Results 1331 - 1340 of 1404 (0.78 seconds)
3rd. FPS AKIMO DualRapidFire + Jump Ver v7.00 by Kia7
AKIMO So Simple N Done //UP Dated can change slot modes pressing// Y, /_\ + UP;
LED Adjustable Wheel And Dpad Adjustable LEDs Ver V0.75 by bfixer117
When you push the right trigger down the LEDs light up in a speed adjustable wheel and also how fast they blink when you push the Dpad buttons is also adjustable. there with be a great feature added in the future.
COD: Ghosts Secondary auto-fire Ver v1.00 by Albertomendi
The auto fire is activated by pressing Y, and desactivated by pressing Y again. This is useful for having a full auto as primary, so the auto-fire doesn´t disturb the fire. In case you die holding the secondary, you can press MENU (BACK) to disable the auto fire. The rate of fire can be adjusted by pressing MENU and START at the same time, and while holding them RB to make it faster and LB to do the opposite. This is my first Script, so there might be some things to improve, but it works fine. And the autofire is originally done for the 4th handgun (I can´t remember the name :3 ). And I think the rate of fire isn´t saved when you turn it off (I don´t know how to do it) -_-" Be free to make any improvement, and if you can fix the saving the rate of fire thing I would be grateful ;) Thanks everyone and don´t hesitate in contacting me ([email protected]) for anything :D
Analog Sticks to "Digital" Ver v1.02 by fathead2k
When you move either analog stick 15% in any direction it will read as being pressed 100%. *As noted in the script, DO NOT use the right analog stick code for FPS or any game that uses the right analog stick for aiming. Best used for Fighting games and Sports games.
Generic Anti-Recoil Script Ver v1.00 by ConsoleTuner
Generic Anti-Recoil Script
Grand Theft Auto V Ver 1.04 by Baby Cham
Grand Theft Auto V with rapid fire on PS3 R2. Tap select button to toggle rapid fire on/off. You also have the ability to increase or decrease the rate of fire using Dpad up to increase and Dpad down to decrease. Default rate of fire starts at 15 and the maximum is at 25. Enjoy!!
Black Ops 2: Gun: S12, Jitter Ver 1.00 by FatalFox
Gun: S12 Mode: Jitter [X,Y] Recommend extended mags as it burns through the clip fast *Credit: GLaDOS [Adjustable Jitter v1.00] Tested *Public Game *Private Game Demo:
Mk9 johnny 12 hit 40% wall combo.gpc Ver v1.00 by gooff
l1 activate combo from left to right
johnnycage fun1 Ver v.00 by gooff
L1 L2
BF4 Vehicle/Recon Ver .93 by EODCM
Just something I whipped up to suit my needs with MaxAim. See comments in script for details.