start = Xbox Home/Guide Tip: To avoid accidentally pressing Start by itself while attempting to use one of these combinations, hold the shoulder button first before pressing Start. To use a USB Saturn Pad with this script, you'll first need to launch MaxAim DI and map all of the Saturn pad's buttons to the equivalent Xbox One button. This script assumes you mapped Start on the Saturn Pad to Menu/Start on the Xbox One pad. After setting up your controls in MaxAim DI, launch the script through MaxAim DI and you're ready to play!